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26 of 1928 - A resolution making appropriations for the support of the City Government for the year 1929.
• �,7qs' l p 4 t i Zk "z} � V $ 3 . ' �""oN y, i ,o`.r*1 z9 �'- �,1 '� a r5., 1t - }-.., vR "?ri. i +p`." ;�, d:10-gS+` ,o�,."5� r Y,y �'?..+ a :$ `q R{� `fir`' , r � F yx ti', 59 � F .rw } � � ..` eP sy t C r�: a ck 4A` „?r s3�r - t�F.'dv y p '7 d'N 8'y,,'1.s_ wp'fi..t }� ,r . },,n__:.. k- 4 :Zit't''':'"''''''';'''''''''k:14';`.4.t:''' ' c: 4' • , ... ., .•. �: �� _ ,-- 4 day 1 i fiF *� f .. : t zn � w+t•" a.� 'S ;-, p3-,i .4 - .e- " q. 3 p' 4 _ .*•.4, r.'a �, s r - 4 A 3�"; 'I ".'4.4 x▪ t V ,a r" f _h F� X µ at .. i ' ' f" } 4TMr g f qr - • 5P . , k n ^f7 - y n _. ,': vy ,,, .,, ,,; .,'tiF ^ y ' .4 E s ieii ' YY { 7 Xis N, h t F-, sui - , 41. 3µ ,7'1 1 a :T 4fi -S !t' �, Y � . R. 4: � �' " . V i rts„ `�v .F } �A �.� ' r r4 � a � • �. 04 " +' , ; ' r ,yp. fi • O .m" ° s�� x e4 H. 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DL IT RESOLVED by the 9oarc- of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the following sums of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appro- priated out of any money in the City Treasury,, not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the government of Salt Lake City for the calendar year ending December 71, 1929, said appro- priations being made to the accounts indicated and as further itemized in the following budget, which is hereby approved: I • Salt Lake City, Utah, ;Dec. 20, 1928. TO THE BOARD OF COM/SSIONE'RS, Salt Lake City, Utah. Gentlemen: We, the Board of Estimate do Apportionment, beg to report that we met as required by law and ordinance in session from time to time until the work of completing the budget mac accomplished,and herewith submit report and statement of expenditures and of revenue necessary to be raised for the year ending Dec. 31, 1929. *We have carefully considered the requirements- in detail of each department of the city government es well esvthe estimated and anticipated revenue and have decided upon the lffiet of appropriatidna hereto attached. To mike this apportionment effective the.City Record- er is directed to give notice of hearing on budget and appro- priation resolution in accordance with State Statutes and to ,feevish each department with a certified.copy of the'eatimate and apportionment for that particular department and the Purbhasing Agent is directed to solicit bids for the•printing of 150 copies of the Budget. Respectfu submittf Mayor ud OYa ,Bdard of *st*mate•&AAtortionment BUDG T ALLOWANCE 'FOR .THR YEAR 1929. Departments: Allowance Auditor $17,120.00 Free Public hibrary 95,541.00 - Public:Affairs & Finance: Commissioner . 6,045.00 Lae Department 16,470.00 • Lteense Department 7,440.Or'PurC asini end" •6 12(kottO • Sexton 69,620.00. f§. Treasurer 27,960.00 Municipal Baths 41,650.00- • Public Safety; ` - Commieaiener - 5.700.00 Fire Department 249*850,00 • Street.Y4 )6.0,n6' 94,435.31 Health Department 94.740:,00 •Q.omseunity•Clinic 3,50.0.00 • duvenile.Court 3,300.00- Police & 1'ri8an Dept, • 290,645.00 Public Safety Hdlg. 11,151.00• Parks & Public Property: • Commissioner 3,60,0.Q0 City & County Building 18,561.145 Pound Beeper 39.00 Park Department • 219,237.75 ' {i Dur at .p sn cal Inspection 15,880.00 : Recreation'Dept. • 28,a00.00 Streets & Public Improvements: Commissioner 3,600.00 Engineer • 70,420.00 Streets and Irrigation • 408,565.00 Interest on sew* bonds 37,475.00 Statutory &, General Miscellaneous expenditures 225,940.00 Interest on general bonds 102,612.60 Bond Sinking Fund 77,000.'00 Water -Supply"es VVfterworks: Ilayora-Gewisiesioner 8,380.00 • Water Supply & Waterworks 545,007' 03 • Grand Total • • $ 2,842,435.33 • • • • • • APPROPRIATIQN' BUDGET $Oft YEAR ENDING • DECYMBRR 31st, 1929. Ac.ct. No. Classification Amounts AUDITOR 51-A Salaries $16,100.00 51-B Office supplies & expense - 300.00 Auto maintenance 720.00 ' $17,120.00 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY Based on 1928 Valuation at 5/10 of a mill 95,541.60 DEPARTIENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS & FIMANCE Commissioner's office 68-A Salary o1' Commissioner $ 3,600.90 - 68-B Office supplies & expense 125.00 68-C Salary of Clerk 1,920.00 68-D Furniture & fixtures 400t00 $ 6,045.00 • Municipal Baths 681-1 $ laries., $ _,25,000.00 68-2-1 Supplies & ez eAse ' r 13.t$00./611' 68-C-1 Pn 7. • ,•. i', 50.06 68-E-1 Repairs to building ' 2,500.0.0. 68-0-1 Furniture & Fixture* 100.00 68-B-1 Advertising 2,000.00 68-I-i Auto allowance 300.00 $ 41,650.00 Law Department 52-A Salaries $ 15,070.00 52-D Office expense 350.00 ' 52-C - Court costs f00.00 52.4) I1brary 550.00 52-5 Furniture & fixtures 209.00 524: Automobile expense 100L00- $ 16,470.00 License Department 54-A Salaries 5,700.00 54-B Supplies & expense 400.00 54 C Signs & tags. 500.00 . 54-n Auto maintenanc♦ 840.00 $ 7,440.00 ,tr Acot, No, Classification Amounts Faro ins ing Agent 107-A Salaries . $5,520.00 107-B Suppling & expense `..4.00,00 107-C Furniture & fixtureaa 200.00 $6,120.00 ' Recorder 83-A Salaries . 9,.900.00 83-B Office supplies & expense 1,200.00 83-C Advertising franchises.. 100.00 83-0 Advertising miscellaneous 500.00 83-B Furniture &' fixtures 80..00 4 11,750.00 -' Civil Court 8$-A Salaries $ 11,880.00 84..B Office supplies & expense 1,700.00 84-1) Furniture & fixtures 300.,00 84-B Fines & fees 7,000.00' $ 20,880..00. Criminal Court 85A . Salaries 4,800.00 : . 85-8 Office supplies & expense - 200.00 ' 85.4 Witness fees. :.' . . 1,000.00 85-D Bail forfeiture refund 2540 85-s; Furniture & fixtures 126,00 $ 6,150.00 4. 38,780.00 .. f?01e444'3i .epafa n441W 87-A Salary sexton''& clerk -,42O.Oo 87-B Office supplies& ,expehse 00.00 ' 87-C Cemetery Wages . 49,000.00 87-D Greenhouse wages . 1,800.00 87-B Cem.eterq supplies & expense ; 000.00 87-F Greenhouse papplies•&'expense 300.00 ' 87-0 Trees, plants & seeds; 2,000.00 87-R > Fuel for (reenhae.4C.,reside ee 500.00 87-L To014�4i`s #;msnL 1,240,00 '87-? Repaits & renewals. , ldg. 2,000.00 , 87-U Grading & Seeding Pioneer lots 1,500.00 87-W Auto & truck maintenance - 3,000,00 87-$ Curb & gutter 2.000400 $ 69,620.00 Acct. No. Claseification • Amounts Treasurer 90-A Salaries $15,660.00 90-B Office supplies & expense 10350.00 90-3 Dog tax collections& expanse 6,900.00 90-F System for special ta assessment : ,rolls _ 4,000.00 $27,96040 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Commissioner 50-A-1 Salary $' 3,600,00 58-B-i Supplies & expense 100,00 $ 3,700.00 Fire Department 59-A Salaries 204,00000 59-B Offios supplies & expense 150.00 59-C Dormitory supplies & expense 1,200.00 59-D House supplies & expense 1,000.00 59-i Fire prevention 500.00 • 59-0 Fuel & lubricants motop apparatus 3,000.00 • 59-H Miscellaneous fuel,heating bidgs.etc. 1,300.00 59-I Repairs to buildings 1,500.00 59-4 Chemicais,bose & replacements 7,000.00 59«0 Repairs to equipment 5,000.00 59-R - Medical &surgical 150.00 59-5 Shop tools, machinery& expense 3,250,00 59-T Tools at station & on apparatus 200.00 Construction of new station 10,000.00 59-A-10 Salaries Fire Alarm ' 2,400,00 599-8-10 Supplies & expense fire alarm 1,000,00 59-C-10 New equipment fire alarm. 8,200,00 ' $ 249,850.00 Street Lighting 66-B Rentals $ 86,604.00 1 0(4 ' City'e portion - ' .38:9.94 2=C • " - _ 1,589,11 5-.A " " 1 .8 ;91 6-B it " 1,271.29 7-B • " 953.47 0-it " " 317,82 9-A " Al .635,64 ' 10-A " • " .956418 11-A • IF 398.41 12-A • s 214.80 13-A " ' " • 158.88 • ." , I5 A " " 300. 6 $ 94,435.31 ' Acct. No. CiassifgatiKAn.,, Amounts HEALTH D'IPARTVTITT Health Division 62-A Salaries of.Health Coms'r, $c,Board $3,420.00 62-B Salaries of office & other employees 5,080.00 62-C Office Supplies & expense - 1,500.00 62-D Vital statistics 4,620.00 62-E Furniture & fixtures 150.00 62-F Transportation 1,680.00 62-G Emergency eases 500.00 62-I Disinfectants & medicine. 300.00 62-4• Publicity 600.00 62-L Purchase of auto 1,000.00 62-M Auto repairs & renewals 2.000.00 $20,830.00 :Venereal Clinic 622E-"1 Salary of Inspector 1,620.00 62-C-1 Supplies & expense 500.00 62-D-1• Drugs & medicine 500.00 $2,620.00 Division of Bacteriology 62-A-2 Salary of chief 2,000.00 62-B-2 Salary of assistant 1,200.00 62-C-2. Supplier & expense 1,200.00 62-D-2 New,equipsaent 100.00 $4,500.00 Division of Sanitary InepeCtign 62-A-3 Salary of chief 1,.980.00 62-B-3 Salary of inspectors 9,360.00 62-C-3 Supplies & expense 50.00 11;,390.00 Comfort stations 62-A-4 Salaries 1.020.00 62-B-4. Supplies & expense 1,300.00 62-0-4 Repairs & renewals 200.00 $3,420.00 • *ilk, Meat & Food Division 62-A-5 Salary of Chisf 1,980.00 62-B-5 Salaries of inspectors. 13,860.00 62-C-5 - Supplies & expense 200.00 416,040.00 Division Of Epidedslogy 62=A-6 Salary of chief 2,100.00 62-8-6 Salary of quarantine inspector 1,800.00 62-C-6 Salaries of inspectors 16.270.00 $20,170,00 • Acot, No,: Classification Amounts Division of .Weighte &.Measures 622-A-7 Salary of Chief $2,100.00 62-C-7 Supplies & expense 50,00 $2,150.0 Infant Welfare 62-A-8 Salary of Chief ' $ 1,500.00 62-B-8 Salaries of nurses 1,500.00 62-C-8 Supplies & expense • 100,00 33,100.00 Emergency Hospital 62-A-12 Salary of Chief 2,400.00 62-B-12 Supplies 4 expen a 3,000,00 62-D-12 Salariee 6f-,nurses 5.120.00 $ 10,520.00 94,740.00 Community' Clinic 62-B-9 Maintenance $3,500.00 Juvenile Court 86-A Salaries 2,880,00 86-0 Auto maintenance• _"_4._2-0_t.0�0 i 3,300.00 Police & Prison Dept. ' 80-A Salary -Chief of Police 3,600.00 80-B Salaries Patrolmen, Sec., Jailers, etc. 249,480.00 . 80.0 Office Supplies & Expense 1 490.00 80-D Miscellaneous supplies & expense. $:I�00.00 80-E Traffic `supplies &expense 1,150.00. 80-F Furniture & fixtures 250.00 80-K Identification bureau 150.00 80.E Contingent fund 2.000.00 80-Q, New equipment. 4,500.00 •80-T Telephone-operators 2,900.00 80-5U Motorcycle eupplies & expense 1,000.00 80-1 AuteMobile supplies & expense 7,500.00 $0-X Signalph ne.&.semaphores 3,150.00 0104 7 8*ed.ingJ ftirosers City Jail, 8,000.00 Ea.)) ClotJes,far prisoners 500.00 $a•6 Jail supplies &',expense 1,750.00 Repairs to ;jail & garage 725,00 $290,645.0 Acct,No. Classification Amounts DEPARTM NT-OF PARKS & PUBLIC PROPERTY Commissioner 58-A-4 Salary of Commissioner $3,600.00 Park Department Office 69-A Salaries 5,040.00 69-B Office supplies & expense 250.00 69-C Repairs to rented property 300.00 69-D Furniture & fixtures 100.00 Liberty Park 70-A Wages 29,313.50 70-B Supplies & expense 3,000.00 70-C Improvements 7,000.00 70-D Repairs 500.00 70-E Fixtures 100.00 70-F Fuel 500.00 70-G Tools, implements, hose 1,100.00 70-H Concerts 6,000.00 Zoo 70-A-1 Wages 5,198.50 70-B-1 Supplies & expense 500.00 70-D-1 Repairs 250.00 70-7-1 Feed 1,200.00 70-G-1 Zoo funds 1,100.00 70-H-1 Veterinary 50.00 Automotive & Mechanical Division 70-A-2 Wages 3,360.00 70-B-2 Auto maintenance 3.500.00 70-C-2 Mower 500.00. 70-D-2 Gasoline & oil 3.500.00 70-E-2 Equipment 6,000.00 Greenhouse 70-A-3 Sages 8,660.00 70-B-3 Supplies,& expense 1,500.00 70-D-3 Repairs 700.00 74-E. 3 Trees- d a.plants 1,500.00 70-F*3 Fuel 500.00 Mt. Dell and Resort Farms 70-B-5 Supplies & expense 500.00 City Scales 70-D-6 Wages 1,125.00 70-E-6 Supplies & expense 125.00 Sibley Park 70-A-7 Wages 7,145.00 70-B-7 $ upplies & expense 2,200600 70-C-7 Improvements 5,000.00 70-D-7 Tools, implements, Hose 650.00 • Aoot. N4. Classification Amounts 70-B-7 Fixtures $100.00 • 70-F-7 Fuel 200.00 70-4-7 d. M.Riley bonus 800.00 dQxdapY k 70-A-8 --Wages-. 403 2.50 70-1.8 Supplies & expense 1,200.00 74r0-8 Improvements 1,225.00 70-D-8 Tools, implements, hose 90.00- 70-F-8 Fuel • 300.00 Sugarhouse Park 70-A-9 Wages 462.50 70-B-9 -" Supplies do expense 150.00 70-C-9 Improvements. 500.00 Pioneer Park 71-A Wages 4,020.00 71-B Supplies & Expense 400.00 71-C Improvements 2,500.00 71-D Tools, implements, hose 100.00 City & County Bldg. Park 72-A • Wages 2,082.50 72-B Supplies & Expense 250.00 Parking 73-A Wages 4,005.00 73-B Supplies & Expense 300.00 73-0 Improvements 825.00 Athletic Park • 74=A Wages 980.00 74-B Supplies.dr Sxpenpe 100.00 74-C Improvements 1,000.00 Riverside Park 75-A Wages 842.50 75-B . Supplies A expense 250.00 • Boulevards 77,4 ;Wages A maintenance,-etc. 1,060.00 77-B Weed Dept. 4,000.00 Sorenson Park 7.8-A-1 Wages 385.00 78-B-1 Supplies & expense 125.00 78-C-1 Improvements 224.00 ' 13th West, Reservoir Park 78-A-2 Maintenance & improvements 3,15805 4coount D[or C1aise#ficativri _ ' Amounts Rotary Park 78-B-2 Maintenance & supplies $25Q.00 Sunnyside Golf Course, 78-C-2 Constructions 25,000.00 6th Bast & 'C' St. Tennis .Courts /8-D42 Tennis courts 362.00 Community Ball Park' 78-M-2 Maintenance & improvements 2,102.50 Shade Tree Dept, 78-A-3 Inspection, Maintenance & supplies 5,000.00 Memory Greve 78-A-4 ,.Maintenance & supplies 10,000.00 indsay's Gardens 78-I 'lases 420.00 78-K Improvements 5,000,00 . 78-I. Supplies & expense 200.00 George Muller Mt,Park 78-Y` Maintenance, supplies, improvements, etc.5,000..00 Airport 78-V Maintenance, improvements, supplies,eto.16,050.00 Warm Springs Park 78-I Ma,intenance,Improrements,Supplies,etc. 2,000.00 Victory Park 78-Y Maintenance,Improvements,supplies,etc. 2,777.50 Roach Place 78-Z Making camp places,tables benches, fire places 1.000.00 $219,237 00 Engineer Joint Building 67-l4, Salaries 5,601.16 57>B• Fuel 1,000.00 57.0 Engines room supplies 100.00 6?�D Repairs it renewals 1,000.00 8,001.16 Acct. No. Classification Amounts Custodian City & Co. Bldg. 57-A-1 Wages $6,810.00 57-B-1 Supplies & expense 1,800.00 56-B Repairs to building 1,000.00 56-E Furniture rc fixtures 1.250.00 $10,860.00 Custodian Public Safety Bldg. 57-A-2 Wages 4,151.00 57-B-2 Janitor 1,500.00 57-C-2 Fuel 2,500.00 5?-D-2 Supplies & expense 2,000.00 57-E-2 Repairs & renewals 1,000.00 11,151.00 Estray Pound 79-A 9a; es 24.00 79-E Advertisements 15.00 a 39.00 Bureau of I.echanical Inspection Building Division 109-A Salaries 4,785.00 109-B Supplies & expense 150.00 109-D Auto allowance 840.00 Electrical Division 110-A Salaries 4,785.00 110-B Supplies & expense 150.00 110-D Auto allowance 840.00 Plumbing Division 111-A Salaries 3,120.00 111-B Supplies & expense 150.00 111- Auto allowance 840.00 15,660.00 Reereation Dept. 76-A Jages 3,800.00 76-B Supplies & expense 3,600.00 76-C Imi,rovements 2,000.00 76-D Repairs 800.00 76-E Equipment 1,800.00 76-Y Supervision 12,600.00 76-H Pageants dm festivals 2,500.00 76-I Moving picture, camps 500.00 76-J Adult amateur athletics 400.00 $ 28,000.00 Acet,DNo. „_ Classification Amounts DEPARTM2AT OF STREETS,& PUBLIC tOROVSKENTS 001E08810E2Ft 5$-A$ 9alari a S3600.00 Department of Streets & Irrigation • Office •88-A Salaries, 8.440.00. 88-0 ()fries supplies & expense 800.00 88-0 Furniture 1..00.00 Barns & Shope 88-A-i ` Wages 18,000.00 88-C-1, Supplies & expense 4,8.00.00 88-D-1 ' Equipment 1,000.00 88•B-1 Tools &.implements 3000.00 88-P-1 Pusi 1,500.00 88-8-1 Blacksmith, supplies & expense 400.00 88-I-1 Veterinary 28.00 88-L-1 Peed account 2,500.00 Paved District 88-A-2 Wages 4#'40 0.00 88-C-2 Supplies, expense &repairs 2,000.00 88-D-2 Equipment 500.00 88-B-2 Tools ,& implements 250,00 Unpaved District 88-A • Wages 42, O:OQ 88-D5 Hire of team & teamsters 8,000.00 • 88-0-3. 6.uPplies expense & repairs 5,000.00 88-E-3 Tools & implements 250.00 Sanitary Division 88-A-4 Wages.' 20,000.00 88-8-4 Etre' of team & teamsters • 25,000.00 88-C-4 Supplies & expense & repairs 2,000.00 88•X-4 Wet garbage 14,000.00 88-Y-4 Supplies, expense & repairs 750.00 Sprinkling 88-A�:b" Wages 10;000.00 i 164•5 Road oil 84.000.00 • Metor-2quipthent 884.8 Wages 40,000.00 • 88-0-8 SSuppliea, expense►x & repairs ®80,000.00 88-D-$"; '�- T'�'� a �^' ', t' �. +e t. r t .420„004.0a"... . , *`Repair De,t. $8-A.9 Wages 20,000.00 88-0-9 Supplies, expense & repairs 5,500.00 88-D-0 Equipment 2,500.00 88-1-9 .Fuel 1,500.00 88-T-9 Cement & refined asphalt 7,500,00 411111 Mot. p'o, Class:ification Amounts Irrigation ' 89'-A Wages $4,000.00 89-C .3upplies, ,axResae;4 repairs, _ 150.00 'flumes`& Bti-dges 89-A..1 Wages. :2,500,00 89-9-1 Supplies, expense & repairs v.- 2.000.00 l*` :- t a $08,565.00 BNOIN&ERINQ DSPARTM::NT General Expense 1-A Contingent 9,000.00 . . 1-B Office furniture 25.00 1-C Instrument & tools 760.00 1-D Stationery.& supplies 400.00 1-8 Library 50.00 1-4 Annual report 1,200,00 1-I Telephone exo.hange 70Q.00 1-J Automobile equipment 14800.00 Resurvey of City. 2-8, Locating & setting monuments .._ 1,000.00 2-0 Monuments, frames & covers 200 00 2-B Maps, plats, preliminary surveys 1,500,00 8-H Annexation '100.00, 3 ` City Planning 2,500,00 Smoke Abatement Div.ieion 4-R Industrial plant inspection -5,200.00 4-I Tower observations 1,340.00 4-1 Residential inspection 1,88000 4-R R4iltea4 inspection 1,680.00 4,L Stationery & supplies ' 700,00 4-M Boiler & furnace permits 302l�,00 $12,000.00 Work for Private Parties 5 Surveys- 1,300: 00 6.4 Sidewalk, curb & gutter & drivewey pp mite 1,200.00 5-P Naps, blue prints, etc. 175.00 ' Tatting 'Laboratory 0.A Maintenance &:equipment 550.00 . 6-C. '0peratien 700.00 ' 6-D.. Cement taste for private parties 25.00 041- Asphalt tests 25,0,0:• 6-0 Gasoline tests 1,200.0E1. 6-W Water analyses 20II.00 Acct. Mo. Classification Amounts Fub 'io>Utilities 8-A Underground conduits $250,00 B.B Permits for netting polee 700,00, - Snbdivisions '12-A Proposed .plate dsfiel & office 150.00 City Trta8urer • 14-A Maps, plate, etc. 25.00 Fire Department 17 Maps, plats, etc. 25.00 Law Department 18. General 400.00 18-F-4 Moyle-VYalker: suit 28,00 Public Grounds 19 Surveys, maps, etc,. 100,00 19-A Aviation field 250.00 19-W Municipal bath-warm water 'supply measurement 100.00 19-Y Public Parks 500.00 Cemetery Department 20+$ Daps', pia'ts,,etc. 2©0.00 Street Division`' .. 4 40-C House numbering 800.00 41-0 Street Signs 1,200.00 41-J Opening A widening streets. 200.00 :41-J-4 City Creek entrance 50.00 42-A 'Preliminary cost, plans, etc. paving 600.00 43-A Street Profiles-field A office 200.00 44-A Preliminary cost-plane, etc,-sidewalks 50.00 Drainage Division 47-D-m Northwest drainage canals-maintenance • 1,700.00 .47-N Storm sewers 50.00 47-4 Water table elevation A flow-Beck's . Springs district '75.00 Sewer Division 48-A Sewer plat books 300.00 ` • 48-C Sewer flushing -- 5,800,00 4840 'Maintenance fk,,e4Uilinerit 5,000.00 484 Sewer conneotiena inepe6tiene 1,620 00. 48-J- Sewer oonnedtions*survbys ' S.*00.00 48-0 Pimping plant,Forest :Da3C"eystem salaries 950.00 48-P m • " Dale system- .maintenance 500.00 48-Q, Main trunk sewer puMping c4atiosMaint. 50000 , 48-a " :Wariest: 6,000.00. 48-U Discharge outlet.Porest'-Dale Pumping Plant-Mainz. 2,000.00 49.4, Preliminary costs, planb,etc,-Sewers 60400 .�n. Acct. Bo, . Classification Amounts Interest on Sewer Bonds Series 'F', $075,000.00 due July 1, 193,4 At 'ow 016,875.00_ Series '0' 196,.000,00 ' 'Apr. .,.1939 at 9,600.00 Series 'H' 50,000.00 r Feb. 1, 1940 at 5% 2,500.00 Serial fl' 5,000.00 " Apr. 1 1929. 085,000.00 and 80,000.00 at 4% 3,300.00 Serial after 10 years 'J' $125,00000'due A'pr. J 48 0 4A 5.000.00, $ 47,475.00 . Statutory and General 93-A omitission on bpn di *000.00 93-B Pensions 2,040.00 93=C Claims & damages 4,000.00 93-5 Miscellaneous refunds 1,200.00 93-F Collecting city taxes 46,000,00 93-H Civil service commission 350,00. 93-I Purchase of land 25.000,00 93-J Recording documents ' 600.00 . 93-L Salaries of judges 14.000.00. 93-I Special taxes on,city property 3,000i00 93-0 Insurance on:ci.ty property . ,8,000.00 93-P Blections .6,000,00 93-R Retention Home Maintenance 10,000.00 93-S Legal expense & court costs 300.00 93-T Premium on surety bonds 400.00 93-Y Special auditors 5400.00 93-X Advertising 'special notices (tax) 2,000.00 93-Z Miscellaneous expense. 1,500.00 , 94-B Lxpense in connection with notes 5,000.00 94-0 . Printing Municipal record 2,500.00 $4-E Tax abatements 800.00 94-F Salary Supervisor of Deeds & titles 1,800.00' 94-" Miscellaneous supplies 2'000.00 94-a Deficit ,on special extensicne 5,500.00 94-R Rent on Regent St. property 1,800.00. 94-S Workmen's compensation 13,500.00 94-T Interest on certificates of indebtedness -55,000.00 94-V Civic center 2.,000.00 94-1 Excess electrical energy 1,000..00 94-Z Printing annual report. 450.00 $225,940.00 Bond S inking Fund Redemption of bonds. $ 77,000.00 Aoot. NO. 0la►esifcatian Amounts Interest on General Bonds • Serlee No. 5, $775 000,Q0 dua May "1st, 1954 at 43% $34.875.00 Serial Paving No. 114$5,000.00,du'e Apr. 1, 1929. $55,000. 5 and $"S.0.004.00 at S% 2,625.00 Serial Bathhouse #12-$5,000,044ue,Api, 1, 1929, $55.000,q044$0,000.00 at 5% 2,625,00 Serial Park #13-22,040.00 due Apr. 1, 1929, $32.000.00 and $30,000.00 at 5% ,.;1,550,00 Series No. 14- $35 000.00-due Feb. 1, 1940 at 5%, 1,750,.00 Serial Paving ; 15-$5.000.00 due Feb. let, 1929, 460 000.00 and $54,000,00 at 5% 2,875.00 Serial C.8G416-$4,000,00 due Feb. let, 1929, 353,000.00 and $49,000.00 at 6$ 2,550.00 Serial Sdwk.#17-$1,000.00 due Feb. 1, 1929, $12,000.00 and $11,000.00 at 5% 575,00 Serial Bathhouse #1845,000.00 due Feb. 1, 1929,340,000.00 ' and $55,000.00 at 5%. 2,875.00 Serial Park #19-$4,000,00 due 9eb. 1, 1929, $50,000,00 and,$46,000.00' at 5% 2,400.00 Serial Cemetery #2041.400.00 due Feb. 1,1929, $19,500.00 and $18,500.00 at 5% 950,00 Series Fire Alarm #21-$22,000.00 dub Feb. let,'1 b at 5% 1,100,00 Series 22-$000,000.00 due Jan. 1, 1941, at f% - 4,000.00 Serial 23- 25,000,00due Jan. 1, 1930, $365.000.04 at 5% 18,250.00 Serial #24-$10,000.00 -due May 1, 1929, $60,000.00 and $50,000.00 at 4 3/4% 2,612.50 Total $ 102,612.50 Acct. No. Classification Amounts DEPARTMENT OF W&TBR 2YPPI,X:& tATBRWORKB MAYOR-COM 22IONRR 58-A-2 Salaries $6,600.00 52-8.4 Office auppiie=-A expense • - 400.00 58-4-2, furniture 8s fixtures 300.00 58-D-2 Contingent 1,,000,00 Water Department Fixed Capital Accounts 31L.A Purchase of land & water .. 1:,642.00 3I,2-A Pumping Plant Construction 2000.00 312-0 Miscellaneous structures 1,000.00' 520 New Oratermain extensions ,2.000.00 • 320.4 Viet Jordan canal construction: 2,000.00, 320-*4 Twelve .iack is hat 041:00l. '2t. 5,000.00 ' 320-a Green & tanner Pipe. Line ' 3,000.00 322 Mew services 15,000.00 • 322-A Reconnections 2,500.00 323 New meters 17,820.00 324 Meter installations 12,200,00, 325 New hydrants 1,000,,00 325-A New valves 1,000.00 • 326 New fountains, ,water troughs 10;0,00 - 3274 Office equipment • 1,750.00 327-D New automobiles 3,500,00 327-G New machinery., tools, etc. 500.00 327-H New measuring:devices 200.00 327-H..1.- Measuring-devices, M. :C. 500.00 Meaeuring devices, Big;0ettonweod 600.00 Measuri•ng 'devices, Little Cottonwood. 730.00 323-A Metering services-Green Ditch ' 1,500.00 New Head gates Mast Jordan Canal 10,500.00. Operating Expense Accounts 700-1 Forest fires 3,000.00 701-2-A. Water supply & investigation 1.000,00 701-1-B Stream measure meets 600.00 • 701-2 CityCrsek system I 7,500,00 701-2-A-2 City Creek.Sanitation 1,500604 701+2-B Parleys system 5,000.00 101-2-B-1 Parleys patrol . '3,000.00 701-2B-2 parleys sanitation 2,500,00 701-2B-3 Mt.De11 Reservoir;-maintenance 2.400.00 . .701-2B-4 Parleys"water cam*ieaion-, etn, . 100.00; .701 Bi :Qettonwe04 s stem 3 500 00 24 s. v ., '701-20-1 Big Cottonwood patrol 1,400,00;. 701-28.2' Big Cottonwood sanitation 3,500,00 . . 701-2C-3,Big Cottonwood Reservoir Maintenance 1,500. 00 701-20-4 Green & Tapner•Ditch, Main.t,& operation 3,600.00 ,701-20-9 .0 per.Canal pipe eystem,Maimt.& Opera.,. ,. 600.00 7O2-2C-8•.Seam maaiurerasnta..- • •4..200,00; Big, Cotta�nwt►od measurements ' 354.00 701-2C-9 Upper Ellison Culinary system 50.00 701-24-10 Big Cotton,Kobd.water commission 7.70.00 701 21 ,' 11 4reek,,eyetem." ,x 1,800,00 701-2p-1 -Creek'rtuu1tnary-P a systak -' '00.0.0 701-2Dwit Mill Oreek sa€iur'if **vice . .. . .10040 `'-'" stream measurement 300400`y $ . e 'water commissioner • 600.0'b 701-28 Bmigratisn Pipe Line 130.00 . 701-28-1 " - Creek.Measuring Device ' ' .50.00 Acct. No.. Olassi-i.aatiop: Amounts 701-20 Little eettcnwood striae $600.00 E *easetirina`d►vioe Isitintereimes ,` 100.00 �.. Water.00a4iiinites:Little Cottonwood 150.0.0 701-4 Wit_ Asseseme te: 200.00 701.4-A Beet 1*erdena1,4ane,l Asseeement 3,001.50 701-20-11 : Water *bed investigation 1.400.00 Water Purchased for ReBale' 704 Big Cottonwood•'lonees 400.00 Purification Plant 741-2 Maintenanae,Chlorine Plants 2,500.00 Pumping Plant Operation 721-1. 60th South Pumping Plant,Maint.& Opera. 10,000.00. 721-1A Utah Lake Pumping Plant, Maint. 1,500.00 721-1B Utah Lake Pumping Plant, Operation 1,900.00. 721-10 Jordan,river ,ce issien-report:t 350.00 Tranetiesion`ADistribution 751-2 13th & 15th 4 Sunnyside reservoirs 7,000.00 751-2A Care & improvement Reservoir grounds 750.00 'i 5-1# ' ,Reps rs meas,uring`° devices 200,00 7/51-3 Locating curb boa' I 3,500.00 751-3A 'pater supply & consumption - 2,500,00 751-3B Resurveyy system maps 350.00 781-7 Water distribution 1.10,000.00 v 751-7-A Wages ofvale** runners 5,500.00 751-8 Lowering mains &:services 1,000.00 751-8-A,. • " engineering 50.00 Maintenance 753-1 Repairs machinery, tools, etc. 3,800,00 753-1A Refilling trenches 500.00 753-2 'Peed line conduits 1,000.00 753-2-A Reconstruction P.V.Fiune 500.00 753-4 Repairs to mains 4,500.00 753-4A Repairs to valves 7,000.00 . 753-5 Repaira:to services 10,500.00 753-5A Replacements 3,500.00. 753-51 Frozen serrioes 250.00 753-6 Repairs to meters 3,500.00 705.1/ Repair* to. hydrants 7,500..00 755-8 Repairs.& Care of drinking fountains 1,600.00 Administrative T81.11 Salaries, Supt...- Clerks 13.500,00 181-21 office suPPliee 4,200.00 701 25 Special tax & insurance ° 1,300.00 701-46 • Miscellaneous drayage 1.000:00 • 'T$1«26A , .Wages ofw teemen, etc. 2.500.00 781.27 : Repairs & Supplies automobiles 159000,00 781-29 Appliostians to;Apprepriate,water (8ngimeering) 750.00 781-30 Collection of taxes . 4,000 00. Commercial Sr New Business 761 Salaries Assessor, Inspector, 26,500.00 .Miscellaneous Municipal Sales 006 Refuueada.... 1.,000.00 Acct. !a. 11assifio`ation Amounts Miscellaneous Revenues 613 Individuals & complies $2,000.00 .Maintenance of Canals B-733 Maint.Jordan & B.L.Canati 4,500.00 11-733-1 Jordan & S L.0anal Reconstruction 3,000.00 H-733-1A-$ast Jordan Canal Maintenance' 3,500.00 ,H.733=IB- " " " EztensionA Operation 1,200.00 ` Injuries .& Damages 783-2 Compensation 1,000.00 Bonds 782 Bonds 42,500,00 782-1 Interest on bondei::. 124,296.B0 782-2 Commission oabpnda ,30G..00 261-A Redemption •oi►-w&tbrmain axtensio1 deposits 39,627.03 $445...OTp.O3 INTEREST OM WATER BONDS ( Included on Preceding Pages) Series 'F', $525,000.00 due July 1, 1934 at 4}% 23,0 .00 Series"'G' 440,000.00 due Apr. 14 .1939 at 5%, 27.000.00 Series 'H' 14,,000.00 due Apr. 1, 1$39 at:5% 700.00 Series 'I' 206,000.00 due Feb, 1, 1940 at 5% 10,300.00 Series 'J' 100,000.00 due Feb. 1, 1940 at 5% 5,000.00 Serial 'K', 21,000,00 due Apr. 1, 1929, $717,000.00 and $756,000.00 at 4% 30.660.10 Series 'L' 475 000.00 dne Apr. 1, 1948 at 4% 19,000.00 Serial E. M. C. $16,000.00 due Apr. 1. 1929. $140,000,00 and '$124 000,00 at 5% 6,600.00 Mill Creek•Bonde No. 6-$3.000.00 due 0ot.1, 1929 at 6 210.00 Mill Creek:Bonds.No. 7- .3,700.00 " " 1930 at 6 222,00 • $ 123.317.00 I II I! 1 4 In the opinion of the Board of Commissioners, it is necessary to the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City that this resolution become effective January 1, 1929. 11 This resolution shall take effect on January 1, 1929. ii N Passed by the Hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this It!.. day of December, A. L. 1928. M_r-Z'___''— __—i-d." _—:---------"---...._ t____,_______ ayor. -�� li City ecorder. — I; . it { it i{ N 1 • Nf {