26 of 1929 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations for the support of the City Government for the ye VREMARKS: Resolution Nd. 26 !! - — ! !!: By Commissioner FEHFt _ -------- — I • Authorizing additional appro- !.! .1 priations for the support of the 1 City government for the year.. 1929. .4.10416 Goeignimoners AN PASSEL) JUL kb 1929 awa -1.g.e.titnud.4.i' Oily FIRCOROut. ROLL CALL ` July Salt Lake City,Utah, l VOTING AYE NAY ��., 1929 Burton - I move that the resolution be adopted. Fehr - - - V Finch - ,-Zro . Moran - Mr.Chairman Result - RESOLUTION ?rHERLAS, Commissioners of the various departments hereinafter specified have made written requests for additional appropriations setting forth the emergencies necessitating the requests; and S;HEELAS, it is necessary to make such additional appro- priations for the support of the city government for the year 1929. NOD', THEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED that an emergency exists and it is necessary to make additional appropriations for the fol- lowing accounts and departments for the year 1929, and that the following sums of money or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby appropriated for the support of the various departments indicated for the calendar year ending Decem- ber %1, 1929. Said appropriations are further itemized in the re- quests on file for such appropriations and are in addition to those heretofore authorized and oassed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City on December 20th, 1928, January 24, 1929, February 28th, 1929, March 28th, 1929, April 25th, 1929, May 23rd, 1929, and June 20, 1929, and are as follows, to-wit: PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT. Acct. No. Department. Amount. 90-G City Treasurer 014.87 PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT. 80-B Police Department 8,520.00 59-A Fire Department 6,215.00 59-A-10 rr ar 55.00 59_I " tr 150.00 __ _ " _. i, _ . _. .„„, , , . r 4„„„ill c: . _,_ PARKS AND PUBLIC _'ROP_:TYY. 70-H-7 Park Leoartment 01,000.00 100-A „ IT .00.00 110-0 IT n 200.00 76-B _recreation Lepartment 100.00 76-F " IS 800.00 STBBCTS ANL PUBLIC livIP;OTLMENTS. 8-A Ln.•incerin, Leuartnent 551.--0 48-D "u IT 600.00 I-1 70.on 43-A " It 200.00 8-B " IT 400.00 19-Y " ° 400.00 41-J n Ti 00.s0 88-A-5 Street Lerartment `.,000.00 ,STATUTORY LNL, Gi-N :RF_L. 9 -I Purchase of land 7,500.00 9.-V S )ecial Oud.it l-ccount 7,140.45 ,ATPR.UPKS ANL f;ATI,R SUPPLY. 61 , ;:aterv,or:ks Lepartment 1,174 06 751-2 " " 6.'0.00 20 IT r 1,050.000 261 n n 522�64_ total 77,854.22 It is necessary in the opinion of the Board of Commis- sioners for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its pass, . This resolution shell take effect urson its adoption. .€,AZ..-v, X — . • _domed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1�i:day of _ _, 1929. _di--P-7- h • C._i ,�,:_ City I1ecordcr.