26 of 1964 - A resolution accepting the Federal Grant of the United States of America for sewage treatment works Resolution No.
By George B. Catmull f?.6
Accepting the Federal Grant of the
United States of America for sewag=
treatment works through the Depart
ment of Health, Education and
Walfare in the maximum amount of
1 $300,000.00 to be used under
Project No. WPC—Utah-50 in the
outfall sewer and additions to
existing pumping station in the
sewage treatment project of Salt
Lake City.
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
AUG2 01964
til'Att\- , NVYJr"
i I
REP 72.69.100
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City, Utah, Au.gust 20 , 196 4
Christensen I move that the Resolution be adopted.
Catmull . . . ;
Harrison //,:' ;',:' l i/i
Smart . . .
Mr. Chairman . e'
Result . . . .
RESOLUTION NO. 26 of the City of Salt Lake City, Utah, accepting
the Federal Grant of the United States of America for sewage treatment works
through the Department of Health, Education and Welfare in the maximum
amount of $300,000.00 to be used under Project No. WPC-Utah-50 in the outfall
sewer and additions to existing pumping station in the sewage treatment
project of Salt Lake City.
Section 1. That the City accept the Federal Grant of the United
States of America for sewage treatment works through the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare in the maximum amount of $300,000.00 to be
used under Project No. WPC-Utah-50 in the outfall sewer and additions to
existing pumping station in the sewage treatment project of Salt Lake City;
Section 2. That the Mayor of Salt Lake City is hereby authorized and
directed to sign the statement of Acceptance of said Federal Grant Offer
(entitled Part III Acceptance) on behalf of the City of Salt Lake City,
Utah, and the City Recorder is hereby authorized and directed to attest
said signature and to impress the official seal of the City of Salt Lake
City on the aforesaid statement of Acceptance; and
Section 3. A true copy of the Federal Grant Offer referred to herein
is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
26th day of August , 1964.
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