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26 of 1978 - A resolution adopting Amended Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 11 Resolution No. 26 By Jess A. Agraz II Ij Adopting Amended Budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978. • Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED MAY 1. '? 1978 • :14 --� 40-0 c,m RECO.- r r . Ili ' I ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, May 10 ,19 78 Mr.Cnairman . I move that the Resolution be adopted. Agraz Greener igitnserK. Phillips RESO TION Result A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED BUDGET OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1977, AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1978. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 50, Chapter 10, Title 10, Utah Code Annotated 1953, the budget officer of Salt Lake City has prepared and filed with the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City tentative amended budget in proper form for fiscal year July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978; and WHEREAS, said tentative amended budget has been reviewed, con- sidered and tentatively adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, at a regular meeting of said Board; and WHEREAS, the tentative amended budget as tentatively adopted, together with all supporting schedules and data, have been available for public inspection in the office of the City Auditor for a period of more than ten (10) days as required by law; and WHEREAS, at the meeting of said Board of Commissioners at which said tentative amended budget was adopted said Board fixed the time and place of the public hearing to consider the adoption of the amended budget and ordered notice thereof be published as required by law; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing to consider the adoption of said amended budget has been published as required by law; and WHEREAS, a public hearing to consider adoption of said amended budget has been held in accordance with said notice, at which hearing all interested parties were heard for and against the estimates of revenue and expenditures or any item thereof in any fund as set forth in said tentative amended budget; and WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the final adoption of said amended budget have been accomplished; -2- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, as follows: SECTION 1. That the amended budget attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, be, and the same hereby is, adopted as and for the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, in accordance with requirements of Section 52 of Chapter 10, Title 10, Utah Code Annotated 1953. SECTION 2. That the budget officer be, and he hereby is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of the said amended budget in the office of the City Recorder which shall be available for public inspection at all times as required by Section 41, Chapter 10, Title 10, Utah Code Annotated 1953. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 10th day of May , 1978. yrileffpw T MPORM CHAIRMAN 7` 4 war . CITY RECORDER / EXHIBIT I • SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION • OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR RECOMMENDED BUDGET AMENDMENTS PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 18, 1978 ESTIMATED INCREASE ESTIMATED REVENUE (DECREASE) REVENUE AS AS ADOPTED AMENDED REVENUE: Property Taxes $ 9,580,000 $ 320,000 $ 9,900,000 Sales Tax 9,525,000 900,000 10,425,000 Franchise Tax 8,000,000 (500,000) 7,500,000 Fines and Forfitures 2,000,000 (100,000) 1,900,000 Interest on Investments 650,000 201,000 851,000 Federal Grants 225,000 269,000 494,000 Anti-Recession -0- 230,000 230,000 Appropriations from Surplus 1,200,000 1,200,000 All Other Revenue 9,820,000 -0- 9,820,000 TOTAL REVENUE 39,800,000 2,520,000 42,320,000 APPROPRIATIONS: Public Affairs and Finance 3,809,186 20,000 3,829,186 Public Safety 20,055,203 778,020 20,833,223 Public Works 8,404,576 189,950 8,594,526 Public Development & Planning 2,519,541 12,978 2,532,519 General Government 5,011,494 1,519,052 6,530,546 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $39,800,000 $ 2,520,000 $42,320,000 LXHIBIT II SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION GENERAL FUND • • SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED AMENDMENTS IN APPROPRIATIONS ' - ' PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 18, 1978 BUDGET INCREASES RECOMMENDED AS (DECREASE) AMENDED ADOPTED BUDGET PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND FINANCE: 1976-77 Carry Over $ 20,000 TOTALS $ 3,809,186 20,000 $ 3,829,186 PUBLIC SAFETY: General Support: Transfer Central City (129,482) 1976-77 Carry Over 43,500 Salary Adjustments 18,100 Police: Step Grant 269,000 1976-77 Carry Over 120,000 Transfer from Helicopter Trust 51,202 Fire: Salary Adjustments 405,700 TOTALS 20,055,203 778,020 20,833,223 PUBLIC WORKS: 1976-77 Carry.Over 62,800 Salary Adjustments 127,150 TOTALS 8,404,576 189,950 8,594,526 PUBLIC PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: 1976-77 Carry Over 12,978 TOTALS 2,519,541 12,978 2,532,519 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Transfer to Capital Improvements 1,200,000 Transfer to Central City 129,482 1976-77 Carry Over 174,656 Salary Adjustments 14,914 TOTALS 5,011,494 1,519,052 6,530,546 TOTAL GENERAl. FUND $39,800,000 $ 2,520,000 $42,320,000