27 of 1912 - A resolution removing Walter J. Frazier, Food and Dairy Commissioner, and appointing Truman Tyrell. REMARKS: Resolution No. 27 i By Commissioner Park. Removing Walter J. Frazier, Food & Dairy COmaissioner, and 2.ppointing Truman Tyrell • READ AlsilienTrEO, FEB 131912 7444aatt.#44(dm, CITv , ROLL CALL •-• or Salt Lake City, Utah, 1'0. 13, 1912 VOTING I move that resolution No. V by My 13ark r' be adopted. Keyser Korns Lawrence Morris , Mr.Chainnann . . . RESULT - - T. Comm e/C4L<)of Public Safe • 7.:SOLUTIOL. Be it resolved t.A ,,oa..-Ct of Co if. siopu:s of flalt LnLc City, lJtall: That 'lialtor J. Fra,,i(2r, iooc ao1 Da ry Comi' sioner is Luray reeved from ti o7ico of 'Too_ and Dairy ComiE,sion and Deputy Food ai DV-71 Gommi :-7,ionor Truman Tyrrol shall terT-)orarily Clischar-,o th Lat io of Food and Dairy Coumi7-7ionor action of t'C oarC, nf :ft1A521101].,TS. Pacse,: 71- the k) .r ' of (;o' 711:-sionore of -Jtr, ') 1 11' -Lairor