27 of 1934 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations for the support of the City Government for the ye e,,.102-A REMARKS 97 Resolution No. By Commissioner Marc US Authorizing additional appro- priations for the support of the City Government for the year 1934. Presented to the Board of Commissioners ANA k'AEifeL�tj uV? ; lj 1934 lettlMiardAMALL CITY RCCORDER Dale Filed Address L , A' � /' ' Salt Lake City,Utah,. , , I.taata t#iattl a resolution he adopted.;• - - , : ', t `4-4 �UIUTION WHEREAS, Commissioners of the'various department$ herein- • after Specified have made 'written requests,tor_siiditional appreprta- tiens,sitting forth the emergencies necessitating the requestsj .and .' WHEREAS, it is necessary to make such additional typre- , ' . : priations for the support of .the city government for the year 1934. '', ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT BESOLVEI) that an emergency exists and it. is necessary to make`additional appropriations for the fo3- -lowing accounts' and departments for the. year 1954, and that the fol- . 3osring sung of money, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and: the same are hereby`appropriated,Por"the support"of the various de- partments indicated for the ;calendar year'.ending.December 31, 1934'. Said appropriations are further itemized in.:the requests on file for such appropriations and are in addition to thase heretofore author- - ized and passed by the Board of Commissioners-of Salt Lake City on - December 29, 1933, March.29, 1934., May ;24, I934, July 3, 1934, July : 25th, 1934, August 30, 19164 an4,October 31, 1934, to-wits ' PDBL BA feet No. Department, • , A>rQ t 4., 4'- � $6,44 Cammiasionerts-.vffile #4 , �. #2 . ; ' .31=4..—;6 }Pipe Dept. ; s .' t fit, 1 " r .33-A 11. n i n ' +c " a3-A-15 r 33-A-30 " e .1�, . +; : t t s 33=B-1 " Cr 18', se1 tia, `•, 33-B-2 tr 9r . 33-B-12 n 'r 1 . 1: 33-2- n e 38 :33=B-15 " " - 44 33 a 17 " " 2$71. ,, c 33=-B-19 ' a 1 A 111!4 "f 4 f yw .a N k :...fib,�`*,�7�-� -s+n v. x', . 1 Y� • g ivy 'o',F.: - 't 3 : e"ia , x -1 a ,Aceoinat No. Department. mount. '33-E-11 'Regatta Department $ 23.61 ,33-F-24 ....f * 43..00 .. 33-:F-37 n n. 195.44 55-F 59 n. • n 3.00. 33-I-g n" n gl1 12 33--2-28 Telepione. & Telegraph - "'I:i '.5`4; a*,,697,. T PARES ASD:'<Pi 3LIC PRONE T!, 60-A-2 Commissioner's office 1614.00 61-A-17 .;, Park Dept. 1525.0) 61-A-21 It n 102800. 63-A-22 n n 70E036 63-7i-.2' • n e 500.00 1 43-D-2 , n n 60.00 63-F-6 n n. 150.00 63-F-33 n, n- 10.00 63-I-1 Nibley Park 1245`.0.0 79-A- 79A-3, k Dgpt 1775.34 Pa! n " 2.30 15,000.40 "` ,P, JLtO it- AIRS A D ;Wan. 2-4-2 Mayors office 323.25 2-B-12 " n '7 150.00 2-B-13 " n 25.00 2-E 6 k n o}, 25.00 - a it .; s n 60.00 2-I- r n 4 850.50 3-A-1 Wasatch Spr`�.nggs 157.50 1 4-A-27 Juvenile Court 162.00 ` ' 5-A-2' Law Department 72.00 5-A-1S n; nr 495.00 • 5 -12 r . " n' 150.00 - 5-E-6 n .''.n 25.00 • 5-I-1 n n 9.30 6-A-2 License Department 49.50. 6-A-11 n n 123.75 6-A-1 n 0 85.50 6-B-29 n n , 100.00 7-A-1 Purchasing Agent 101.25 7-A-2 It it 317.25 8-A-1 City Recorder 101.25 r 8-A-2 n n .270.00 9-A-2 Civil Court 351.00 10-A-2 Criminal Court 202.50 11-A-1 Cemetery 83.25 11-A-2 ' n 74.25 11-A-21 n 78.75 11-B-.13:. n 200.00 i1-D-1 • n :311.20 11-I-1 n 400.00 12-A-1 Treasurer . 155.00 ' 12-A-2 n 486.00 44 .k, PUBLIC SAFETY. 34-A-7 Pollee Department ' 24014.10 34-B-4 Poliee " 55.03 34-E-13 n n 116.54 34'-F-28 " n 117=qg 24,302.:e STgB 0 sf Account Via. Deoar'ment: ,; Amount• 120-A-22 Engineering Department $1709-.17- 120-A-32 n It 490..83 ' 120-B-1 n a A . 500..00 120-B-2 ti n" 156.00 120-8.4 n a r 70.• 00 120-B-11 " n . . 26.00 120.-8-12 • n .30.00 120-B-13 n n 85..00 120-B-19 n " - 700.06 120-B-27 n n 75.06: 120-E-1 " n 10100 05 12 - -2 n n ',25 00 120-E-6 tt n 250000 120-F-4 n n 650.00 120-F-28 TM " 100.00 120-F-29 ' • n : n 275.00 120-F-39, " u 10.00 120-$'-40 n " 350.00 $ 5500.00. It is necessary in the opini®n of the,Btlard of Commission- e®s for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants Of Salt ,Lake City, Utah,that this resolution take effect upon its passage. - This resolution shall take e- ect upon:its.adoption. • Adopted by the' BDard°of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, ;Utah, ,this 20th day of Joirember - ` , 1934. _Mayor. , r`+U„ City eaorder.