27 of 1969 - A resolution objecting to the discontinuance of Trains Nos. 17 and 18, known as the California Zephy Resolution No. 27
Objecting to the discontinuance of
Trains Nos. 17 and 18, known as the
California Zephyr between Denver,
Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah
Presented to the Board of Commissioners
JUN5 1969
July 18, 1969
Mr. J. Thomas Greene
Special Assistant Attorney General
for State of Utah
_A B.ennecott Building
tall L,ke City, Utah 84111
Dear Mr. Greene:
Thank you for your letter and proposed resolution Ogareling the
proposed discontinuance of the "C,lifornia.S'ephy '�bCtween,,Salt
Lake City, Lint and Leaver, Colorado,;*the rig nv`eT•w Rio
Grande 'z es tern Railroad Company.
On June S, 1969. the Salt Lake City Commission passed a resolution
opposing the discontinuance of the aforesaid train.
Copies of this resolution were sent to each member of Utah's Con-
gressional Delegation who have all indicated they would support Salt
Lake City in said resolution. The Interstate Commerce Commission
also received a copy of this resolution.
Yours truly,
City Recorder •
June 17, 1085
Betterable George B. Cetmull
Commissioner (Streets
snd Publics Improvements
100 City and County building
Salt Lake City. Utah
Dear Commissioner Cahoon'
The Board of City Commissioners. at its we.ting today. approved
your motion as follows:
I move that the Interstate Commerce Commission
Order- Flamm Docket No. 22875. regarding the
investigation natter Beetle*13a(1)of the Interstate
Comtreroe A.t of the Denver and Rio Grande
Tx astern Railroad Company Disooatlnataoe of Trains
Nos. 17 sad 18 betaeea Dewar. Colorado and Sail
Lane City, Utah. and wherein it is designated that
on July 88d-1911 . at 11:30 a.m.. la Room 314 Federal
Annex Building 18S South Slatte Street. Bolt LainCity. Utah evictors*wW be heard, presented by(1)
protastaata. liclndlag eroaa-eumtaattoa thereto.
or(2)as may be dtreeted by the hearing examiners
and that said order be filed for rioted in the office
of the City Recorder aid each commissioner so
Tears truly.
Chief Depsty City Recorder
Mayor Lee
Comm. Barker
Comm. Garr
Comm. Harman*
June 10, 1969
The Honorable Wallace F. Bennett
United States Senator for Utah
1211 New Senate Office Building
Washington, D. C. 20515
Dear Senator Bennett:
Here is a resolution passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, objecting to the discontinuance of Trains Nos. 17
and 18, known as the California Zephyr between Denver, Colorado
and Salt Lake City, Utah, and petitioning the Interstate Commerce
Commission to deny the request for discontinuance of said trains.
It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest
City Recorder
June 10, 1969
The Honorable Prank E. Moss
United States Senator for Utah
Senate Office Building
Washington, D. C. 20515
Dear Senator Moss:
Here is a resolution passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, objecting to the discontinuance of Trains Nos. 17
and 18, known as the California Zephyr between Denver, Colorado
and Salt Lake City, Utah, and petitioning the Interstate Commerce
Commission to deny the request for discontinuance of said trains.
It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest
City Recorder
June 10, 1969
The Honorable Sherman P. Lloyd
United States Representative for Utah
1116 Longworth Building
Washington, D. C. 20515
Dear Representative Lloyd:
Here is a resolution passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, objecting to the discontinuance of Trains Nos. 17
and 18, known as the California Zephyr between Denver, Colorado
and Salt Lake City, Utah, and petitioning the Interstate Commerce
Commission to deny the request for discontinuance of said trains.
It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest
Reppec tfully,
City Recorder
June 10, 1969
The Honorable Laurence J. Burton
United States Representative for Utah
1705 Longworth Building
Washington. D. C. 20515
Dear Representative Burton:
Here is a resolution passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, objecting to the discontinuance of Trains Nos. 17
and 18, known as the California Zephyr between Denver, Colorado
and Salt Lake City, Utah, and petitioning the Interstate Commerce
Commission to deny the request for discontinuance of said trains.
It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest
City Recorder
June 10. 1969
Interstate Commerce Commission
c/o Mr. Paul J. Tierney, Chairman
Washington, D. C. 20423
Here is a resolution passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah, objecting to the discontinuance of Trains Nos. 17
and 18, known as the California Zephyr between Denver, Colorado
and Salt Lake City, Utah, and petitioning the Interstate Commerce
Commission to deny the request for discontinuance of said trains.
It is respectfully requested that you give this matter your earnest
City Recorder
o. aa-Q,-=oo . •
ROLL CALL June 5 9
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,196
Barker . . .
•I move that the Resolution be adopted. !"
Catmull . . .
Gam . . . 7 �Harrison � «f-�-E--�-�
Mn Chairman .
Result . . . .
WHEREAS, the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Company, for many
years, has maintained passenger service between Salt Lake City, Utah
and Denver, Colorado by Trains Nos. 17 and 18, known as the California
Zephyr; and
WHEREAS, over the years the residents of Salt Lake City and of
the communities between Salt Lake City and Denver have come to rely
on such train service and such service has contributed greatly to
the economy and convenience of the citizens of said communities; and
WHEREAS, the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad Company now proposes
to discontinue passenger service between Salt Lake City and Denver
by eliminating from service Trains Nos. 17 and 18, known as the
California Zephyr, and has applied to the Interstate Commerce Com-
mission for permission to discontinue said daily passenger trains;
WHEREAS, the discontinuance of said trains would leave Salt Lake
City and the intermediate communities without passenger train service
to Denver and would result in great economic loss and inconvenience
to the citizens thereof.
SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, that said Board does hereby object to the dis-
continuance of said train service between Salt Lake City and Denver and
respectfully petitions the Interstate Commerce Commission to deny the
request for discontinuance of Trains Nos. 17 and 18, known as the
California Zephyr.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be trans-
mitted to the Interstate Commerce Commission at Wahhington, D. C. and
the Utah Congressional Delegation.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,
this 5th day of June , 1969.
v(Z- 3. Bracken Lee, Mayor
Hermat J. Ho City Recorder