27 of 1980 - Interlocal agreement with various public entities within the State of Utah to establish a Comprehens /i RESOLUTIO N WHEREAS, various public entities within the State of Utah are desirous to establish a consortium to plan, administer, and operate a Statewide Comprehensive Employment and Training Program in accordance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Amendments of 1978 and the Code of Federal Regulations promulgated by the Secretary of Labor to carry out the Act; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake City is proposed to he one of the six political entities of the State of Utah, member of said consortium; and WHEREAS, an agreement has been prepared to establish said consortium which agreement is entitled "Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Davis County, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah County, Weber County, State of Utah, for the establishment of a CETA Consortium, Fiscal Year 1980"; and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Council favors the establishment of said consortium under the terms and conditions set forth in said proposed agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of Salt Lake City, Utah does hereby accept and approve the above-referenced and hereto-attached Interlocal Agreement for and on behalf of Salt Lake City and authorizes the Mayor to execute the same. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 207. day of 7-711 , 1980. CHAIRMAN (c .4 COUNCIL MEMBER CO[ IC l E.MBER • COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER ,c O NCIL EMM BER 443014)6244),..-- COUNCIL MEMBER -2- Resolution No. By City Council Authorizing the Mayor to sign an Inter- local Cooperation Agreement between Davis County, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah County, Weber County, State of Utah, for establishment of a CETA Consortium, Fiscal Year 1980. APPROVED MAY 2019E13 GTY RECORlait