28 of 1919 - A resolution of condolence on the death of Brigadier General Richard W. Young. REMARKS; Resolution No. 28 By Commissioner,._ Form[..._...._. ....__...... On the death of Brigadier 'General Richard W. Young. 1 iEAD AND ADO PTED DEC 2 91919 " ayy""�y4 4 `. r'Ffi,A fur 'y £` ''' ' ,4 4,15, ? n.: ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, pecembe r 29 ,191 9 Crabbe _ Green r — I move that the resolution be adopted. I � i Neslen — Scheid — Mr. Chairman 1 RESOLUTION Result — Divine ';Iisdorn has removed to a hir'ner plane our distinguished fellow citizen Brigadier General Richard 'J Young, and 37H R17AS, General Young was not only a .,c:n of high _n{ private charater, but was also active in civic matters , having been officially connected m•ith the administratioh of the affairs of this City, therefore Be it Resolved; that tiw Board of Commissioeers of Salt Labe City extend to the fr_aily of General Young its f4 .incere condolence because of the death of this good can. Be it further Resolved; that this resolution be spread ur,on the official minutes of the Board of Commissioners cad t. at -.n en;rrossed copy be sent to the family of the deceased. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 29, 1919. Mayor City'Recorder