28 of 1929 - A resolution authorizing additional appropriations for the support of the City Government for the ye r I REMARKS: h 11' II 1 I II,' 'Resolution No.. r, MORAN I, By Commissioner q r ,I Authorizing additional 'i appropriations, for the supporili ( ;I of the City (.;.overnment for 11 i, the year 1929. . aI I , .1 etwentai tt:..,::Willi it ConlMilliefifit ā€¢ 11' AND PASSS 0 El SEP S-1929 1, ,1 (TZitg7NriAt4itale( ,, 1 H M il th il' 1 il. 1!1 I 1, .4 - - ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, dug. ab, 19 59 Burton - I move that the resolution be adopted. Fehr - ---/- ā€” Finch . . Nst Moran Mr.Chairman - RESOLUTION Result - ML).:) Cosnlissioncra of the various departments here- inafter secifiec have -1)-ds critten requests for a):)itiom-)1 L.-sr)ro- priations settin7 forth the sacr-caries -acres itctia- the request ; and LHENIAC, it is neccsr.ry to mr)ke such ac())!tional a):Dro- priations for the su),n)ort of the city so-ern,lent for the year 129. NO., TiLCk fOCS, ii):) IT ElrOLVED that on emer-,,ency exists and it is necessary to mrcke adr.ition. 1 a, ro)riations for the fol- lowin7 accounts cnd aer=tmenta for the year 1-2.), anti that the fol- lowin7 sums of money or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby ausropriated for the su-nort of the various de- partments) indicted for the cslchcsr year cndin-, I ,:.cember al, 1550. Said a)))ro:JrL.tions are further' itemize' in the recluests on fLle for such a ,-ro?riLtions and are in ad- tion to those heretofore authorized and .)assed by the ThLrc, of tosnlssioner- of -alt Lake City on December 50th, 1053, Jrnn.r: 19;.9, February rOth, 10Th, TAarch L3th, 1059, April 55th, 1959, May 102 , June 50th, 19510, and July 25th, 1959, and are es follows, to-Tit: PUBLIC SAFETY DTP1.RT-ENT. xcct. No. De )artment. Lmount. 59-B-10 Fire Leaartment i5700.00 PARKS AND PUBLIC PHOPL_RTY. 70-3-7 Perk Se-mart-sent 104.40 78-V U If Lcet. No. Dea=:rtment. mou_r . 56-h Custo:a,n ; 5.00 57-3-1 T ,16S '03LI, I i'-0V_ .h . --_- ā€” tr et -,art-^ent. a.v. ->_0 Improvcrnent sā€” 16 ° 1"-,`50.1 0 39 577.50 _ninee.r 1,55 ;.0 i _1r r -0.00 `t tutY 93-V S;,eci_1 'ue it 701-1-e I cter.or.:s eat. 750.00 701-2--G " -'75.90 7_1-8 r r 70.00 0 " 561.00 751.-3 " " 1,387.00 Contin_cnt un:. 1 000.'n0- TOTAL ` ,;.: 7.19 it i r cc_ gar-y in the o''iinion of the "'oarU of -o-:r-: :sion- crc i'cr the :;cacc, he;.lth tnc fety of the inhebitcnte o` ' ait .,it: , [it. 0, thet th-.- u;en 0t' c. Phi: rcrolution shcj1 t ;e ei'i' ct u;en it, o tioi o)tee by the 3o.erc of Co s inner.. of alt Lebe _it's, day of 4ori (J.