29 of 1920 - A resolution setting time for hearing of protests in connection with Lighting District No. 7. REMARKS: Resolution No. 29 Bp Commissioner Burton. Setting time for hearing of p o7 tests in connection with Light— ing District No. 7. AEAO AND ADOPTED SEP 27 1920 e- . , • 'ROLL CALL VOTING 7 NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, ,11)Z1.1.St- 174 , 192DA.. Barnes Burton Crabbe I move that the resolution be adopted. Green MEM Mr. Chairman Chairman Result RESOLUTION 1T:E5.EAS, on the loth day of :..a:;ust, 1220, the Loard of Commissioners of Bali .bake City duly -passed a resolution of inten- tion to establish, ,nd to =intain and o2orate for a '.i:eriod of three years, 1117;hting 7 in Bait ioh re- solution direote fi City Laa,-7incer to ma,::e and file with the City ,ecorder a writ',,en report ..::resenting lane aad specifications for the irroroyements necessary for said lis.hting district and an esti- mate of the cost and incidental expense thereof, and a diagram show- ing the proposed district witb the separate lots thereof numbered, and proposed assess,.ielat of the cost and els)onses of the :flroposed improvements 11.-pon the several lots in said district; and '&ilITREAS, the bity LYI-?:ineer has co-rillied with said resolu- tion and has 'Jade and filed said report so reciuired of him with the City -necorder and the City .Leeorder has presented the same to the Board of Commissioners who have duly considered said report. '22a.TI!'ORE, BE If -:,ESOLVED by the Board, of Count salon- era of Salt Lalr.e City Utah, that on the 21st day of October , 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock A. B. of said day the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, will, in the Council Chamber of said Board in the City P County .juilding in Salt -Lake City, Utah, hear and consider protests against either the said im-2rovenent generally or aa,inst the e:atent of said district or against the asesL:Ients fifced in the report of tie Cit fn7ineer hereina-uove mentioned and, any ceroon owning property in said rro- posed Ld?Drovement district may at or before the time hereinabove fined, for Ilearina. of said 'otests file with the City Recorder 1 La written protest settin.3 forth his objection to such proposed improvement and the City Recorder is hereby directef to give public notice of said bean in the manner provided by law. It is necessary in the opinion of the Board of Com- imissioners, for the reace, health and safety of the inhabitants I of Salt Lake ity, Utah, that this resolution take effect inmed- iately. 'his resolution shall take dffect at once, upon its passage. 9-7 PaSseci by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept.i.27th , 1920. I / / / • L '..10 . ayo r. City _ie order. -2-