29 of 1936 - A resolution authorizing the City Auditor to file application to the United States of America thru t REMARKS: Resolution No. 29 By Commissioner Keyser Authorizing the City Auditor to fite* app1icatf on t v-the U.S. of America thru the Federal 'Emergency Admn. of Public Works for a loan and grant to aid in financing construction of repla.- ing...wood...stave....pipe_..with._.cast..i .on pipe in Upper Canal-Lincoln Lanz to 39th So.St. and designating City..Auctit-or...t.o-.furn.ish such information as the Government may request. Pitented to%Bard of CommIsionn AND PASSED 3 1936 ap Ywve'ti>ir.1 ,� Gog W Y�.c-mat- omE -nc a..q..�: ------- _� Keyser - ilors,frlSurdoch V ``4�d Lee Mr. Chairman - - APPLICATION RESOLUTION Result RESOLUTION NO. 29 by Commissioner George D. Keyser. A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Auditor to file an application to the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a loan and grant to aid in financing the construction of replacing wood stave pipe with cast iron pipe in Upper Canal - Lincoln Lane to 39th South Street and designating City Auditor to furnish such information as the Government may request. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. (Governing body) SECTION 1. That Samuel F. Nicholls, City Auditor, (Here designate official or officials) be and he is authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of Salt Lake City Corporation (Correct corporate title of applicant) to the United States of America for a loan and grant to aid in financing the construction of replacing of wood stave pipe with cast iron pipe in the Upper Canal - Lincoln Lane to 39th South Street. SZOTION 2. .1kkt the City Auditor Samuel F. Nicholls, (Here designate party or parties) be hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works may reason- ably request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. ,-- ✓�E c�----"- --- Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of it Lick, City, Utah, this 23rd, day of September, A.D.1936. trItI,NA� k_ yv� fty Recor er ( S R A L ) CERTIFICATE OF CLERK (Or other recording officer) I, Ethel Liaodonald, the duly elected, qualified and acting City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of a resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION authorizing the City Auditor to file an application to the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Administration of Public ":forks for a loan and grant to aid in financing the con- struction of replacing wood stave pipe with 6" cast iron pipe in the Upper Canal-Lincoln Lane to 39th South St. and designating Samuel F. Nicholls, City Auditor to furnish such information as the Government may request." with the original of such resolution on file in my office and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution which was regularly adopted at a meeting of Board of Commissioners (Governing body) of Malt Lake City, Utah, meeting duly held on the 23d day of September, 1936. Dated this 23d day of September, 1936. 1(6170 City Recorder, ( SEAL ) Salt Lake City, Utah.