3 of 1912 - A resolution making appointments to the head of the several municipal departments. •,,
REMARKS: 4 Resolution No. :.1:....
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MaIdng appointments •
. ' to the head of the several
- , municipal departments.
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BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt
Lake City, Utah:
That the following named persona be appointed to
the following respective offices in the municipal service of
Salt Lake City, Utah, at the respective rates of compensation
er,by ordinance
'li oterhfixed by Ordinanoe,1 this day passad by the Board of.Commissioners
B. F. Grant To be Chief of Police
Noble Warrum To be City Recorder and Secretary
of the Board of Commissioners
Nioholas Byhower To be Superintendent of City Parks
W. E. Barr To be Oil Inspeotor and Sealer of
Weights and Measures.
W. R. Bywater To be Chief of the Fire Departme
W. J. Tnddenham To be Supervisor of Streets and
Pablio Improvements
D. H. Blossom To be City Engineer
J. W. Tremaa To be Veterinary Inspector
Charles F. Barrett To be Superintendent of Water Works
Frank Godbe To be City Treasurer
C. A. Carlson To be Lieutenant of Police
Emil •S. Land To be Building Inspector
Frank Cr Moyle To be Plumbing Inspector
Walter W. Little To be Second Assistant City Attorney:
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,Utah,
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