3 of 1917 - A resolution favoring the establishment of a Municipal Market. r REMARKS: a� Resolution No. By Commissioner.__ ..Fgrxy.. .._. . " Favoring the establishment oil a Municipal Market. ti rreaanted to Vs` Iut tisemenkma, r and rred for F FEB i 3 1917' ; , .;l.'W cn.mt)RDER. . „ -." 1 ` READ AND ADOPTED /PR 2- 1917 194Yleten4A44-a-r- any szscosuss. 1, 1 s 1 . ROLLCALL ''.'-'°°^' ` VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah '=arch 29,1917 t91 Green Ne x an ;j It: the matte: of Resolution #3 by Commissioner Scheid ,. c e� Ferry i,svorint t: e eetab�isP.r,ert of a. r.unicipal arama - ---- -� Wells _ __ Market, I move the resolution be adopted. Mr.Chairman Result Chairman Committee of the Wh le. Passed the Board of Co missioners of Salt Lake Cm, Utah, A,-R 1917 , 191 Iff OV 410410., Greet. sAhMX),1•,.._ WHEREAS, tI•ere has teen expressed a strong desire fcr the establishment of a Muni Shearman Ma-^1:‘,1 r Salt Lake City, and. Wells WHEI-ZEAS, it is appreciated t'-lat the existence Mr.Chairman of rch Market 1,•;.s a decidedly favorable influence on the prices Result cf farm and truck-garden products, bringing the prices down to a reason- able basis and thereby causing a big saying to all householders,therefcre '1117; I;FsovrET) as the sense of this Commission that it favors the establishment of a Municipal i,arket in Salt Lake City and'that it will inaugurate ateps providin: for such a Market so that its operation may commence this spring Corcrrlissicrier cf-PITT fety IPR — q17 Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, , 191__ •