3 of 1929 - A resolution authorizing $750,000.00 refund of Water and Sewer Bonds on 1919, and directing City Tre REMARKS: Resolution No._ 3 By Commissioner FEHR { Authorizing V750,000.00 refund._of_'later.--S:__Sener Bonds ' of 1919, and dixeotinCity Treasurer to advertioe ,noti.c.e fox ax.band s. JO``T��ITI"..4IUiL:: JAN 11. ROLL CALL -4 •VOTING AYj .k1 Salt Lake City,Utah, January 1.5th ig2,9, Burton _ 3 Few I move that resolution,No by Mr Fehr Finch be adopted. OMR Moran Mr.Chairman - - - - _ - • Commissioner of PUblic Affairs &Finance. Result • The Penrod"'of Beaniamiirors of A*Rlt late'City. Iwo, in Regular foaeimal. Myor JOU T.`3011t3 in She;Q>air. en roil Sail the hilt/mit*Linagnre wore priasnts • Dearlisltslsr !. aDg*J,,Qowteeleator of t►l r gepply esd later- . anew, Oh.ira m, Sootiaoiaaar BURzoN ltit►lis Safety. Conielsiiioner. Reji Deenissien.r;of Pablis lgrers- alaast>t. aoaniaai.ner . ;fig , Danelaioner-of Paths Affairs and TSaaame. Cairiaaiessr FINCH • Con issioner of Parke ant?Mill* Pro ty. 0.111111111107107 FED r ohm,tatrsdaoet and noted the adoptios of the following reaeletiests • wlingt . pamiat to ertIn net a d lbaalitiip herltofire adapts', • moo and entered by the Poaund or Connirsionez. of.Salt klike Dist• utah, an the Plat day of,April, A. D. 1F1!, said City Slily ironed me mold this following tianibet bonds, is-wits 1. . Tin aad►dsed,and= theaven-*glare ($s40,000.00) eater bade - Series "4". eeauieting,of S40 broad,'nem erod trove 1 to 610 iAalanit., dsnuoetmatlon$l,000.00 N.h. i1a13 t being total April 1st. 1911, payatrlo hors;:,tat, 1i39.'redeemable at the option,of a to(du tlm►.it sot:,Aprii let,• , 1Fg9, on sny interam*;poping Sato, with i.teist thereon at,the.x ts..e.t.flw. . pas and ( )".per antrum Stir dale instil piticie p blo sell-auioo.11g en the • Poet 4e a of April+rot Qati x in swa14 7oar, rhial said ben**wen lmeaed'f the*0,4 if i*raa*taSco#garoi► st• saiarg ante tfa 1.pirfa.tiek aehirag to *e waterwe*s.' st,mWi City • 8. :: ,#11ip Ylarn ($4,900.00) lentos,Awit. nr► sage 1st,Yg detat.A riL lN• 1F1F. mnrlatet f 'to Isi'i kotikaito, per, . ,11.1.11111.111111117177:7-77— �b a r x` 1st .1939 redeemable at;the option of t,a city i het 19t9:0-ors axe zn e t bin date` zntexest.ti*r&ds at • e} rake gf fd�e per cent (55,) Per.'anmt s,.'from date uP,:t 1 patd 'payable bm! nnual V. on the fixet days oi',:kpri1 tand F tQbe i eac7i yeas mxiioh sayids:11,O *ere.issued fox floe pur"vose of-deiraying''the'expeh*e sSf', i ro'ree:s-ing .a.rpa.oving, en1a, inC, *40,eFix n and :adding, to th$ .present wtiter supply of said City and to• that edid;,to,acquir-e -dditibnal wa: ee,x • rights and by developrne 1t frbrr various e ur'ces: of s: ply. 3 one htizd ed ninety-six•;thorasank Pollars ( -Sewer So dsf°itZ lee ",0,:"* ` o s;ia si,TIP:-of 196 hopds 0.14 :* inclusive', cler�eiminet op 3: 000.'00 e, ch., s7.d ?ion �Crein� da,tei.Apr. 1st, ' 19:19, .payable Ayr 1st•: 1939, redeemable at the ,t tion of reaid City°on • ' or`:after Arrr. 1-s't., 1929 on any interest i3 it^ Late wit}fi ipt,erest t diepn-at the 'rate :of: f .ve :per- -per anntzx4.4 onn siate untfa., paid,. Payable serii anise 1ly on the:t .ret days.of A13ri.Z•.a.ptd October each year which• said''corrds were.iasu fox :,;re' Maur e of payxr}g.:the e.pedse'•dl ihereasiu , •iupx•uvi,rg, e*tendin0 axed arid.itw."to' ,the prresent cAYainage' eystein oi. said City-' and to conetiuct stoz* sesaere, an9 WHT;KLAS, all of said botlda: eo i-s'sued 'by saa. Salt Lake citiy, �it'ah, And above zsgeclfioally,enumetatedx;inentionestish. described are ac-d4'7 :to Their terma^redeemabl'e y swla City t its o rtion o s yor aftar Abx`: let i929 : on 'any interest payan sate d Sn¢xi. oode,rt R: Co: has Oi'fered 't o nurcheae .•t paran3 acoruel_:'isltere *, olus zorernau +'t?i �n4QQ Q6,` $75b C}Do.-30 Refunai i^'33onds, hal. o 'ar'P..tc beer,' 4 rrld.•,Yeah'! 4'1/t inter pst; s 1:,5 Ps,i'undlu e "'orris to be isslzed and. del i-vered .to s'id ;,' x £arp by `a t1^e old 'hp nide axe surge 'ered,. anq i76; AS It is deened•e pedier 'mid ire City% end to :the pest interests o€ e i d Crty to re�ieo 'all o said b i ds ec enurrrero,,t ed t iwt t: $540:i.g00 0Q Wattei 4oi,d`e-S.eriee t^, opted t, Ir44/40443. on or sfte A + ;5�, 1929 p.14,040.Q0 tex ,&birds S rasa n .n, da'te�i Apr let P ab e n n A r� l �, xedeeraable b ' after':�tr. a3i ,.aR,b43" "oik gehdit lee t z€ated»+ a it 1 Z , pa+ab3e"' a r p •7 r b7 one or. �.fsi• • r t 9 9, and e v e t ded`Sri a cis" aYic a1.1 0 * 4s rinds above .,r • enueerated, rrent3.oned'and 'described tk t in case s' id bonds: ex 'Via}led'• 'or redesption rrotiee 1:1 Preo# shall be given bjt Attblioat.,ion a a news-` p€.per ni�blssheti ih.••hrad `• s � of general airealatisn is salt Lake City and ins. fisaooial Janraal pn►llish- el is ant of general uireslatt;S* to Iew tork Oity for at least firs days, the first of which pnblisatisas shall Ls at lost thirty days prior to the interest data fixed for redisgttsa. SOW Pt 18;*T IlaOLt1 AID OBBRICID. by the Board of Cassiasiosars of Balt Lake Oily, as faliswas • 1. that pursuant to the torus ad,prorisians pastalnst..in said huts Si bond ordta.ares, tbo.,loard of Caratoltonare of salt Salt Lets City has *looted and doss hereby oluot to ranee&all of salt boats hirst►fars spesifieaily essgssrated, atatiotai sat dossrib%i, at their tame or par rile* with accrued interest ie aid April lit, 188h, sad all of said heads are haroby sailed for redag tea tsa that tato mad the sass will ye redeemed oat paid for at the Iativaal hark lank of Now`Cir'k, is the City of Mow York, I. Y X. that the City treasurer of saisi Salt Lake City shall cams' mottos of intention to r.Ous and pay said bottle to ba pobliehut in the Salt Lake Tribune a aeulyayor publiihmi ia-ant of aral tiia is Salt Lake City, Utah, for tat least fire days, also is the Daily Send iayar, far at least fire 4siroottkersla, a lsaaoial Janraaal psabliahad in ant of g aural airaslatian is lair`furl Cit, 1. t..*t h sotise 'ball bra is nsb ataotially the following tornm, to-wits- • AMEN fr)IIO2 tit Iszeirnotiq tufa Las Cies,*nix nos • #1lZO1c:Is MOSSO 0i1#,;tAat 5•41.Lake any, l5oit Lila.f on i' ' "'Ink, he.sillaM far rst t in ett/'ril Ian lilt, tle 141loeias.lile$b- s bsM., tM-+sett- #0l0,iN.$O liters- twin t , eats "iatius:If KO bats �!PM I to 040 it*itrtt, Attt M.oM•islet 1 lit�t 1 l l.ti . r •! p 1•it # 'halt 'DIV, at Or'after 1.t, 1*1 *�t4 tiii lut ' :-p1`i' dais, •t to rete'Pt#, per sent per to e tmttit pelt. VA*0 I4,OOO.N liter DatMt:-Ieriq s' , s a.E$$*at II Vane, 1 apotleret'fres 1-ie 14T inellatrio fie tlttttltpt 11004..00 . i►tia 1 , 11V-, ps ab1e. . 1 April 1st, us*"'siii�.t mold ,,at 44 OY ilia[ft r Oitr on er,st it,luet1.Iti ii2t,-la stp tit awing mate„batorlat*sterol Ili fir isle */titre -. '•scat per Orr .iron into tins" paid. ' also 11K.000,Q0 taier Ueda -` gr mss'i„ ✓ . its tr �b.�, : $. .0I a Moo 4014 1st, 'I,!*yvab7Ge April lat, $b1 .at-the> of silt 0i* on Si err 1st, nil on gar Inter'.* -1wlos Inn, ',fora etrf at4:tits ;rite of rits Per plat per snlUt5lt i'r t fats until pain. Priasipn i ti $teianat as 041-of inn bents are ale-at:the Inflate." pert Itak if. v pest I. fhe It* at New Tort,'I. T.,.Man lends.. f'es the rilatoilon Mt prams of all St.004 beats.an*s interest One ,Aberetit will be Is Alasbode if snit 11Mtisni.*a* at Wit tort, In Dee tent"Cups, D. t.yi Its Simi ohs, at$.Inuits nrorlarans. on axle steer • "atniii•tort' let, l02 .at,Oie% tD.ie,*Dq.rill tis yp ada iso,Isise,sat ern- 4e11,e6.sat sr OtI fato fxteresi sa,Iolt lento shell sS.s, • 31t")at lilt lithe itihr,iblatirs this.... i fyr et gsaar,,A.D. a. .liV ittitearera. pot*lee 0i4s IeIDA,.e The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was second- ed by Commissioner RURTON and upon being put to a vote, was unanimously carried by the affirmative vote of all Commissioners present, the vote being as follows' Commissioner BURTON Commissioner rEHR "Aye" Conti esioner F I NC H "Ae" Commissioner 1.TOri.0 "Aye" Commissioner CF.AI UTAN "Aye" ADOPTSD AND APPROVRD, this i t .}-/day of January/. D. 1929. i ATTEST: J Mayor. City Recorder. 5.