3 of 1941 - A resolution accepting offer of aid in the development of Salt Lake Municipal Airport No. 2, made by REMARKS -• 3 Resolution No. By Commissioner Goggin Accepting offer of aid in +the development of S.L. Mun'1. Airport, No. 2, made by the U. Ili; of America and agreeing to des all things necessary for the!! operation and maintenance of !j said airport. .. Ptimladbthe loot o(Commlado t AND PASSED ;j 41 FEB ii 11041 - 1Gj0 t , , t ..may. _. _ .1-.4,,, - ,o, .,,,, • .. , "•—•.3 RO ' C,.,` %,,,,„4...... e14-..v.,:.,,, ,,,2,,, 4--,A vol r : ' ,,'1::''';'':,0,42W•'--' - - — .....-COggin ..,0 3 _ oyInv Keyser be adopted. *alzpdodec Matheson , — " — /...1 1 . - ... Mr.Chairman - - - 1 _ —_— . ..-.1 1 1 Result 1 I _1 Civil Aeronautics Administration R'SCL;?TIOi` ACCEPTING AN ait Lw �hagnieipal Airport, iO• 2 Tin DEVEL0PMEN OF THE' 1:IdoORT, ;FIDE BY THE UNITED STAT S OF — S1S RICA ThROUGH THE ADMINISTRATOR OF CIVIL a0U1'ICS OF nio DEPARTI: PTT OF CC JUSRCE A.D PROVIDING CERTAIN ASSUR.'.UCES ..ND COVE- ' .;•:TS Ii! COuSIDSRATIC:' FOOR OF. • ,:1i :tU1S, the Ldminictrmtor or Civil Aeronautics of the United States Department of Come ce, th he Regional Manager of Civil Aeronautics, Saata 1louioa� t�� laila SL'1:ress advises that 'sae dicysioliwerft of the"at1r-,:ort in the approximate amount of w has boon approved, by the Board composed, of the Secretaries of uar, Navy and Commerce as necessary to natiunol dofense for inclusion in the con- struotion program authorizod by Public No. 31E, 7,ith Congress, approved October „ 1940, 'ITHE.E..6, the uudort,,kimc, of this development is contingent on the ful- fillment of certain cor.diticr_s, to-wit; 1. That the City of Salt 'alta throupis its properly con- Political Subdivision stituted offioiols provide evidence that it has titlo,or will obtain title prior to construction boin placed underway to the requisite land fur tau project. That the City of Salt Lake agree to accept full re- Political Subdivision sponsibility for the maintonancc of the improved airport. 3. That the City Qf Sal,t Lake agree to accept full re- political Subdivision sponsibiiity for the operation of the improved airport as _•public air- curt in the public interest. 4. That the City of SA.Lt_L le.. agree to protect the aerial Political Subdivision al-preaches to the airport to the z'^al.l extent of its log;.l ability, 5. That the _ City_of'_Salt Lake agree to cooperate with the Policic I Sa::divleion Civil :,crenauties A_..:inistr_.,ion _a the orderly prosecution of the 1:ro- puce1 work. 0 C;.:1 Form :;P-4 Page 2 of 12-16-40 S 6. That the City of Salt Lake agree to hold the United Political Subdivision States harmless from all claims and damages which may arise from the construction oper:.tions but arc not a dofiaito part thereof. -Bi2R::::S, the proposed development would be to the advantage and bene- fit of the CitY of ,salt_Lake _ Political Subdivision gC-r THSRSFORE, DZ IT RESOLViD BY TH3 CITY COinlISSION of the City of Salt Lake City, Utah. (Sov`ri:ing•body') PoliticaSubdivision�� $ CTIGi: I. That the City of Salt Lake , hereby agrees, Political Subdivision subject to the Jnitod Stags uadertacing the development of the ..ir_:ort at an approximate cost of $ 208375.00__ , fellows; a LTazSP T.STIG_''S 2J lRR. :l ICS (a) That the City-of Salt Lake owns and possesses title Political Subdivisio: in f-ee sir.ielo to the l nds conorising the 1_:rdi ag area of the .iirpert, tog ther _th all other lands to bo improved under the project or will acquire title in ice simple to those lands without delay, which lands arc more _o.rOiculcrly described herewith by metes or bounds (which lands are show_: herewith on Exhibit . ) Beginning at a point in the easterly line of the D. a; R. G. R. R. (Garfield Branch) right of way, 1760 ft. sore or less east from the west one-quarter corner of Section 31, T.2 : ., Ft.l ', ., Salt Lake i3ese and Meridian, rut- :lag thence L. 10° 20' 2690 ft. along said right of way, thence north 1710 ft., thence N. 9° 2040 ft., thence N. 20° 15' W. 3080 ft. more or less to a point on said right of way line and in the north line of the south one-half of the southwest one-quarter of Section 19, said T. 2 S., R.11 ., thence east 5920 ft. :.ore or less to the westerly right of way line of the Utah Lake Irrigation Company Canal, thence S. 17° 45 ' 4, along said right of way line 1380 ft., thence S. 11° 30' . ?30 ft., thence S. 16 s. 3080 ft., thence S. 5° A. 2620 ft., thence S. 15° «. 1720 ft. more or less to a point in the westerly line of said canal right of way and in the south line of the northwest one-quarter of Section 32, said T. 2 S., R. 1 ';., thence west 5080 ft. ,sore or less to place of beginning, containing 1105 acres more or less. ...+..a�.... .a. ..._� Political Subdivision the __gents of the Geverarl;;rt _sal _._ contractors or sub-contractors engaged C:.. FCRI -' Pogc 3 of j 12-16-40 directly or indirectly in carrying, out the project, including their agents end employees to enter upon, use and occupy the airport es mey be deemed by the Government to be nccosoery or desireblc in the conduct of the pro- ject. 3 CTIOP III. O:7i R3 IP OF IhPROVP,ed T3 Thet all improvements mode under the project shall be the sole and oboelets property of the City of Salt Lake , except wrnoro yspocifioally cd otherwise prior to the widerteking of the improvement or installation. S CTICA IV. h..IfTE'.,fCg OF AIRPORT F:.CILITIE.S That the City of Salt Lake agrees to ecoont full res_wnsi- Politic i Subdivision bility for the maintenance of the No.' 2 Airport, ,.. i:_:.'.u.':. ..__ work undertaken under this urojcet by trio United States of Pnorice. h CTION V. T:y OPER.;TIO1 OF TH.: .,IRPORT That the City of Salt Lake agraes to accept full respensi- Political Subdivision bility for t... eporation of the No. 2 .irport for the use and benefit of the public on r.:aseueblo terms reed without unjust discrimina- tion end to grant no exclu::iv, right therein contrary to the provisions of 3cction 303 of the _vil ..erensuties Act of 1938. SECTION VI. PS.EV ?TI0H OP iLZ:,RDS That the City of Salt Lake agrees, insofar as is rcascnably Political Subdivision possible and within its legal ability, to protect the aerial approaches to the airport from the erection of structures or from growth tending to render the use of the airport dangerous to :.aircraft end that it will not erect on the airport or n;;rmit to be erected, recy structure or building which will limit the usefulness of the airport or constitute e hazard to aircraft using the airport. :ECTIOIT VII. 000PlRATI0ii That the City of Salt Lake agrees to ceoeer:te with the Civil Political 3ubdivisioa ..eren,.uties gdninistr.ti.n in orderly :reseoutiea of the project. C: Ferri ...ID-4 Pogo 4 of 5 1 C-16-40 ddCT.IClt VIII. REL„-3,l RC: Ci.iIMS Th.t the City of Salt Lake ogre s to bold the United otatcs Po lit iced Subdivision he.rmloss free, any cud all claims or dc_^: cs which m,.y arise from the con- otructie.i activities of the United States but are not :. deficits _;art th.rcof. ..00TIG;; IX. CRTIPIC:,TIG1 T:!a t: City Recorder is hereby authorized :n_:: directed (Clcrl: or R:;eordiod Officer) to sand i_ the ;:dreinisteotor through the Reoloaal Iloolo.gcr of Civil ..eronau- tice (:,ddrc: at Santa Monica California , two ccrtif led copies l:i:; 1ut'ien with ` certified copies of an c.:tract of the minutes of the c'.cetiur of this City Commission showing all rcccodinos (Governing body) _o..rocticu with tho edcoti_r: of this resolutica. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth day of February A.D. 1941. /1/ ; �y,,DQ Temporary Chairman �X. a�L` City Recorder ( S e a l ) Ii I I _ I it II I 1 ` • I I I -- wII _ n 1 E- co 4, E. 2 c ,n 1 I I rn+ / u Federal La,--,a Bank I i n in z. Q of Federal a ent Berkele.I i O0.7 Acre I5 N S {� \1�/ J A -- 'i; 1 L I —- 1 — ____ _ ____ _— _ _ _— — — ) 1( 4- I ,! o J \ \ s ________\ _ - Q Y I l ��e J 'ter I R, 5 t.'jn- gi II �. ( 7.I A 1mv� I�I ; i II I I -- - alL.,. a M, V I `ry t I Cooley I 1. iti A: 1,i -...-. / I I , i • ii — , r F N RI ` L_. . 5, MI, J w v � ;'k: II - ?°1. f `r'V / A._�°,I= Ros- 1 1 , I I t I l �' I k 7 n I 1 ce — 78CC 1. __ +_ -_ J. G iii .Joseph l Hipc-,cd I42 Y AcresAurPlia te� i:�rt� \ \. \' 40 A-'es. —\, , c.; SIrrt3r R. � J r'1:bb�ru 34.5 �_ / A c- a If I II I ; '` ------_---- ----- --1__--______ _ — -------- I I '' I, i I1! \ ����' III / _. - --- • )O 1 I y 4 4 , l - i I Theron W. BennoI Iin 40 Acres I I , it', -• - 1 1E1) 1 1 •.rd o h n . ! I A C., (.' ' ‘ , /320 77"'\ I 0 < c,) 0 4 ... . ,1 Feder-al Land bank I `._-Yar-- I 'O. bennion kr) of berkeley 35.2, Acres ,,,.40 Acre I 1 , - 0 •1 ro- < .1 I / 04/ rs I --1 74/ \ - - L 1 L 5-rkEE-r _. — — — — . / e I I I ask of E.t r ,..,,' .c, ..; , ,'I = -_,-,..... :-.'., , , ,,:I I, I ,1 I It I I ,, ,. • . I.' I I; s..),.? 1 ' , . ' I i 1 1 . .;. --14 , - 4 , LO j \.1, LI —...;-: \ .._ i I to i --,- >- , i 1 t I 11 . i i 1 1 i , 1 I ! ! I •:. .., ,1 , I 1.1 N, • I •9 ./ 75 /- --.. 30LTH I i / - a •:.7, \N;Wlarrl P. Sr Amelia D. Spra\l\ne.:3 <5ur. . 40 ') A -v-e -, ..\ SC Acre 5 1 I, sit-la-D. F- .5te.acIrn-_ar-,7. I 1 , I \ ! , 1 \ , \ c , , \ . _.... D. 11 7_'.)pr .,.r.—:.1 K .-)or. 1 <1)1 1 1 2._,1.4 4A7...r- ,s —. . o ; -cI '• ,.. , \ ''.164 \ 1 /./ //J/.', . .L. '' / _ 3 E.. 4 i•.) - 1,1 lk ,, PR.DPEi:..7-"Y _