30 of 1911 - A resolution that the City Engineer and committee on Engineering and Sewerage be instructed to confe -e P ',.I ltl�� FEBRUARY 27, 1911. �� _..HRL',RI :. , 1911, I • 11 3 From the Committee on Waterworks, Ip[ { 5 taken up and, it the request ot of Co,uncilmon Fernstrom end .-ulvey, bid -over for two weeks, ktT In the matter of petition I!o,172 of J. C. Donelasn, protesting against extra water tax notice of$3.00 for garden on premises at 954 E. llth South, and asking that the same be abated; we rep mr..cnd that the petition be granted and the $3,00 abated. BILL NO. 29. For an ordinance unending ,end re-enactine lotion 268 of the :revised ReyP ectfrll submitted, a. R, s:ulve J. B. syloreton, C. H, Reed, Ordinances of Salt Laue C.ty r 19f1; as am ai dad Ly a+: srun�nce passed by t.ue C.ty Coir.a:l j :. Re,d end adont'ea, / • April 6, 1909, and a' -rove bj 'he mn, r .1';rI 1 6, 1909, II i Be it hrd;lned by the City Council of Salt Loaie City, Ihteoh: III 1o• ` 54 From the Committee on Waterworks. v SECTION 1, That Oenti on 26'6 of the Revised .'rcinonces of lilt Laht City of 1003 1 !^!I.,,, In the matter of petition No.177 of William Jonos, asking that the City Council do not as amended by on ordinance parse' b;, the City Coonci 1 Arno'1 5, 1909, and approved by the .I grant any permit to any person to make water connection with his private pipe, at 677 I Mayor April 6, 1909, be, and the same i hereby ',vended and r.-on eted no as to read as I, .,,1 N. 12th 'West; we recommend that the petit!on bo ranted, follows: ,�r1 ,1vISAT1�'� The Isayir shall, by and g 288. AOARL ..,F L h. A L ..1 T i�' Respect ib lly submitted, L:. F., uulvey, J. B. moreton, C. H. Reed. ^rith the advice and consent_of+the Council appoint, during the term for w ich he rs leat ed, a Board of 'Health , g of a _l.h Gommisci,ner, en hs1,stant 'salt] Commi,si,,n- 4i ! Bead and adopted. er, each of whom hall be a Graduate ofreputable medical college, and t+ ci ti::ens The or shall be o- ici Chairman the ^rd he cur Pn.,,;ti on of each _ember of the i Ifs Board of ikealth (exclueive of the ... r Feolth r -oner and assistant Health C m 55 From the Committee on 'N¢ter:aorke, miseioner) is herebySired at five (�5 00) dollars for each meeting attended. "• 'ca].th r Commissioner shall receive as compensation, of full for all services rendere' the city, ,w a salary of two thousand (82 000,001 dollars per annum, sayable monthly as are the salaries I F slu In the matter of petition Nn,149 of R, .1, Sperry, et al, i'or the extension of water of other city s:fl cars. mains of six inch pipe on 13th East, Terrace Avenue and 12th Fast Streets between the Mayor shall al eo, by and ni th the ;.:vice _and consent of the Council, r,p,lo t, • Westminster Ave, and 12th South Street, at the cost of the City; we recommend that the during the term ,or •:7r.ich he is elected, one Assistant Health Commissioner, who shall be a petition be Ave.;e on and Ave cfromm1ith East to. :atd on 13th eett dfrom 0Westminster Ave, graduate of a reputable medical co/114,e, cod .iii_ do o'-ch. 'etc end perf rp ouch duties ICo 'orin Ave.; to other Ave. from Ave. East to Catherine to exceed $t36 1.1 feet onpy be delegate,. to, and required of him !r Catherine ro Street north `Bon. Sugar Ave„ at a en st not to exceed $3631,13, same to be Pertaining the ission Department of the o e as a�:y P 8 bythe Health Commissioner according to law; end who shall receive as compensation, in full 1� paid for from t^e Water Bond Fund, fr all services rendered the city, a salary of twelve hundred ($1,200.00) per annum, pay- Respectfully Respectfully submitted, able monthly ae are the salaries of other officers. E. Mulvey, J. B. Moreton, A. J. Davis. SECTION 2. All ordinances and resolutions or parts of ordinances and res -„ions a Hcud one. ¢darted, (oat en-nain Foet en el or. T_1o,352) in conflictvherewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. I I •,,,_-ion S.,OTI10 3. This ordinance shall tale effect anon apnivval, r introduced by G,unci!man Wnretnn, was taker up first time and read. 'm rcti:n o`. Ceunei l- 11 ii De •72 From the Committee or, License, ! It' men h:nretnn the rules were suspended on roll call vote, all members va ti ng aye except art r• r,+;i r the Natter o- nii con sns for inou or license as manuiacturer°s agent of mien dh p er, �. .1r1'cratt.r,, �.ra x A. aenecn; we recommend that they be granted. Councilmen fucl(inney, %'Door.ell and Goodall, -nl:o were absent, and the ordinance read second , 1 eel• Respectftlly submitted, I i la��i .,, A. ,.•,piton, H. .mlvey, :i. C. L,m e, time by title, third time in full and passed on roll call vote, all members unto ry> aye ex- , i 7'i -•. -.• ',_aC r;d =`ed. Dept Cour:ci!men Woo:inney, 'Dornell end Reed¢ll, who were eo sent, title a-lr�r:c an_ re- il (erred to the ',layer for his approval. 1 f vo4 Fro^� trto Committco on En,,i neeri i� & Sewerage.•_ The following, communicoti on from the L,ayor was then read: I two natter of etition Eo.163 of .:xer Groshell, stating that in 1907 he paid for . r '..id or 71,ral Avenue with the understanding that other nronerty holders would Fro^'floe '.immr. I11 •I• y tI:air r �r- and ash ins that the City take necessary steps to insure him the ! E sal refund, re • -r in the roc emendatior. of the City Engineer and recommend that Gmtl amen: III toe petition n befob A as the Cityhas refunded all the money collected up to the pro- :ent tiie end rti1 t'^.er r nesty owners connect ndth thi: sewer the City can do I have this day accentei the rasa n'to n of Leo, Saone! G .,.r,, g "fill. I ensxet£ aPi ask your honorable „tte nu mn,eru Li a soapy o' the 'sa,t;i ne<r's letter ua for:,ar,.ed to Yaul ae ::oaitn donuuiaai �;, of i'. .-r, ..r.osl:ell, and that thecealth Department be instructed to enforce the law regard- body to concur in this accent ones. cnc et flu lly submitted, teed, tip ale,vc neater' J. S. 9R0)0)•'IL, ..c I. Join Holley,y iliversubmitt Ho, J. Wood, Jol:r. Polley, Oliver Hodgson. Pday or, .r - — , c ;iaoelvcd end ^rS,•r^a• filed send the resianati on accepted. «^ -' NI' .=E From the Co:r.itte.. `n„i:.c cal ni, & Sewerage, Report No,15 from the gar ni.4en ••„ ...,,....-,.- - 'n I,ik ec orrierdlnc the r^_;runt-',!• items 630 to 632. c m,et.,o ,, n1Scot! 5r, for street rod 1vny franchise on 7th. ■ �� �.: : ' 01 the inLL 1 EE.-cy i .vi.Sch wa.• .,.r.en I [' 4onhh between ilia N:¢at and l:th �i:h St ro el.e, ,nd `n :H nhway io 1 / • - _... ,.. .,.._ .,^ ,... ... ., ..... __ ,_•�..,,-,.,.._ o .,.,_.�....,_„ n� ^1 t .. .... .,.. .,ten � f earlier Lt '.,- o<..si,n anA inn nv , (,p ^ra o: a 1'/•.t]'r mn ❑•view n :naor rot e,. I e .,o,5db, First ana ,Snap ,••etlmato to a ronnri lmm L,.v7 a and lc,, r r ,r.r e ¢:•.i re 1'c rusk cc s 'e i t.+ !,' fi co ,f 11.e Cot :tee •-'or or. .:o d -arch 6th, 1911, and continuo nuo in session each a. 4v so _ f strcu`: • Attorney to incur,,,,rate It v;sl on ",r grodi ,m. grvivoi i,,,, a „f gn , A ,•gn „r.•, Mr1s^.;,•, "arch lm 1911 and that the City Recorder � tih ]-it r-:eted to edvr rtl no necessary notice, vA1s' 'dhoti on carried. �Reeo lull on No,30, By Cnun,:1!mar, nd, ^ •ri cr ar,�;c be ir.- nnquLVMD, that the City nr,oreor , ,^prigs °,re t, nuo ldi n, c. bridco t v....0.. Lai:S,;...I,,L.,. etruotod to car,£ r lti t' _ ,.,,, . •,1 Seaond S uth awn J rda viver Yrmnrev may. n,ti ,nd �, do ,;'.or,1 :, 17. M,r er ordinance unendi nq and r, a ctlr Seotl on '!63 of tho Revised 0rdi fu pees ecoh eh aL - � :r= _,.�t+r,• , 1911, the c•st ,f euco SndKo �< 6. .� E each should nay, � / _• r - the , :,:cr.t :- usuie:an`.c by :ha City Yrca^orer, Ro_^orrrd to the Committee ,n ;nil ro,cri ci' 'Hews par.• ,n,v tLu - r _.,,,ted t , Li L, oconr,.l J,r.Gory 1941, read pipet time and referred to the o,. . of d',timato & Apr crti consent, nroeen ted Feb ruary 20, 1911, and laid over for one week, was u - �..�+'�:+..Mora,,,-,>� ,