30 of 1920 - A resolution setting time for hearing of protests in connection with Lighting District No. 8. •
Resolution No. 30
By Commissioner. Burton. 7
Setting time for hearing of prc—'°!
t ests in connection with Light—
ing District No. 8.
SEP 27 1920
Barnes 7 Salt Lake City,Utah, .L.1.L5.t_1.7, . ,
Crabbe At I move that the resolution be adopted.
Mr. Chairman
W=E.'13, on the iuth day of _.7;ust, 1Jf C, the Board
of Jo,..-•.issioners of Salt lake 2i - duly ..aced <, resolution of
intention to estatolwa_ , sail to maintain nit orerai,e for a 1,eriod
of three :,'ears, Limhtin:l District iso. 8 in Salt L;;,'_-_e ity, :ikieh
resolution directs, the _.n inter to ,.the cad file with the
City :recorder a written report ,aesentiri_ plans and srecifications
for the is,.rovements necessary for said lightin3 district and an
estimate of the cost and incidental expense thereof, and a dia-
gram showing the proposed district with the separate lots thereof
nuribered, and proposed assessment of the costs and expenses of
the proposed ir..n_•ovoaen_ts t1:c several lots in said district;
I IE2S, the Jat7 _ii;ineer has c'o:.r"liei. :rL ', said re-
solution and has ...ade ant f.ile;I said report so renuired of hia
with the City ..recorder and the City hecorder has aecsented the
same to the Board of Jommissioners rho have duly considered said
C 0'rl, 1= ;ii u'Oits, si I'B _.dSaLV iD by the Board ofCommis-
sioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that on the 21st day of
October _., 1020, at the hour oh ten o'clock n. M. of said day
the hoard of Commissioners of Salt Lake City will, in the Council
Chamber of said Board in the City County Building in Salt Lake
City, Utah, hear and consider protests against either the said
irs_rovement generally or udainst the c_dent of said district or
a,lmmnst the proposed assessments died in the rL,)ort o.. the City
:Engineer hereina eve mentioned and anyworsen o,m_iinp property in
send proposed improvement district may at or before the tine
Ihereinabove fi:zed for hearin7 of said protests file with the
City :fecordr a ,:r_citon -rotost settin7 fDrth his objection to
• laach .± ro-)osed te L :fecorder is hereby di-
rooted to dive tublic notice o-r! said. Earin7 in the Linner 1:ro-
vidad bL, la.
It is necessary in the opinion of the Board of Commis-
hioners, for the - e,ace, health and saZety of the inhabitants of
!Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution tal:e effect immediate-
21lis resolution shall ta::e effect at once, upon its
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt L&:e TitTj, Utah,
' Sept. 1920.