32 of 1913 - A resolution that the Congress of the United States be urged to take steps toward government ownersh REMARKS: Resolution No. 2 By Commissioner Korns That the Congress of the U.S. he urged to take steps toward government ownership of tele- graph and telephone ustem. READ AND AtMED, APR - 1913 Zaeliti*defat. CITY'Urn rrTIT. ROLL CALL J VOTING Yes No. Salt Lake City, Utah, -- Pip i'11 8th, /9/3 Keyser /move that the resolution be adopted. Korns Lawrence Morris 4` 4,... Mr.Chairman t _k- Fla �' -' ,� RESULT `k. RESOLUTION : RESOLVED, That tile Congress of the United States be urged to take the necessary steps to secure the ownership and establishment of a federal telegraph and telephone system similar in service to that of the Post Office 7)e-nartent for local and interstate transmission of messages . I -I Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of II SaltLake C ity, .‘"pril 9, 1913. ) (..----- ??,r7 7 __ z- C ' _________ Tempor'4ry Chairman --- City Recorder