32 of 1973 - A resolution authorizing and directing the execution of Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement with the ' Resolution 1 , 2 Y By Conrad B. garrison - COMMISSIONER ' Authorizing and directing the execution of Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agree- ment with the Federal Aviation Admin-' istration for construction of a con- necting taxiway at the Salt Lake City ,' International Airport, Project No. 8-49-00-33-01 Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED . MAY 3 1973 )1Nv116444\ ���! CITY REcor i ' DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SALT LAKE CITY AIRPORTS DISTRICT OFFICE 116 North 24th West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 2 3 MAY 1973 Honorable E. J. Garn Mayor of Salt Lake City City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Mayor Carn; Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement for Airport Development Aid Project No. 8-49-0033-01 was accepted by the City on May 3, 1973. However, Page 2 of said Amendment contained two typographical errors in that the holding apron to be constructed for Runway 16L was described as being 4,500 sq. yds. in area, whereas the area should have been stated as 4,560 sq. yds. The correct area was properly stated on Page 3 of said Amendment. Also, the authorizing resolution (Resolution No. 32) contained this same error. Inasmuch as the error was typographical and is considered minor in effect, it is suggested that same can be rectified by a mutual ack- nowledgment of said error. Consequently, if this method is acceptable to the City, we shall appreciate your completion of the acknowledgment appearing hereon. Please return the original of this letter. Sincerely, VICTOR J. RIESLING Chief, Airports District Office It is hereby acknowledged that Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement for Airport Development Aid Project No. 8-49-0033-01 as accepted by the Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah, on May 3, 1973, contains an error in the area described for the holding apron for Runway 16L in that said area should be 4,560 sq. yds., instead 4,500 sq. yds. SALT LAKE CITY CO,�'•TION, UTAH By Title; Mayor `► Date ; FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION l� kc 'i6 9'73 By Title: Chief', Airports District Office NtX/YettiT Date : 23 MAY 1973 • EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OK AS T9 F0�2 FA OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE SALT LAKE CITY &.%�i CORPORATION, UTAH, HELD ON May 3, 1973 / / J The following Resolution was introduced by Commissioner Conrad B. Harr,ison read in full, considered and adopted: Resolution No. 32 of the Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah, authorizing and directing the execution of an Amendment to Grant Agreement for the purpose of adding the construction of a connecting taxiway (460' x 75') between Runway 16L/34R and the east parallel taxiway approximately 2,700 feet south of Runway 16L and a holding apron (4,500 aq. yds.) to Runway 16L, including shoulder stabilization to the scope of airport development set forth in the Grant Agreement executed by the Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah, on May 23, 1972. Be it Resolved by the members of the City Commission of the Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah, as follows: Sec. 1. That the Salt Lake City Corporation shall enter an Agreement with the United States called Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement for the purpose of adding the construction of a connecting taxiway (460' x 75') between Runway 16L/34R and the east parallel taxiway approximately 2,700 feet south of Runway 16L and a holding apron (4,500 sq. yds.) to Runway 16L, including shoulder stabilization to the scope of airport development set forth in the Grant Agreement executed by the Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah, on May 23, 1972. Sec. 2. That the Mayor of the Salt Lake City Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement on behalf of the Salt Lake City Corporation on said Amendment No. 1 to Grant Agreement at the place marked"(SEAL)"; and Sec. 3. A true copy of the Amendment to Grant Agreement referred to herein is attached hereto and made a part hereof. CERTIFICATE I, City Recorder of the Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 32 adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah held on the 3rd day of May , 1973, and that the same is now in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and impressed the official seal of the Salt Lake City Corpora- tion, Utah, this 3rd day of May , 1973. Signed: ZINIA10.204,44.40.4 Title : City Recorder (SEAL) • Page 1 of 3 pages UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINLSTRATION Salt Lake City International Airport Salt Lake City, Utah Projc.•t No. b-49-003-01 Contract No. DOT-FA72-WE1470 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO GRANT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Feferal Aviation Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "FAA") acti,g for and on hehtlf of the United States of America and the Salt Lake C•ty Corporation, tah (hereinafter referred to as the "Spon- sor") entered it to a Grant Agree:tent relating to Airport Development Aid Program Project No. 8-49-0033-01 at the Salt Lake City International Airport which was accepted by the Sponsor on 23 May 1972 and which covers the fol- lowing improvene ats to said ai.rp)rt: Land acquisition, Areas A, B, C and D; replace lights (HIRL) and install centerline and `ouchdown lights on Runway 16R 34L; mark (precision) Runway 16L/;4R (9817'); extend Runway 16L/34R (1217' x 150') from 8600' to 9')17', including shoulder stabilization, blast pid and lighting +HIRL) of extension; construct and mark angled .exit taxiway to Runway 16L/34R, including shoulder stabil- ization; extend and mar': parallel taxiway to Runway 16L/34R (5000' x 75'), including by-pa s taxiway and shoulder stabilization; light (AM) angled exi taxiway, extension of parallel taxiway to Runway 16L/34R, and by-pass taxiway; and modernize lights (MITL) ,n existing portion of parallel taxiway to 16L/34R; strengtien and mark (precision) Runway 16R/34L (9,900' 150'), including shoulder stabilization; relocate threshold 100' for Runway 341; construct, nark and light (MITL) high speed exit taxiway; (2) for Runway 16R/34L, including shoulder stabilization; enlarge fillets at westbrly intersection of Runway 16L/34R and norther y east/west taxiway, including relocation of taxiway lights; install boundary fencing (29,000 l.f.), including 5 gates; -eplace existing steel blast and chain link fences for Runway 4R with wooden blast fence +150 1.f.); relocate takeoff thresho d for Runway 34F (222'); install fillet at intersection of Runway 34R and south connecting +taxiway; install VASI-4 for Runway •4R; remove west 700' of the south east/west taxiway; moderni e taxiway lights on taxiway connecting south east/west taxiway to threshold on Runway 34L; install Category II holding signs and marking for Runway 16R/34L; replace airport lighting control panel in the control tower with a modern control panel; site grading for glide slope and runway safety areas for Runways 16L and 34L; and install open grade bituminous friction course on Runway 16R/34L and extension of Runway 16L; install security fencing 1300 l.f., including 8 gated,. -Page'2 of 3 pages WHEREAS, the need to construct, mark, seal and light (MITL) a connecting taxiway (460' x 75') between Runway 16L/34R and the east parallel taxiway approximately 2,700 feet south if Runway 16L and a holding apron (4,500 sq. yds.) to Rulway 16L, includ ng shoulder stabilization, were not recog- nized at the Lide of the Grant i greement; and WHEREAS, the pa-ties have now determined it to be to their mutual benefit that constructiin of a connectb g taxiway (460' x 75') between. Runway 16L/34R and the east parallel taxiway approximately 2,700 feet south of Runway 16L and .i holding apron '4,500 sq. yds.) to Runway 16L, including shoulder stabilization, be inclided in the description of said airport development and same be ra_tifiec by amending the said Grant Agreement to specifically in.lude said constinction. NOW THEREFORE, ,IITNESSETH: That in conside-ation of the be efit to accrue to the parties hereto, the FAA, acting for and on behalf o the United States of America, on the one part, and the S''onsor, on the ()Hier part, do hereby mutually agree that said Grant Agre meat be and the same is hereby amended in the following particulars but in no others: The scope and d scription of thi airport development set forth in Paragraph 2, Page 1 of th' Grant Agreemeno is revised to read as follows: Land acquisition, Are s A, B, C and D; replace lights (HIRL) and install centerline an touchdown lights on Runway 16R/34L; mark (precision) Runway 161/34R (9817'); extend Runway 16L/34R (1217' x 150') from 8600' to 9817', including shoulder stabilization, blast pad and lightin; (HIRL) of extension; construct and mark angled exit taxiway b Runway 16L/34R, including shoulder stabil- izati,n; extend and m+ rk parallel taxiway to Runway 16L/34R (5000' x 75'), includ ng by-pass taxiway and shoulder stabiliza- tion; light (MITL) an•.led exit taxiway, extension of parallel taxiway to Runway 16L 34R, and by-pass taxiway; and modernize light; (MITL) on existing portion of parallel taxiway to 16L/34R; stren;then and mark (Irecision) Runway 16R/34L (9,900' x 150'), incluiing shoulder st bilization; relocate threshold 100' for Runwa; 34L; construct mark and light (MITL) high speed exit taxiways (2) for Runway 16R/34L, including shoulder stabilization; enlar fillets at we. terly intersection of Runway 16L/34R and north- erly ast/west taxiwa-, including relocation of taxiway lights; install boundary fenc ng (29,000 1.f.), including 5 gates; replace existing steel blast .and chain link fence:. for Runway 34R with wooden blast fence (1.0 1.f.); relocate takeoff threshold for Runwa: 34R (222'); in tall fillet at intersection of Runway 34R and south connecting axiway; install VAST-4 for Runway 34R; remov/ west 700' of tle south cast/west taxiway; modernize taxiway light; on taxiway con.ecting south east/west taxiway to threshold on Rulway 34L; instal Category IL holding signs and marking for Runwa ' 16R/34L; repla e airport lighting :ontr;l paid in the coats ii tower with a lodern control pane ; site grading for glide • • Page 3 of 3 pages slop( and runway safety areas fn, Runways 16L and 34L; and install open grade bituminous friction course on Runway 16R/34L and exten- sion of Runway 16L; c.mstruct, mark, seal and light (MITL) con- necting taxiway (460' x 75') between Runway 16L/34R and the east parallel taxiway approximately 2,700 feet south of Runway 161, and holding apron (4,560 sq. yds.) to Runway 16L, including shoulder stabilization; and install security fencing 1300 l.f., including 8 gates. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to said Grant Agreement to be duly executed as of the 3rd day of May 1973. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION 1 By VICTOR J, KIESLING Title Chief A: orts District Office ALT LAKE CITY (3ORPORA N, UTAH (SEAL) By -ti l Title Attest Ctri11 v��t� .I . 1 .1 {� (V{' Title City recorder CERTIFICATE OF '1PONSOR'S ATTORNLY I JACK L. CRELLIN , acting as Attorney for the Salt Lake City Corporation, Utah, do hereby certify: That I have examined the foregoing Amendment to the Grant Agreement and the proceedings taken by said Sponsor relating thereto, and find that the execution thereof by said Sponsor has been duly authorized and is in all respects duo and proper and in accordance with the laws of the State of Utah, and further that, in my opinion, said Amendment to the Grant Agree- ment constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Sponsor in accordance with the terms thereof. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah this _3rd day of May , 1973. itle City Attorney