34 of 1914 - A resolution that P. J. Moran be given paving repairs on certain streets. 6 REMARKS: Resolution No._ 34. By Commissioner Morris That P.._J.._Moran be given paving._repairs.on..certain- _ streets. READ AND ADOPTED A,7,N01914 CITY RECORDER. ICI ail iI 1\VLL VL'>LL THE LIBERTY PRESS 1470 VOTING Yes No Salt Lake City, Utah 4-Aril 20, 191 Lawrence reoolution Morris I move that the cirglizaigmbe passed. Shearman Wells 4, _ I Mr.Chairman I ; s�4 {EJWi tIRDE1Y7'tlNCEI 11 E S 0 T . Result t ,.; � � i' I 0 l� The asphalt pavement on i'irr t South Street from h in Street to 4 . t 1er )1e 5tr et ; on Te"_t Temple Street from South "'em?ole Street to Io,rth South Street ; on Second South Street from hest Temple Street to Fifth st Street ; on First South Street from itin Street to St. to Street ; on State Street from First South Street to South Temple Street ; on South Temple Street from State Street to Third Vest Street ; on aicherds Street from South Tern le Street to ir: t South Street ; end on Commorciel Street from Firot South street to Second South Street , for a lone time prior to January 1 , 1914, h__ve been :freatly out of re:o it in many places ; end belt -reke City r -_ e c ntra -, �. ..�h�..r� .�._. T �� �; �. 0 1ct i �'r. Ired 2alr"er to repair, u_urin, the ;;ear 1914, the asphalt p,8veme nt on said streets , end it such -ola:cee thereon €s shall tie designated; and ,..rIEFJ' S, The Supervisor of Streets of this city notified said 2 lmer to eu he repairs on the streets above :nentio:led within a time mentioned in such notice, ;rhich said Palmer filed to do ; and ':-SERLAS Said Pe .r signed and filed with the Su ti:�; , 1:-� o ervi aor of Streets a written consent that such repair cork 'be done by 1. J. ,_`oran Contractor; end T HE:.EAS, Said ?. J. :.Torun Contractor e.. reed to rn ke repairs of the as--halt avement on said streets for t:_e sum of 1. 75 'cer square yard, the same to be done at the places deei,-na:ted u the . -�_ �l �y .i,il.Jiner:r, alad in acoord._ nce :ith the city's standard specifications coverixl such cork; n d 7HEIEAS, The repair of seid streets beili a: _`,resin; necessity, the Sum:rvisor of Streets directed said 2. J. ::ors n Contra: ctor to proceed with the work of said ref:airs et once , erhi also reclrested the City : nyri:_eer to mark out on said streets tiie places to be repaired; end iEREAS, Said En;"ineer did so mark out said places, "nd said Loran did et once begin, said repo it wotk and is now enge ged in repo irin> the as,Thalt :avement on the -_trEets above mentioned; a n d ;_lL-alc..S, Said direction by the Supervisor of Streets to said ..:ors:n to do said repair work, and seid roles by said P. J. :,:ora.n Con- tractor hevinp been without authorization by the 3ocrd of O :m:asioners of this city , it now becomes necessary for said hoard to ratify and i action theC'+ ie ., ' t sp said 2 J. .�Y� confirm such of .ill,: .r TAu���. ofa �r8e �.7 end �7 C.�.Q la .t slurs .41 Contra. ctor, in erder the t the same may be lea 1: IyO', T=EPOtE, Be it resolved as follows : lot. That the action of the , uoervieor of Streets in directing P. J. :loran Contractor to -:proceed to re'Jeir the asphalt pavement on said streets .above .lentioJed, be , and the some is hereby ratified and confirmed. 2n d. That the action of said. P. J. Loran Contractor in doing said re-oair -'norm on seid streets be, and the s€• me is hereby confirmed. Srd. T'_L t said ::orsn is hereby directedtocontinue said .. r f Corr_ a re_�t' irinU theasphalt =Fvement on the streets above mentioned t t the "laces _ rhed by the City ns inE•er, and under his i.ns ecti.on, until the N.: ici work on said streets is com-oleted, the se -e to be done at the _`rice of , 1. J per sgiia re yerd, and acc.oroi - to the city's StL mmoore specifi- c.` i ins covering t ''.` t class of work. 4th. Thy", said. 2. J. :.sore n Contra etor be - . ilt. :or said. work accordili` to the estimates made by .tie City __. ,_•i leer. S1/4/44-)t-Ak- „ 0-14, 6AA-44:3.A-11---\-1' Adopted by the Board of Commicsi n rs of (� Vitl Sa1t Lake City , Atri1 21 ; 1;91� � �. t /L4 J� 'rru /`'