34 of 1972 - A resolution creating Special Improvement District Curb and Gutter Extension No. 487. Resolution No. 34 By Stephen M. Harmsen COMMISSIONER Creating Special Improvement District Curb and Gutter Extension No. 487. Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED 1972 ROLL CALL VOTING Aye N'n, Salt Lake City,Utah, August 1 19 72 Mr.Chairman Barker $ ���/// I move that the\Resolution be adopted. � � Harmsen tkijr/ Harrison Phillips RESOLUTION Result RESOLUTION CREATING SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT CURB AND GUTTER EXTENSION NO. 487 WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Board of Commissioners declared its intention to create curb and gutter extension No. 487 on the 26th day of April, 1972; and WHEREAS, said Notice of Intention was published first on May 10, 1972, second, on May 17, 1972, third, on May 24, 1972, and last on May 31, 1972; and that said Notice was mailed, postage prepaid, to each owner of the property to be assessed within said Special Improvement District at his last known address as said address appeared on the last completed real property assessment rolls of Salt Lake County and also sent to "owner" at the street number of each piece of improved property to be assessed; and WHEREAS, protests respecting creation of said Special Improvement District were heard and considered by the Board of Commissioners on the 8th day of June, 1972, and it appeared that the total frontage protested in the District was 6.27% of the total assessable frontage in the entire District of 21,675.55 front feet, which amounted to 1,358.90 frontage so protested. It further appeared that 3rd North Street between 11th and 12th West Street had 900 front feet protested of a total front footage of 1,200 feet, making a 75% protest of the frontage on 3rd North between said llth and 12th West Streets. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, that because the aforementioned Special Improvement District does not include the north-south streets that would connect to 3rd North Street and since three- fourths of the property owners along 3rd North between llth and 12th West have pro- tested the proposed improvements, this Board does hereby authorize deletion of said frontage of 3rd North between llth and 12th West Streets from the District and accordingly directs the City Engineer to proceed with the remainder of Curb and Gutter Extension No. 487, as described in the Notice of Intention. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this day of July, 1972. ate: _., Ma's` Reco 1:R __ ..1'..,,.. ',.".1 U C.I.F.7./ ,d.c.-.-! 0.-....7Ly bnli.d.lt, Cdty, ULtql 7,..-JT "...•t r„ ' ,..'.•,-.:-.•'-:.,.;, T'-..-.---.'„:-'.:' 0, 3Y 7::,, 1,!'dn ..-.-urn 11,-1 in':-...: ",:.1V-., 1:(!ltc.1:-4,..17. f(yz ch.c. p.rd„:...7.1-.1n.2 0.-„. '..:1,".Y.),OiLd ril-0A2,1 ',-.---r..s.':.,,if ---.:,q KJ hf..-:1.-.:A: F.-.-LT.do .Cr..r end::b ,Tad C.,,:q...L.,7,7.: 1'.7.6,crit:f,on. 426 and 76,000 dtnu HI rmprovemenr Ihuldn f er Curb nut Cut t er rr,t en,:ion 4S7. P,urrovih, S.-1.7JI 6 Co-,f,:offny Cr.:rpil.n:f .., C, 17... L.'7„nn II.nut r-...c..i.,,:r.,:il P.nd:!.F. 'd...-!. nt.„=.,Ada ]nn, tecnth '..„.'.;.1d, C....".S. oY. 617_,. City'D ?1.--.! T.;'..!:..nt:cf ,,, C.:'.-=1 (,:-..,yr:11n.s..1, 17,7., ...,.;.-. 1."'. 7. t.:Ang toJ„.,,y, 1,7. .7.nany r 1: ,..‘:;-it L”Jrn ,..'„,.*1) r:-.., r.-"-...:,7 '—,-,-.1,-, i'F'.(-... ,,,,, ,:-.,1: ,,9;Sf17;:: ,r;:' (-:,-:0 r..7),1 C;,:::::f:::: E..7'.-7r:.:-r-J.7.- ._ ,',Ff../, tr:g,: r'...:Ytn,,, fil,- '.-1 . cf .„..,1:L :. 1,..A..,,,-:,•... !'.n-_,„„,. Ccn t In:nt...11 B ..,./% (.... T.i.nn)r nay um:, "' 'a,..CI ,:y c.-.-... 7,.,„..',.„.o..,.--..d.y f.:.':.7.7.'.. ,ti. ...t.1 ',„..1.L:i. T..',..:-'2.f.,,.....:. f',d li,. .-.'.I. c., '-.;=,.7.. rZonvo C..':. , -.: C':ty s-,7,0 Sur rows, Smi rh 6 Co.