35 of 1936 - A resolution expressing the high appreciation and personal esteem of the Board of Commissioners for REMARKS: Resolution No. 3.5 By Commissioner Keyser Expressing the high appreci ,ition and personal esteem of the, oard of Commissioners for the valuable services rendered by ' Commis...sionex Harold B. Lees retiring, and extending sincere, appreciati on and thanks to Mr. Lee—on—behalf of the Citizens of Salt Lake City. tiamted to the lewd of OammIsslamrs AND PASHikb age 4107444064K Orrit Kroanaiin Coggin • I move that the resolution be adopted. Keyser Murdoch �teo�tosxx - YYY Lee Mr. Chairman - - RESOLUTION Result It is a matter of deep regret to the people of Salt Lake City and its officials to receive the resignation of Harold B. Lee. During the four years he has served as a Com- missioner of Salt Lake City by his rectitude of conduct; tire- less effort; conscientious, courteous, capable and consistent discharge of his trust;hj'as won the respect, love and friend- ship of all whose pleasure it has been to know him. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commission- ers of Salt Lake City hereby attest its high appreciation and personal esteem for the valuable services rendered by Commission- er Harold B. Lee and we, the representatives of the people of Salt Lake City, extend our most sincere appreciation and thanks to Harold B. Lee on behalf of the citizens of our city, ever remembering that advancement is the reward and )romotion the end to him who serves so well. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that an engrossed copy be forwarded to Harold B. Lee. �� -- Passed y the Board of Commissioners f Salt Lake City, Utah, this L1day of _ _, 1 Pd ay.or. City ecorder. •