35 of 1975 - A resolution setting forth a special meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City, U , ' Resolution No. 35 ' By Jennings Phillips. Jr. I COMMISSIONER Resolution setting forth a special meeting of the Board of City Com- missioners of Salt Lake City, Utah,el for a Public Hearing for the purpos of adopting a budget for the City's ! Fiscal year commencing July 1, 19751 through June 30, 1976, for Monday, j June 30, 1975, at 10:30 a.m. Ptesenkid the kalif Cominlimix AND PASSED JUN 121975 crtr RIooR, li F June 12, 1975 Fios orabie jaws Maim Jr. Conuniseioear of Public Affairs and Finance 211 City aedCounty Bedlam Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Sir The Board of City Conuldes one rs, at its meeting today, passed Rasol as No. 93 of 1975 arty forth a special smooth" of the Board of City Coen., raise of Salt Lake City, Utah, for a Pleb*: floaniog for the putpose of adopting a body* for the City's Fiscal year 1+175/197 6, for Monday, lane 30, 1973, at 14:30 a.m. Yours tolr, Chia Display City'Reiccrzder CC: Mayor Ba siscsn Commissioner muses Commissioner liernesen Comm eeio er Norms= City Attorney City Auditor Auditor Report 043 Finance Report 9347 -- £lIee ROLL CALL C VOTING Aye ay Salt Lake City,Utah, June 12 ,19 75 Mr.Chairman I move that thed .1uti0 nbeadoptef7 � Air / / 'Age Harrison f Phillips � •'U OLUTION Result / / WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City desires to have a special meeting for the purpose of adopting a budget for the City's fiscal year commencing July 1, 1975; and WHEREAS, it has directed that the tentative budget shall have been prepared and placed on file as required by law more than ten days prior to June 30, 1975; and WHEREAS, the Commission has directed that Notice of Hearing on the tentative budget shall be published more than seven days prior thereto as required by law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY that the Commission should have and hereby directs that a special meeting of the Board of Salt Lake City Commissioners shall be held on Monday, June 30, 1975, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock a.m. for the purpose of holding a public hearing concerning the tentative budget and approving and adopting a final budget for the City's fiscal year, commencing July, 1975, together with such other matters that may come before the Board on said day and time. DATED this 12th day of June, 1975. • 6550A-06441,14461--/ Commiss o Y l ' Commissioner Commissioner ljt‘11°4*.j 4,'4 Commissioner