36 of 1980 - A resolution requesting that the Utah Department of Transportation appeal the decision of the Utah D RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the State of Utah and the Federal Highway Adminis- tration are beginning construction of I-215 in the Northwest Quadrant of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Planning Director cited the need for an overpass at 1800 North, to allow east-west traffic between Redwood Road and 2200 West; and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Commission on September 20, 1977, unanimously requested that an overpass be constructed over I-215 at 1700 North in order to provide for better traffic circulation and to facilitate better police and fire protection in the area; and WHEREAS, east-west access over I-215 is presently provided only at 700 North Street and 2100 North Street, which effectively makes a wall fourteen blocks long and which severely hampers access from Redwood Road to 2200 West; and WHEREAS, on April 21, 1980, the Utah Department of Transporta- tion submitted an appeal to the Utah Division of the Federal Highway Administration for an overpass to be constructed over I-215 at 1700 North Street and cited a road user benefit-cost ratio of 1.5, if the overpass were so constructed; and WHEREAS, on May 15, 1980, the Utah Division of the Federal Highway Administration denied that appeal; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Salt Lake City Council hereby expresses its opinion and belief that an North overpass at 1700<Sou0 is needed to provide additional east-west access, circulation and police and fire protection in the northwest quadrant of Salt Lake City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Salt Lake City Council requests that the Utah Department of Transportation appeal the decision of the Utah Division of the Federal Highway Administra- tion to their Regional Office, so that an overpass might be Resolution No. r. By City Council COMMISSIONER Requesting that the Utah Department of Transportation appeal the decision of the Utah Division of the Federal Highway Administration to their Regional Office, so that an overpass might be constructed at 1700 North as a part of the I-215 Northwest Quadrant construction. APPROVED ' JUL -81990 Wita 4 r � •