38 of 1911 - A resolution that the Board of Public Works be instructed to advertise notice to contractors for bid = ,,•
.y;� �" --� - - — - - -_.__ - • — �
.� -1 in 121 MARCH 6, 1911. MARCH b. 1911.
Sixth and Seventh South Streets and State and Second East Streets.
the City Recorder. Owing to the fact that no appropriation has yet been made by the Council for the
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
building of said etablee, etc., the resolution was referred back to the signer and the matter
SECTION 1. That Section 568 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, as
emended by an ordinance passed by the City Council April 28, 1910, and approved by the Meyer April referred to the City Engineer to report back to the Council at once with the plans and speci£ica-
' 29, 1910, relating to the appointments of deputies and assistants by the City Recorder, be, and
the same is hereby mended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: . . tione and estimates covering said buildings.
SECTION 568. The Recorder shall have power to appoint, subject to confirmation by the
Council, the following deputies and assistants:
One deputy recorder, who shall also act as clerk of the council committees, at a salary Resolution No.39. By Councilman Reed.
of thirteen hundred and eighty ($1380.00) dollars per annum. •
Three deputy recorders, who shall act as clerks of the city courts, at a salary of Be it now and herein resolved that the Board of Public works be instructed to advertise
twelve hundred ($1200.00) dollars each, per annum. notice to contractors for general bide on watermein extensions, whioh may be ordered constructed
One deputy reoorder, who shall act as clerk of the city courts, at a salary of ten by the City Council within the corporate limit of Salt Lake City to R-member 30, 1911,
,� hundred and eighty (41080.00) dollars per annum.
One clerk at a salary of twelve hundred (11200.00) dollars per annum. Read and adopted.
One clerk at a salary of twelve hundred ( 1200.00) dollars per annum.
One clerk of the Board of Park Commissioners at a salary of nine hundred ($900.00) /
dollars per annum. Resolution No.40. By Councilman McKinney.
Two stenographers for the City Court, at a salary of nine hundred ($900.00) dollars
each, per annum, all of which salaries shall be paid monthly as are the salaries of other employeeR. Whereas, Senator Carl A. Badger has been reported in the Herald Republican as having used
SECTI ON.2. All ordinances and resolutions, or parts of ordinances and resolutions Sn the following language on the floor of the state senate on February 24, 1911, with reference to the
conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Salt Lake City Council, to-wit:
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effeot upon approval. "I am opposed to the council holding up fourteen licenses while they shake down ealoon
keepers. The bill splits on this point, but under this provision conditions in this city at least
introduced by Councilman Moreton, was taken up and read first time. On motion of Councilman will be vastly improved. I have sat in the council when the proceedings on the question of saloon
licenses were a farce. I am told by a city official that there are five councilmen who always
Moreton, the rules were suspended on roll call vote, all members voting aye except Counoilmaa vote for the saloon interests, no matter what comes up. I have gone at times to the council on
dates set for a hearing of matters concerning protests, only to be insulted, Judge McMaster of the
Ferry, who was absent, and Councilman Mulvey, excused, and the ordinance read second time by juvenile court has made protests but all to no purpose. If we make it a matter of law, it will
be fair to the man who applies for a license and to the community. This clause should not be
g title, third time in full and passed on roll call vote, all members voting aye except Councilmen be
with." and
Whereas, such a statement is a reflection on every member of this council: Now therefore
.te Ferry, who was absent, and Councilman Mulvey, excused, title approved and referred to the Mayor be it
rid'c, for his approval. Resolved: That Senator Badger is hereby requested to present to this m unoil, at its
regular meeting one wed from to-night, or at such time as shall be most convenient to him, the
iA evidence upon which he bases his charges and statements, if he was correctly quoted, to the end
___ JAI
` 4-.110 .�. ...nM,nav ha tannwn rand that Sf said charges sad etatemente are
The following report from the City Recorder was then presented: - ------------a..,,.
not ru , that this ouncil and each member thereof may be cleared frim such imputation.
Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent by the City Re carder to 1
6 From the City Recorder. Senator Badger immediately. �•
4 Gentlemen: Read and adopted on the following roll call sole:
1 I submit herewith resignation of Ethel Macdonald as clerk and Ayes, Davis, Fernstrom, Holley, Bodgean, Lyne, McKinney, Moreton, Mulvey, O'Donnell,
stenographer in my office, and hereby reappoint her to the same position under the new ordinance. Reedall, Wood, 11.
I respectfully ask that my action be concurred in and the appointment confirmed. Noes, Hall, Lees, 2,
Respectfully, Absent, Reed, Ferry, 2. j
City heoorder.
Resolution No.41. By Councilman McKinney. 6
; Counoilman Moreton moved that the communication be received and filed and the reelgnati oa WHEREAS, various and sundry charges have been made against officials of Salt Lake City by i
accepted, Chico motion carried. the Herald-Republican, a daily newspaper published in this city; and '1
WHEREAS, in its issue of March 3, lyll, said Herald-Eepublican alleges, among other
t. Councilmen Moreton moved that the appointment be confirmed. things, that "Each time licenses expire end are to be issued, it costs the saloon men from$10.00
to $200.00 each to get their license"; and
Councilman Fernstrom raised the point of order that the appointment could not be con- WHEREAS, said publication seems to be endeavoring to so influence the Utah Legislature
that said legislature will start a liquor law with provisions which would entirely divest the city
n firmed under the saw ordinance until the ordinance wee approved by the Mayor, which paint wee councils and boards of county commissioners of all power to control and regular the li uor traffic;
+-^A I and WHEREAS, such legislation, if enacted, would be subversive of good government and vastly 1
rIl -..,, .- ... ❑c. a,. ....,. ,.-..-
````NN -- THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the legislature is tea peuerui.y .
■ 0l d PueA"11 requested to investigate the charges of said Rarald-Re,ub lie an•5,,e in its lazue e,ule5 ofsaidof March publication lagai net
■ 11 . a..,..iu..,,,. J,,.; . 0; ^„•,�._•,_,,., n., in _ end enoIl other onargea as iwre .e u. a.,. t,; tiWo bcc_ .---- „ I'
Be it resolvedby the City Councilthat the sum of One thousand Dollars, be, and the ' the offlol ale of Salt Lake City, this council ae su rl ng'sa id legislature of its hearty desire to
.e wp-ew•� npprnpr±aMn to John N. ore ne iota. ei n,rw, to w sou.: w� - ---�•--��'♦ _ _ �� - _ .__ ^„'°+
Ls Un u_ --___th__- - ocoic♦ +n an eh ievea tl cation, sad nee wring said legislator e1 that it will be-ploaOed to ap poin e
$; fund, and to report the expenditures therefrom to the Council from time to time. uu,wulttoa to �u , .. ------� ` r, �.•..�•
ties of any and all of said officials of Salt Lake City or of any, cr u11, c. the c Sig e
ci, a"d and adneted and the amount placed upon the Authorized List. (Item 021. ubliastion has seen fit to make against sold oitic:els.
p Dr IT FURTHER pc"nl.mw D, that at euoh investigation the Herald-Republican be requested to
aappear and present any and all evidence it may have to prove or euoenasviato eoc ,L-,sac. f Pearslutinn No.i9, By Counc,lmaa O'Donnell. I
+ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to each member
q Sor the logieleture by the City Recorder oP thla pity.
{ Be it resolved by the L'ity Council thet the Board oY Yubllo hocks be, and le hereby jlretructed to advertise for bide Yor paving with asphalt, bth South, State to let Weed, the sameRead end adopted oa the following roll call vote: {4y� briny known as laming Distrlof no.bB.
Ayes, Fernstrom, Holley, Hodgson, Lyne, McKinnny, Moreton, Mulvey, O'Donnell, Loud, '1.
Laid over for one week et the reqeset of Counatlmen Mulvey and heedall. Boos, Davie, L'nll, Leea, }.Absent, Reedall, Reed, Ferry, ?.
iouoluticn Ro.33. By Gouncllman Randall. Li
Be it now and herein resolved, that the Board of Public Works be instructed to advertise
notice to eontraotore for bids on the construction of a new city stable and other buildings in
co r.,.:et.��n then.lth to be erected on the property now owned by the city in block bounded by
W `