4 of 1911 - A resolution that J. P. Moran be, and is hereby notified to remove his rock crusher and vacate prope 1a
;3 JA I9J.IITY 3, 1911,
JAIIJARY 3, 1911. 1 3
BILL e0, 4. For en ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 698 of the Revised Ordinances
Resolution No.5, By Councilman ..oreton,
of Selt Lake City of 1903, relating to permits for excavations in city streets, as amended by
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the City Attorney nreeere an ❑zer.d-d
cm ordinance passed by the City Council August 25, 1910, and approved by the Mayor August 26, ordinance providing for the employtnmt of all of the employees of the City :re�surer's
office, so that their names may ell be pieced on the regular monthly payroll of tide
1910, taker. up and read first time end referred to the Committee on Streets, department,
• Read and adopted.
'Resolution Eo,l. By Councilman Roodall, •
TEAS, Slenn R. Bothwell and R. E. IceConaughy have heretofore petitioned the City Resolution Bo.6, By Councilman Lulvey.
• Council to vacate thrt part of Eighth South Street hereinbelow described: •
NO' T?Pail"ORE, BE IT RE;OL7ED: That the foliating part of Eighth South Street be, BE IT 91410 L'✓ED by the City Council that the License Assentor be, and it is hereby,
and the same is hereby vacate,' for street purposes absolutely and unconditionally, viz: authorized to employ for ninety days one man at a cage ofp100.GO per sent}:, chose duty it
shall be, under the direction of the License se Assessor, to aoeiat in the collection of license
Beginning et the southwest corner of Block eight (8), Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey,
Militarytaxes, and to reader ouch other service as shall be required of him by the License Ase.�ssor.
thence south four (4) rods; thence east twenty (20) rods more or less to Fort Douglas
Reservation; thence north four (4) rods to the southeast corner of said Block eight (8), thence Read and adopted,
• west t e ty (20) rode more or less to the'point of beginning,
Read end adopted on roll sail v et e, all members voti rg aye except Councilman Fernstrom •
Report Mo.l from the City Attorney, reporting on resolution Jo.179, presented
and Hall, mho were absent,
earlier in the session and laid over to come up with resolutions, was taken up and referred
•• to the Committee on Lunicipal Laws,
Reroln`ion Eo, . BY Councilman Rced^_ll, e
"'f'REAS, Glenn R. Botlreoll and R. E. ecConnughy, tie corners of all of the land in i,
r cc:_oat Heights Addition, [.ad ell the land adjacent and contiguous to the streets end alleys -
The List of Authorized Expenditures was than taken up and passed on roll cell
herein mentioned, have filed a petition asking for the vacation of the streets and alleys herein 1
vote, all members voting aye except Councilmen Fematxom and Hell, who were absent.
NCW TOIIRRFORE, BE IT 112 1 2 1 01 2: That that part of Sunnysi de Avenue which runs between 1
below described;
.Twelfth and Thirteenth East Streets and between Blocks eleven (il) and fourteen (14), Fremont LIST OF AliTILORIZED EIL'ELILITL'fiE3
Heights, together with all rlleys or rights of way in said blocks eleven (11) and fourteen (14),
Fremont Heights, be, and the same are hereby vacated as public streets and alleys absolutely and
.mn r.ditionally, -
1 A. L. Thomas $ 10.00 33 9. F. Josi 70,50 •it
Read and adopted on roll coil vote, nil members voting eye except Councilmen Fernstrom 2 G. F. McGonagle 250,00 34 9, 0, Morrell 100.00
•, i.. Spooner 100,00
1 end ::all, who acre absent, 4 Utah Implement Co. 16.12 36 Peterson R. Est.& Inv, Co. 65.00
5 Continental Oil Ca. 8.12 37 Tracy Loan is 'S_^:at CO. 130.50
a Resolution TIp,3. ByCouncilman6 Galigher idachinery Co, 16.07 3II Firemen's Fund 3.31
tetinney, 7 Studebaker Bros. 50.00 39 Crabbe Hdw, Co. 35,45
8 A. H. Crow& Co, 8,65 40 Culmer faint & Glass Co, 12.85 '1
27 ,m ee n. Test te, City At uruey be, rand he is hereby directed to draft an or- 9 Holman Payne& Co. 36.37 41 eamioereer Levi Cu. 4.65
�o dinence emer,drtor�•of the lieuor ordinance ycontaining the following provisions: 10 The Temple Garage 15.00 42 11.J. Car Sp ri ngse& Rubber Co. 2280,00
I11 King-Browning Hdw, Co. ,70 43 Crane Co. 126.74
Every ne::;nr,, firm, assccieticn or corporation carrying on the business of a rest¢u-
hI. rant or cafe where sr,irituous, vinous, malt or mixed intoxicating liquors are sold, served, 12 Fairbanks-;tree& Co, 150,00 44 Engi neeri>'g Dcpt. 44.26
given nvray or othereiee disposed of, to be consumed on the nreniseo, shall, in addition to the 13 Salt Lake Hdw, Co. 8.40 45 Street Dept. 159,35
rerulsr re.ct,.urnnt license re rvo ired by the ordinances of Salt Lake City, hay a license of 14 Davis Howe& Co. 4,25 46 Ludlow Valve efg, Co, 239.25
y.i75.00 per quarter.
16 German Publishing Co, 28.50 47 Sirs, 9, V. Brown 16.37
For the r.crnesc of thin ordin me.e, :• we-feu-eat or cafe is defined to bo a place for 16 Continental 011 Co. 7.26 48 9m. F. Jmm�s 37,79
cooking or nr el::,:;i.p; or serving victuals, 17 Utah Ind, Tel, Co, 8.00 49 Salt Lake Tribune 15.00
18 A. ]1. Cram b.25 50 Salt Lake "xi buns 16,50
:e'.'erred to the Committees on Municipal Laws, License and the City Attorn�. 19 Strevell-Paterson Helve Co, 17,56 51 Salt Lake Tribune 14,2511
20 Salt Lake Telegram 1.00 52 Salt Lake Tribune 16.50
1 Salt Lake 'Tribune f.b063alt Lrue +Tribune14,c5
'� Resolution Do,177. By Councilman Lulvey, which was taken up earlier in the session under lin- :22
ESamuelG, Pahl25.0064Ena eh Smith12,503 Janes E. Flynn26.0066Salt LakeTelegram7.50finished suain.ss and laid over to come up with resolutions, was again taken up and referred to4PlumblagDept. 6,2056Salt LakeTribune6,00f6StreetsDap artment64.0067Salt Lake2rlbune23.00the Committees on License, :iunicipal Levis md the City Attorney, 6 Plumbing Inspector 3,20 68 Salt Lake Tribune 6,5U
27 A. aawkes 2C „O ,,,.1:ri:. .:
28 Salt Lake Scavenger Co. 3,00 60 Goodwin': 'eeely 15•50
' Res..ele tiers (In. 4. 'Be enueeneae riev lees•. �e en v.. ,' ..,.,. -.a,,,,,. as
• 1 •
1 30 Jensen & kuhre ` 28.00 62 Salt Lake Tribune 19.50 1 '
'''iLoA.i, at a meeting of the City Council held lurch 7, 1910, a motion was put and 31 R. id, Ball Tel. Co. 5.n0_ 63 Nilsen--ihercnn Co, F5.00
C veosOe sii may sveex trm you and remove rook orueher JL N. a, Joel _... '
■ not ,,.tec then January 1,�1911; and
;, -•uyLu n I ' 66 W. F. Adams,V.4gaht, "J,)196.00� VJ� yuyJV
°'.B, ' u rack crusher is still located in City Creek Cenven• , t11 arnfnco
n -Hn. hr '-o is 'a:rvLj r:.:I i:i�d Lo r a,.ov a ]pia roc;: .:.: . , . . . - . _- , ._ ,.._
.1e1.,,hr:r :no. v are, ty used by him in City,Crock Canyon, et once,
rr approval. 11
4. i e,d and not r do nt"d on 0Cc 9nn n.-17 ' 7
n,_ ,.�, eneo• On motion of Councilman O'Donnell, the Council then adjourned.
dyes, Lees, Lyme, uelinaey, Wood, 4, • /^�IJoea, Davin, Hellmr endenore L:nretnn, leely ,�•, O'Donnell, Roodall, Reed, Perry, 9. � /
1[� Ahshnnt, Fern free., ].all, 2, // `
Councilman Randall pave notice of reeonelderntion, �� ‘�
1 - - ........1 �,. t;n Volk/l,.ti un ovae referred to the Committee on Streets, with ;,lt;, ALc.r er,
-.. .__._ 117..t,,.,,,y„ Lc.,.,w u,led, to report next eoneay night.
lir"- - -