4 of 1922 - A resolution of condolence on death of W. H. Korns, former City Commissioner. REMARKS: 1 Resolution No. 1 $ I 1 T By Commissioner Stewart. -11 Resolution of condolence . ) 0 t 1 e on death of W. H. Koxns. rl ill , .11 Ili ' ',' , e , I , 1 , 11; t' 0 .„ I. 4z, ?'..",• 1 t, k $ , i 1 , 11 i :t e, / 1= F l' k ii 1 1 ; , il I! ' 1 rl li '1 1 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, March 30th 192 2 Barnes I move that the resolution be adopted. Burton Green Stewart Mr. Chairman Result RESOLUTION WIMb;AS, W. H. Korns,forrcer City Cor:zoitsioncr of Salt Lake City has departed this life after a. career of exceptional usefulness and service to the conrunity; and WHEREAS, it is fitt _ f, and proper that this Board recognize the splendid public service rendered Salt Lake City by ?r. Horns during his term of office as City Corr.issioner; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Cornissioners of Salt Lake City take this occasion to express their deep appreciation of his devotion to duty as a public servant , his loyalty as a. friend and his fair dealing as a business non. BE IT FIJRTI ;R RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the rinutes of the Board and that a. copy be forwarded to the fonily of this worthy citizen. , I Adopted by the Board of Corrissioners of Salt Lake City,Lrtah, this 30th day of March A.D.1922. ayor Ci y =corder` •