4 of 1927 - A resolution providing for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $155,000.00 in connection with the ex REMARKS: ." =
Resolution No 4
'.0 P #�r a Fehr
Pxai ling fdr the issuance.of l
a ...;e in. the sum of *155, 0a
Ooilneet ion with exchange •a8 1 El
xaent with the Lower"I2ill"Crettk
-I-rri{ration Co., interest payeb
:` ; 'semi-annuallyli 1,1
I y 3 '.
`�� �.,�ki�u YyAb(1ar�i�O � :
'Ar�lt3 11927 Idj
,,T Y rii.y';ORDBfi '^
li I ,
Salt Lake City,Utah, , 192--.._
Fehr / I move that the resolution be adopted.
Moran ✓ /--/-a.-..,'•
Mr.Chairman - - - -
under the provisions of :Action 570e>2, Jompiled
Lows of Ut , 1917, the 'neard of Jommiesioners are authorized and
emeouered, -.men oteer things, to aeeropriate money for corporate
purposes, and to eurchaue, reoeive, hold, sell, lease, convey and
dispose of property, real end eersonel for the benefit of the jity
and to do ell things in relation thereto as natural persona, end
that it shall be deemed a corporate purpose to neeropriete money
for any eurpoce eeieh in the judenent oT the eenrd rill oreelee for
the safety, ereeerve the health, promote the prosperity, end im-
prove the morals, peace, order, comfort and convenience o the in-
habitants of the eity, and,
73AL, under the provisions of ,Action 570n6, emptied
Laws of the tate of Uteh, 1917, the ecard of Jommiseioners is fur-
ther authorized end empowered to berree money for corporate pur-
poses in the manner and to the extent allowed by the Jonstitution
laNs end to issue bonds therefor in such amount and forms and on
suoh conditions as the eommlosion shall determine, and,
the judgment of the ioard of jommiseioners
in order to provide for public safety, ereeerve eublio health and
imnrove the comfort and convenience of the inhabitants of said
alt cake :Ity, there is ineadinte and dresoing need of raising
funds to the amount of One Bundrei A.fty-five Thousand nollare
(n150,000.00) to defray the expense and to pay the contract price
of certain waters and water rights in that aertein stream known
as Mill reek in felt Lake nounty, and particularly all the weters
and water sights of the hoagland and :Arphy eitehes. The acouire-
ment whereof has been provide' in a certain oontraot made and one-
outed on the 14th day of MAroh, 1927, by and between the Lower
Idill Oreek Irrigation lompany, a corporation, and ealt Lake Pity,
said teeter thus nbeuired to be use by said city for corporation
purposes only and to be and become a part of the water system of
said city.
Tnneee, the Jity is without the necessary funds at this
time with which to purchase said waters and water rights, and
said sum of One OO.undred fifty-five Thousand
Dollars eels ,000.0O) may bo raised rat this time without incurring
any indebtedness or liability in eecess of the taxes of said rsuty
for the current year 1927.
TTO '77 71-1 TT.' eee0.7,Vee by the :,card of ',ossnission-
ors of ._e1t ;eke .'ity, Utah, as follows:
1. That for the purpose of raising funds to defray the
expense and to fulfill its oontract obligations in the p,,rehrese
and aceuiremnent of the wetere and enter rights in that certain
stream known as 11i11 ireok in ea1t lake Jounty and more particu-
larly all the waters and water rights of the Poagland and rurphy
'aitohoe under and by virtue of that certain contract dated t`e
14th dry of ?'arch, 1`.'01, by and between the Lower :all .reek Irri-
gation .Jompsny and ..altLake Olty, said waters to he for oorporate
purposes only and to be and become a part of the water system of
salt Leke Jity, sold .alt Lake ::ity shall issue One hundro... fifty-
five (155) bonds of the denomination of 1,000.00 eaoh, numbered
from one (1) to one hundred fifty-five (155) inclusive, and de-
liver the enome to the sower :1111 reeek> Irrigation 3omaany pursuant
to the terms of said oontraet. :_,aid bonds shall bear date of
>ril 1st, l0'27, rand shall bear interest at the rate of five per
cent (5 ) per annum from dote until peid, interest payable„annual-
and October
ly on the first days of �sril Hof each year, in accordance with in-
terest coupons thereto attached, and both ,rinoipel and interest
shall be payable at the e'e_atral Trust voaoony, :alt Leee
i.eler-neeeoler - Co.
Utah, orottoarcentexelVeriteempereoete of i'ow Y)r k in IIaw York
The erincix}.l of said bonds shall become due and payable aerially
as follows:
415,000.00 on ^aril 1st, 1928;
;316,000.00 on 'pril let, 1929;
15,000.00 on ?.pril let, 1930;
;'.16,000.00 on '.pril 1st, 1931;
. 15,000.00 on epril 1st, 1932;
'16,000.00 on ',pill 1st, 1933;
es15,000.00 on '.pril let, 1934;
416.000.00 on '.pril let, 1935;
15,000.00 on `.pril let, 1936;
-410,000.00 on ^:pril let, 1937;
2. That seid bonds and each of them, except as to date
of maturity, shall be in substantially the following form:
.;ALTLK3 30nTY
67LT :An: CITY ::;OND
BeIRI: 07 aPRIL lst,1927.
Do. :1,000.00
110'7 'LT., TITel:SE eaEaLNTn:
KilePr-Peeoly " Co.
That ealt Lake City in Halt Lake County, etate of Utah,
hereby acknowledges itself to be indebteA and for value received
hereby promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of OPT THOUSZD
DOLLe5 ( 1,000.00) in lawful money of the United States of rneri-
ea on the first day of April, H. 19 at the Central Trust
• Company, Pelt Lake City, Utah, or Uggiggiic of New
York in New York City, N. Y., with interest thereon at the rate of
five per cent (5 ) per annum from date until paid, payable semi-
annually in like money on the first days of April and. October in
each year, said interest to maturity being represented by interest
coupons hereto attached.
This bond is one of a series of One Hundred silty-five
(155) bonds of like date and amount, numbered from one (1) to one
Hundred fifty-five (155) inclusive, for the aggregete sum of OBE
FUNDR]e 7LATY-PITe' THAJJS' e) nOLeRe (P155,000.60) issue_, pursuant
to the provisions of 6ection 570X6, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917.
It is hereby certifiee, recited and declared that the
entire indebtedness of said City hereby incurred, together with
all other indebtedness incurred by said City for and during the
year 1927 is not in ee:cese of the taxes of said 3ity for the cur-
rent year, le27.
It is hereby further certified, recited and declared that
all conditions, acts and. things essential to the validity oe this
bond. exist, have ha2pened and have been done and that every re-
ouirement of law affecting the issue thereof has been duly complied
with, and that tie bond is within every debt and other limit pre-
scribed by the Constitution end Laws of said State and that the
full faith and credit of said ealt Take City are hereby irrevocably
pledged to the punctual payment of the )rincieal and interest
this bond aocording to its termo.
IN j'TNA .;H-e123nP, said ealt Lake City has caused this
bond to be signed by its Layor, its oorporate seal to be hereunto
affixed, and attested by it City 'eecorder, as of the first day
of eeril, 1927.
City eecorder.
y I
o each of said bonds shall be attached a coupon for
each installment of interest, which said coupons shall be consecu-
tively numbered, beginning with number one (1), with the several
dates of payment and number of bond, which said coupons shall be
in substantially the following form to-wit:
f":'orm of Cou oon)
do. c 25.00
.idder-Peabody Co.
On the let day of '.aril - Cotober, i.e. 19_, Snit
Lake City, Utah, will pay the bearer hereof at the Central Trust
Company, .salt Lake City, Utah, or 7.1x.wackarx of flew
York in Hey, York city, H. Y., the sum of Twenty-five end 00/100
(; 25.00) Dollars in lawful money of the United dtetes of '_ruerica,
being six months interest then due, on its coupon bond dated
pril first, 1927.
City Treasurer.
There shall be endorsed on each of said bonds the fol-
hereby certify that this bond is within
the debt limit of halt Lake City, Utah, and is
issued according to -law.
City auditor
;aid bonds and each of them shall be signed b,; the Mayor
and ottested by the City recorder and sealed with the seal of said
City and said coupons shall bear the original or fao-simile signa-
ture of the City dreesurer. The Mayor of sold City is hereby
authorized, empowered. and directed to sign, and the City .;:;corder
to sign and attest end affix the seal of said City to each of said
bonds and the acts of said T' ,yor and iecorder in so deine are and
shall be the act and deed pi' said Leke City.
i T.f a ,?1 TT AT r�
3. _,.0 IT UIr_. . .;;;:�OLV ., i,._�� .lPH:t'+;^S, by reason of
the contract of date, ::arch 14, 1927, between Lower Mill Creek Ir-
rigation company, a corporation, which is the owner of the water
and meter rights in the Hoagland and Hurohy Pitches end te;d.ng
water from Mill Creek in salt Lake County, State of Utah, and emit
Lake City, said Lower kill Creek Irrigation Company agrees to con-
vey to said city all the water of said ditches pursuant to the
terius and condition.; of sold contract in consideration that the
said '4a1t ..a:ze dity issue and deliver to and Lower Lill dreek
Irrigation aany its boado in the total t.,u.%:. of One Yundred ','ifty-
five Thousand L'IL.,,000,00) Dollars, )aynble over a period of ten
(10) L7c,,nrs, wt5.:!h aid oontraot has already bean exeoutod by the
and ,)1.ty :ecorder of said city, they having been authorized
to e..eoute said contract by a resolution of the '3oard •3f donnission-
era of .-ait ':,a'.ze ''.ity on t3:e 14th thy of .arch, 1047.
737.3 II' 7.7a E'". ....,..-.7-','I.) that the ,:nyor
and .3ity .ecorder arc horeb.7 authorized to'sim, execute, deliver
and isaue ac the yetur.1. doed of _nit 7.-1ze dity the said bonds
herein cx•ovide to the 7.ower 1-.111 dreek Irrigati)n doratosny,
4. 77.] 23 ',".''II:".".3 : '',',30T.7.12„ that in the °Anion of the
'`doard of 'doinaissioners of said. ...silt _-,1'.:e dity, it is necessary
'.-.0 the peace, health and. narety o ' said dity and the inhs'aitants
thereof, that this resolution take effect and boyin for : at once,
and the sanle sholi therefor take ofiect l' ...,h4ate1y upon its
. 'Taal: : loner s,.. " / --seoonded the
notion for the adoption of snit" resolution and. upon being put to
n. vote, was err,:ie 1 the affir:notive vote of all I:onunissioners
present, the irate isms 'a: follows:
;Ivor t". dlarenoe reslen Y'..."''
!ea...z-issiouer 2. 2. 7:Rirton
-;yalls:'ion.Jr ::. 7..1. finahl_
lovnissilner ;has!. , . ehr '''llq '
jo:i As:1 aner 2. J.
r do pted and approved this s, \1-3---, day of N\-MQrs., , '.d.
-- ,
---"5".... _ .
illayor,,Y4. --
. ,
: .
________„,...,.-- .......... ...- ,....„-_.-__. „..,.....
,,,.,..,7 ^, ,..r.% ,.•
6T aT 1 0? UT1? )
( .
00UI TY +)' LT I,Al2 )
I, ?. Y. i Esg;, i ty .Aecordor in and for .Alit Lake city,
Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full,
true end correct copy of z_rooeedings had by the 'oard of 0ommie-
eioners of .Snit 1rke Oity, Utah, at its meetinE, held on
the day of , 1927, in so far as the
aa,.rte relate to or concern the issuance of its bonds, dated the
1st day of ',aril, ,,. 1927, in the sum of :„'l55,000.00 us the
some za�aesrs of record in :y office.
Iig IT'i;_ r:N7 I ! c7o hereunto sot ry hand and
affixed the corporate seal of said dity this day of
flaroh, . 1927.
,ity -ccorder.