4 of 1947 - A resolution authorizing the Mayor to act as agent of Salt Lake City, Utah, in the negotiations with R.O.102-A REMARKS Resolution No: 4 By Commirsioner _ Glade,Mayor Authorizing the Mayor to act as agent of S.L.City,Ut.in the negotiations with the US Govt. re. amendment to contract for providing housing pursuant to Title V of the Lanham Act, as amended, etc. Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSED JUN 301947 CITY RECORDER Date Filed Address Aec.104 147 1-47 j - - ROLL CALL l June 30 7 varniG, - — — — Safi Lake/City,Utah, T s Affleek : A 1.wpve that ttsoiutj I+io 4 by-Me G1Ade Matheson . . , , MO be adopted. Romn ey • Mal '1'edescp - Mr,Chairman l Besult. 13 9 , I 1,...102 MO 2-40 ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY June lO, 19Li Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194 77,--- .,.' Affleck Matheson ./ I move that the resolution be adopted. . . . Romney ..' Tedesco V r Mr.Chairman . . 1,,,/ RESOLUTION Result A RSA:1.1710N AUTEdBISdNG MAYS.D GLADE TN ACT AS ToE AGENT OF riE CITY NE SALT LANE CITY, UTAN, IN INN NEGOTIATIONS. iiIN. THE rMITEJ STATP', SOVERNMUT RFL.ATIVI IC LMENLENT TC. N 'NT Cl :'.NAN LOCAL NEC ' 1°Sit PROVILPNS H(lnINS. LITRSTIANT TO TITLE V OP Mid LANIMY ACT, AN VENZ:ED. TN- ESTAFL1S:? MINIi4UM REDTS: FIXED CPTJ3ATING ?:CSTS, ANC Tr: CLARIFY TnE TER O . COdn CTRACT. .;:RDREAC, an ;he lirlt day on Jute, tr.' r, tan ',::!tY '. .. Salt Lake Cty, Utan. reccivou an amendment ontract witn ''ca.1 body for at' ' l 'a ana turnuart !R Title 1 of tnn L?nnom Acd , omondcl, to e7tatlioo mlnimium rentr, 'dYed oneretlng oott: and. cloriny tho terror on ouch contTnet, ncrmer cortra.ct oeing O'nntr?ct N . EA (V-Li2'j12V) mph-I, amendment being Form FPS!, llc?:d-J, -,?.: - donumant will amond ex-Istdng contract to oillaw for a fixed onnrat'np: ?o!:t. of S1-.'d-. per unit onn grdot.la. NO:: TRE,REFORE, .EN IT REC,OLVF,t; 3: tne nty Camgodneion cr tno (;ity 'r Pnit I,c.--e Cdty, 1. .in , thn,t Etirl J.Sade, ,!odydr of tho ,-lto on al7... 1,",', . ..; t:71 U"' ..'r'l Irma E.Bitner,City Recorder on tte City or SLlt .1... Th City, Uton, no Tttnoriz,c? id:. oxccute contract dn bcht dd. of tlno cdty. Pao,ed, annrovel end ndopte? ?t a oneciel metdng o' INN City Cnmmistdot c." the Clty of Salt Lair City. Ilta , ncld in tnc %.ity Commi5od-7: Cnambern on "Yordf,y, jn _, ZY. ''..:,' Tic" ''.]--' !"-o" Comgc!$olme.r: A/4 3EL J. GI!ADD Veyor L.C.R: F.Y J.N.C'.7.-,,,.!%1AT :-.2.A.A771,F3h '717.1; 7-al IltDEd t Ndno . • , a' a . 11 , . (.>/i