4 of 1948 - A resolution authorizing the closing of the following areas; all of the area, approximately, above 1 LL
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I' - P '1
Resolution Nu. 4
By Commissioner
Authorizing the closing of ,
e 1 the following areas; all of the
, . area, approximately, above 14th
, • Ave. from City Creek extending
i . easterly to the U.S./sanitary ,
Reservation; all of the area On
the west side of City Creek
Canyon, known as Ensign Flats :
north north of 7th Ave, extending
northwesterly to the Davis Co .t:
Line, also the area on the Ci y
Creek watershed above Rotary I
Park, to hikers, picnickers,
Presented to the Board of Commissioners '
JUN 2 2 1948
. ,
motorists or others going to
and tpon these areas, front
Tune 21st to Nov. 1st, 1948, ,
except authorized police off i.—
, ers and sheriffs. I
. .
N ,
• t Date Filed June 22, 1948
i Address
4( Ir. 4
Fec 102 200 12-1-44
=== "" ulN22i�48
VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah-, ,194
Affleck I move that the resolution be adopted.
Romney j/�✓ 11
Mr.Chairman . .
WHEREAS, many hikers, picnickers, motorists and others
are going to and upon and using certain water sheds located in
clos +proximity to Salt Lake City; and
WHEREAS, any grass fires carelessly or accidently started
or caused to be started in these areas would greatly endanger these
water sheds and, the health, peace and safety of the citizens of
Salt Lake City; and
WHEREAS, there always exists a great danger of these
fires being started during the period from June 21st to November
1st of each year while such hikers, picnickers, motorists or
others are going to and upon these areas.
NOw, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commission-
ers of Salt Lake City that these areas described as follows: all of
the bench area located above 14th Avenue to the summit and between
Dry Canyon and City Creek Canyon, together with all of the bench
area on the west side of City Creek Canyon north of 7th Avenue
known as Ensign Flat to the Davis County line; be and the same are
hereby ordered and declared closed from the 21st day of June,1948,
to the first day of November, 1948, to all hikers, picnickers,
motorists and others; and entry into any of such areas is hereby
expressly forbidden; except, however, the use of the regularly
established highway located within the Ensign Flat area which may
be used by duly authorized police officers and sheriffs for the
express purpose of going to and from the police target range.
IT IS HEREBY FURTHER RESOLVED that all of the area on
the City Creek water shed above Rotary Park be and the same is
hereby ordered and declared closed fmn the 21st day of June, 1948,
to the first day of November, 1948, to all hikers, picnickers,
motorists and others, except in those cases where written permis-
sion is first had and received from the Commissioner or the Super-
intendent of the Department of water Supply and Waterworks, and
said permission may be granted only to owners of private property
located above Rotary Park.
any kind or description may be started or maintained anywhere with-
in the City Creek water shed area except where approved fire places
have been gonstructed and designated for use by the Department of
Water Supply and waterworks of Salt Lake City.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City,
Utah, this yY: day of A. D. 7r9,4B,.
(..t----'-t--1 ---
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City Recorder.