4 of 1953 - A resolution authorizing the Legal Department to enter into condemnation proceedings against Elizabe REMARKS
Resolution No.
By Commissioner.-._Mayor--Glade,
Authorizing the Legal Dep't.
to enter into condemnation
proceedings against Elizabeth
B. McDonald, Roy C. Bothwell'
and F. B. Bothwell to acquire
additional land needed to '
' widen and raise the grade level
of 17th South between 16th and
17th East Sts.
Prose:mtid th the Board of Commissioners
Jt1Nl 6 953
l?nic Filed June 16th, 1953
Address .
F.—.,T no _46
• •
Salt Lake City, Utah, , 194
V Burbidge
4 Atil-a-
'eMis'ten6en . _///- I move that the resolution he adopted.kkohnmx . . . V ,
Lingenfelter ,k" -.'
Mr.Chairman . . .
Result .
.r.ii.IL. s, is Is nocessary in order to safely and rroperly provide
for the- traf:ic, pedestrian and vehicular, usin , ant to usc, aytAi Coth
Jtreet bet-aeon lbth dast Street aid I7td East Jtreet in Salt Lake City,
to widen and to raise the level and brade e: said. -.Lth jo• th j,eccet, I LI
it is to the public interest ahh. for the. public beefit that such widen-
tat and raisino of the level ant rrade thereof he made;
NW:, flish_p•u ..:h id' lejdLlS,UJ by the born of Commissioners of
Salt Lake City that it is necessary and to the puelic interest of said
city- and its inhabitants that the city widen said 17th South Street and
raise the level and grade thereof betueen lath East Street and 17th East
Street, all in accordane with plans ans specifications prepared for and
approved by the Board of Commissioners of salt Lake City;
That the widedihr and. raislw of thc level an trade oi said 17th
South Street between points senses be, and thosei.d is hereby autherized;
That the said muss hereinafcci' descrLhed. and the uncle thereof
are determined to be necessary for the wddenin and the raisin , of tIn
level and grade of 17th South. Street betuccn tbb :Gib-ea bercinarcve sthi,
and the accyJiLiticn LI' bair lands by Salt -Lake City for sten purpose is
hereby declared to be a public necosel.c: asd :dr ' 1,..: :ood, well-belh and
protection of 'the inhaoitasts of said city;
That condemnation proceedirbe,s be, ana hereby are adthorized to
be broueat in the :Jamb of Suit Lake diby by the .bees debeartmeht of Sat
Lake City to acquire, by such proceeddh-s, the lends hereinafter described
for the prober and necessary widehMi: an.J raisin tire level and brade of
said. 17th South. Jtreet. The lands herdinabove refbrred to an. authorized
to be condemned are situated in Salt Lake Count-, State of Utah
and particularly described as follow:
inatm iu. 1
Beginning; at a point in the present north line of
17th South Street 5 59°40' 44" E 163.0 feet from the
Southwest corner of Lot 9, Block 12, F. N, Lyman Jr's.
Survey of Section 16, T.1 S. h.1 E., S. L. B. L
also being a part of Block 12, 5-acre Flat C, Big field
Survey; runninf thence S 59° 40' 44" E 267.1 feet to
the southeast corner of said Lot 9; thence 1, 0° 25' 6
59.0 feet; thence 6 64° 32' W 24.0 feet; thence S 43°
26' a 60.76 feet; thence S 66° 28' W 165.74 feet; thence
S 75° 25' '5 36.5 feet; thence S 0° 26' 2 10.5 feet to
the point of beginning.
T::aJf at. 2
Beginnine at a point in the South line of 17th
South St. 152.05 ft. East from the Northeast corner
of Lot 41, Glen Arbor Subdivision of Block 9, 5 Acre
plat "C", Big field Survey; running thence East 118.37
ft more or loss to the center line of Emigration Creek;
thence running along said center line Southwesterly
and Westerly approximately 150 ft. to a point due South
of point of beginning; thence North to point of be .nning.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt'ake dity,
this t ---day of June, 1953.
G"_tv iteco'der