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4 of 1956 - A resolution authorizing the sale of property lying on the eastern border of Salt Lake Airport No. 1 , i Resolution No. 4 L. C. Romney 'i I By COMMISSIONER I j '1 Authorizing the sale of proporf ty lying on the eastern borde of Salt Lake Airport No. 1, for the developing of importa t industries on said land, all i' proceeds received therefrom t be used for maintenance, oper - tion or construction of Munic p« al Airport No. 1. Preented to the Board of Commissioner, AND PASSED MAY 3 11956 I 1 N 1 CITY R$CORDBR I I n I I I i' I I I , I II 1467 31, 1956 Roa. L. C. *rise*, Cawsiss1o*er of Perks & ?Olio Property Doer flirt At a sooting et the Hoard of Cattstsaiesers held Rey 31. 1956, your r'lesolattes 3o. 6 sulherisind the sale at property lying on the 'mates border of Salt Labs Airport So. 1 for the dewaepita at ipyeartsttt iadostrtes oat said load, all proeseda rosei»sd therefrom' to be used for aaaatateatstaas, bpsratioa or eonatruetioa of Nanieipal Airport No. 1, was adopted. Copy of the **solution is sntaittod herewith. Copy to Tours truly, Auditor +g. -p- Airp ort City aeaordsr Rec 102 200 12-1-44 . 1 ROLL CALL VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,194 Bltiirbidge tiI ,Y �31 �t56 JJ¢9fAPfr1E I move that the resolution be adopted. i istensen r' '` .les• • Mr.Chairman . . RESOLUTION Result WHEREAS, Salt Lake City owns the followinoz described tract of land adjacent to Airport -do. 1: Secinninr at a point on the East line of 21st 'nest Street said point being South 69° 511 50" East alon^, section line 1320 feet from the northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of Section 33, fl0:, REX., SLne;I., in the County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, and running thence Last 321.55 feet; thence north 1320 feet; thence Seat 321.55 feet; thence South 1320 feet to the place of behinning AND 'iESSEAS, the City is desirous of sellinc the same and has a definite offer whereby the land will be used for developinc important industries on the said land. AND l<'SETEAS, the City has an agreement with the Federal Government that when any of these airport lands are sold the proceeds therefrom shall be used for maintenance, operation or construction on Municipal Airport So. 1. h0Vi, TRERE'T'OSE, TIE TT RESOLVED as follows: That all of the proceeds received by Salt Lake City from the sale of the above described tract of land shall be used for maintenance, operation or construction of :Municipal Airport i?o. 1. Passed by the hoar : of Commissioners of .k, t Lake City, Utah this da., of r'a,, 1956. , ' _ chairman Fro empor Ciy Record /�—