4 of 1959 - A resolution adopting the policy which shall govern Salt Lake City with regard to present and future .' REMARKS ' r .,. • • . .. .7. ': . ' •, ' • ' ''Riesolution Na 4. '-By Commissioner Grant M. Burbidge•, ' , '' ' ' . ' . ' ,...:., Ii • Adopting the'policy which she 1 i� govern Salt Lake City with , regard to present and future -fl 1 development in the Big and I, T.ittte' Cottonwood and Parley' '' a- es- 'rcrtajning- to water resoues. Presental#o and of Co the Bo iatiol+eB 1 AND PASSED ,i • III • III �ciTY REcoRosit Ill 1 I I I I II • IliDote Fled xarcf 4th, 195Q ; R .102 50 1-58 Q.P. ROLL CALL Salt Lake City,Utah, MARCH 4 , 1959 VOTING Aye Nay I move that the Resolution be adopte v Burbidge . . Christensen . . Geurts . . . . Romney . . . RESOLUTION Mr.Chairman . Result . . . . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, THAT: WHEREAS, a joint "Report on Water Supply Protection and Recreational Use of The Cottonwood Canyons" has been prepared for Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County and the Chamber of Commerce Winter Sports sub-committee, and WHEREAS, this Board of Commissioners wishes to do everything in its power to develop the natural resources of Salt Lake Valley and the surrounding area consistent with the health and safety of those dependent upon the adjacent water shed for water supply, and WHEREAS, this Board of Commissioners believes that a formal declara- tion of policy regarding the recreational development of the adjacent canyons will be of benefit to those wishing to participate in such development, NOW, THEREFORE, this Board of Commissioners hereby adopts the following policy which shall govern Salt Lake City with regard to present and future development in the Big and Little Cottonwood and Parley's areas: 1 . Orderly, well planned development in such areas consistent with the recommendations of the above report are to be encouraged. 2. Development should not proceed more rapidly than sanitary facilities permit and the construction of needed facilities should be expedited. 3. All developments in said areas must conform to the rules and regulations set up by the various branches of government for the pro- tection of the natural resources in said areas and the further protection of culinary water arising in said areas. R .108 200 6-58 Q.P. ' -2- 4. As recommended in the auove report, the Salt Lake City Board of Commissioners urge that zoning regulations be prepared and adopted by Salt Lake Count, as soon as possible to guarantee the orderly development of these areas and so that the extent of development may be better evaluated for the protection of all concerned. Further, no development will be approved until such zoning has been effected. 5. Salt Lake City,through various exchange agreements, owns the majority of the water arising in said areas and by reason of said agree- ments is committed to defend and protect the title to such water. 6. Any person, firm, association or corporation desiring to purchase any water which Salt Lake City may legally sell for use in the adjacent canyon areas must comply with all provisions of this statement of policy. 7. Any person, firm, association or corporation desiring to purchase water from Salt Lake City for use in the Big or Little Cottonwood or Parley's areas must make ar application to the Salt Lake City Water Depart- ment for such purchase before any development is commenced. Such applica- tion must fully disclose the plans for the proposed development and shall be accompanied by a certificate from Salt Lake County that said plans conform co the zoning regulations to be adopted by Salt Lake County. Said application shall further contain an acknowledgement that any purchase of water is made sub;ect to the rules and regulations of the Salt Lake City Water Department and that any time the applicant fails to comply with said rules and regulations the City may forthwith refuse to continue the sale of water to such applicant. a. Salt Lake City (as required by the aforementioned exchange agreements) will vigorously defend the title to the waters arising in the Big and Little Cottonwood and Parley's areas, and hereby publicly advises all concerned that Salt Lake City owns or has the right to use substan- tially all the water arising in said areas; that all water not owned by Salt Lake City has been decreed to others and is being put to a beneficial use to the full extent, if not in excess, of the decreed rights, and that there is no water arising in said areas which is open to appropriation. This Board of Commissioners feels that by establishing and making R, 108.200 6-58 Q.P. public this policy the development of the Big and Little Cottonwood and Parley's areas will be encouraged and may proceed in an orderly and well planned manner resulting in benefit to all residents of the Salt Lake Valley. 44 Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this H1( day of March, 1959. .-1 e Ma or - ATTEST: Y e ', >