4 of 1980 - RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION to Mr. Glen N. Greener for his service as a City Commissioner of Salt Lak J, RESOLUTION OF APPFFCIATION WHEREAS, due to a change in the form of Salt. Lake City government, Mr. Glen N. Greener will he leaving the office of City Commissioner of Salt Lake City, Utah, on January 7, 1980; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Greener has, faithfully and with dedication, served as a Salt Lake City Commissioner since his appointment following election in 1973; and WHEREAS, in addition to his work on the City Commission, he has served as the head of the Public Utilites Department, and previous to that the Public Safety Department, and has additionally served in numerous other civic positions and ornanizations, without compensation, in furthering the interests of Salt Lake City and the residents of the City; and WHEREAS, during the course of his service in office, Commissioner Greener has performed all of his duties efficiently, faithfully, and with great skill and professional competency and has earned the respect and loyalty of those with whom he worked; and WHEREAS, in these capacities, Commissioner Greener has been involved with numerous projects which have been of great significance to the quality of life of the inhahitants of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the residents of Salt Lake City owe Commissioner Greener a great debt of gratitude for his many services; and WHEREAS, the City will sorely miss Commissioner Greener's expertise as a commissioner and department head. NOW, THEREFORE, the Salt Lake City Council hereby expresses to Commissioner Greener, for itself and the residents of Salt Lake City, their sincere appreciation and gratitude for his exceptionally devoted and capable services; for his untiring efforts and service given to Salt Lake City and its inhabitants. The Council further wishes him well in all pursuits and hopes that he will derive great satisfaction in knowing he has played an important role in the development of our great city. Passed by the Salt Lake City Council this '7 day of January, 1980. SALT LARF CITY CUITiCIL MEMRFRS: OIL AvaA,01 ATTEST: CITY RECORD,R -2- • Resolution No. By Oirmarrieren Expressing appreciation to Glen N. Greener. /PPROYED 'Y ly14444") cay REC011ag.