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40 of 1929 - A resolution relating to appropriation budget for the year 1930.
i IT' f 1* , i Resolution No. 4() -:: )[ - 1 ... - 1 By Commissioner FEHR t , 1 Appropriation budget for I I the year 1930. i I .....r......- I ' I , , 1 , t ! I , " :.• AND s"',RZ:i.i,,./:i'."..) i . . , IlttilP14Za.6.41-adit ' - ckry a4:00,--a.,rt 1 ... I1 i T , k 1 1 1 IL. 1' .4.- i ,.. ...- • • • i ROLL CALL VOTING AYE NAY Salt Lake City,Utah, 'ueo. 26 1929... Burton - - j: I move that the resolution be adopted. Fehr - - Finch - - - Moran - - - Mr.Chairman RESOLUTION Result - - - A RE OD:H:0'N MAKING Aa*ROPRIATI0NS for the s.ioport of the city government for the year 190. BE IT RESOLVED by the board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the foilo'nin sums of Toney, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same are hereby e sro- priated out of any money in the City Treasury, not otherwise acoroprietee, for the support of the government of Salt Lake City for the calendar year ending, :'eceaber ;1st, 197), said apsrooria.tions being made to the accounts rialcate6 anc as further itemized in the follow;in.- bucket, which is Hereby approve-a: BUDGET ALLOWANCE ^OR THE: YEAR 1 9 3 0. Departments: Allowance Auditor $ 17, 170.00 Free Public Library 97, 588.90 Public Affairs & Finance: Commissioner 5,845.00 Attorney 18,340.00 License Assessor` 7,876.75 Purchasing Agent 5,920.00 Recorder : 41,355.00 Sexton - 70,570.00 Treasurer 30,640.47 Municipal Baths 4 42,800.00 Juvenile Court v 3,720.00 Public Safety: Commissioner ' 3,700.00 r'ire Departments 263,545.00 Health Department , 94,180.00 Police and Prison , 308,905.00 Street Lighting . 92,762.14 Parks & Public Property: Commissioner 3,600.00 Engineer Joint Bldg.' 8,501.16 Custodian - Joint Bldg.' 10,410.00 Pound Keeper v 59.00 Park Department . 212,948.00 Bur. of Mechanical Inspection ' 16,172.00 Public Safety Bldg. , 11,151.00 Recreation , 33,000.00 Streets & Public Improvements: • Commissioner 3,600.00 Engineer, 74,965.00 Streets & Irrigation 420,090.00 Interest on Sewer Bonds ' 35,777.50 Improvements, City Portionv 13,650.00 Statutory & General: Miscellaneous Expenditures 250,850.00 Interest on General Bonds , 99,312.50 Bond Sinking Fund 92,000.00 Water Supply & Waterworks: Mayor-Commissioner - 8,300.00 Water Supply & Waterworks .. 538,594.00 Grand Total $2,937,898.42 ' A 1 Salt Lake City, Utahl Dec. 26th, 1929. TO THE BOARD Or COMMISSIONERS, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Gentlemen: We, the tjeard of Estimate and Apportionment, beg to report that we' have met as required by law and ordinance in session from time to time until the work of completing the budget vvae accomplished and herewith submit report and state- ment of expenditures and of revenue necessary to be raised for the year ending December 31st, 1930. We have carefully considered the requirments,,in detail, kn each department of the city governmen a.A well as the estimat- ed and anticipated revenue and have decided upon the list of Hill appropriations hereto attached. JN1 To make this appropriation effective the City Recorder ". ia...di•rected--gym give^:5btice of hearing on budget and appropriation resolution in accordance with State Statutes and/to furnish each department with a certified copy of the estimate and apportionment for that particular department and the Purchasing Agent is direct- ed to solicit bids for the printing of 150 copies of the budget. Respecetfylly subm' ed Ma r Oi y Aud tor. Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Y • 4 , a APPROPRIATION BUDGET TON THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31st, 1930. Acct. No. Classification Amounts AUDITOR 51-A Salaries $16,100.00 51-B Office Supplies & Expense 350.00 51-D Auto Maintenance 720.00 ��$ 17,170.00 1.11X-2 PU'LI C LIBRARY Based on 1929 valuation $108,591.12 $ 97,588.90 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND FINANCE. Commissioner's Office. 68-A Commissioner's Salary 3,600.00 68-B Office Supplies & Expense 125.00 68-C Clerk's Salary 1,920.00 68-D Furniture & Fixtures 200.00 '--$ 5,845.00 Municipal Baths 68-A-1 Salaries 27,000.00 68-B-1 Office Supplies & Expense 10,000.00 68-C-1 Fuel 1,700.00 68-E-1 Repairs 1,500.00 68-G-1 Furniture & Fixtures 300.00 68-H-1 Advertising 2,000.00 68-J-1 Auto Allowance 300.00 $ 42,800.00 Law Department 52-A Salaries 16,090.00 52-B Office Expense 400.00 52-C Court Costs 400.00 52-D Library 650.00 52-E Furniture & Fixtures 600.00 52-F Automobile Expense 200.00 $ 18,340.00 License Department 54-A Salaries 5,880.00 54-B Supplies & Expense 400.00 54-C Signs & Tags 500.00 54-D Auto Maintenance 840.00 54-B turn. & Fixtures 256.75 7,876.75 t. - 4 ( 4 -2- Acct No. Classification Amounts Purchasing Agent. 107-A Salaries $ 5,520.00 107-B Supplies & Expense 400.00 $ 5,920.00 Recorder 83-A Salaries 9,900.00 83-8 Office Supplies & Expense 1,500.00 83-C Advertising Franchises 100.00 83-D Advertising Misc. 500.00 83-E Furn. & Fixtures 350.00 12,350.00 Civil Court 84-A Salaries 11,880.00 84-B Office Supplies & Expense 2,100.00 84-D Furn. & Fixtures 500.00 84-E Fines & fees 7,000.00 21,480.00 Criminal Court 85-A Salaries 5,400.00 85-B Office Supplies & Expense 1,000.00 85-C Witness and Juror Fees 1,000.00 85-D Bail Forfeiture Refunds 25.00 85-E Furn. & Fixtures 100.00 7,525.00 441,355.00 Cemetery 87-A Salarof Sexton & Clerk 4,320.00 87-B Office upplies & Expense 300.00 87-C Cemetery Wages 50,000.00 87-D Greenhouse Wages 2,100.00 87-3 Cemetery Supplies & Expense 2,000.00 87-F Greenhouse Supplies & Expense 300.00 87-G Ttee9, plants & seeds 1,500.00 87-H Fuel for Greenhouse and residence 500.00 87-K Grading and platting 500.00 87-1, Tools and implements 1,200.00 87-P Repairs and renewals to buildings 600.00 87-U Grading and seeding Pioneer lots 1,500.00 87-W Automobile and truck maintenance 5,000.00 87-Z Street oiling 750.00 $70,570.00 Treasurer 90-A Salaries 15,660.00 90-8 Office Supplies & Expense 1,400.00 90-C jurn. & Fixtures 1,400.00 90-E Dog Collection Expense 8,600.00 90-F System for Special Tax Assessment Rls 1,000.00 90-G Steel Equipment for vault 2,580.47 30,640.47 e 4 R " 4 -3- Acct. No. classification Amounts. DEPARTM0NT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Commissioner 58-A-1 Salary $ 3,600.00 58-B-1 Supplies & Expense 100.00 $ 3,700.00 Fire Department 59-A Salaries $ 220,520.00 59-B Office Supplies & Expense 150.00 59-C Dormitory Supplies & Expense 1,000.00 59-D House Supplies & Expense 1,000.00 59-E Fire prevention 500.00 59-G Fuel and lubricants, motors 3,000.00 59-H Miscellaneous fuel, htg.bldgs.etc. 1,750.00 59-I Repairs to buildings 1,500.00 59-J Chemicals, hose and replacements 6,000.00 59-N New Equipment 600.00 59-0 Repairs to equipment 6,500.00 59-R Medical and surgical 175.00 59-S Shop tools, supplies & expense 1,550.00 59-T Tools at stations on apparatus 200.00 59-U Construction of new station 10,000.00 59-B-10 Supplies & Expense, FireALarm 1,800.00 59-C-10 New Equipment Fire Alarm 7,300.00 $263,545.00 Street Lighting 60-B Rentals 85,395.00 1-G City's Portion 389.94 2-C City's Portion 1,589.11 5-A City's Portion 158.91 6-B City's Portion 1,271.29 7-B City's Portion 953.47 8-B City's Portion 317.82 9-A City's Portion 635.64 10-A City's Portion 956.18 11-A City's Portion 398.41 12-A City's Portion 228.44 15-A City's Portion 467.93 $92,762.14 Health Department Health Division 62-A SalariesCommissioner & Board 3,420.00 62-8 Salaries of Office & other Emp. 5,430.00 62-C Office Supplies & Expense 1,500.00 62-D Vital Statistics 4,740.00 62-E Furn. & Fixtures 500.00 62-F Transportation 1,680.00 62-I Vaccines and medidinee 300.00 62-J Publicity 600.00 62-M Auto repairs and renewals 2,200.00 20,370.00 f + 4 S 4 -4- Acct. No. Classification Amounts Venereal Clinic 62-B-1 Salary of nurse $ 1,500.00 62-C-1 Supplies & expense 500.00 62-D-1 Drugs and medicines 500.00 2,500.00 Division of Bacteriology 62-A-2 Salary of Chief $ 2,000.00 62-3-2 Salary of Assistant 1,200.00 62-C-2 Supplies & expense 700.00 62-D-2 New Equipment 100.00 ��$ 4,000.00 Division of Sanitary Insp. 62-A-3 Salary of chief 1,980.00 62-B-3 Salaries of Inspectors 9,480.00 62-C-3 Supplies & expense 50.00 $11,510.00 Comfort Stations 62-A-4 Salaries 1,920.00 62-3-4 Supplies & Expense 1,300.00 62-C-4 Repairs and renewals 250.00 3,470.00 Dairy, Meat & Food Div. 62-A-5 Salary of Chief 1,980.00 62-B-5 Salaries of Inspectors 14,100.00 62-C-5 Supplies & expense s 200.00 16,280.00 Division of Epidemiology 62-A-6 Salary of Chief 2,100.00 62-B-6 Salary of quarantine Insp. 1,800.00 62-C-6 Salaries of Inspectors 15,780.00 $19,680.00 Division & Weights & Measures 62-A-7 Salary of Chief 2,100.00 62-C-7 Supplies & expense 50.00 $ 2,150.00 Infant Welfare 62-A-8 Salary of Chief 1,500.00 62-B-8 Salaries of nurses 2,520.00 62-C-8 Supplies & Expense 100.00 ____-- $ 4,120.00 Emergency Hospital 62-A-12 Salary of Chief 2,400.00 62-B-12 Supplies & Expense 2,700.00 62-Dii12 Salaries of nurses 5,000.00 10,100.00 94,180.00 -5- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. 86-A Salaries Juvenile Court. $ 2,880.00 36-B Auto Allowance 840.00 $ 3,720.00 Police and Prison Dept. 80-A Salary-Chief of Police 3,600.00 80-B Salaries, Patrolmen, Jailors etc.267,280.00 80-C Office Supplies & Expense 1,500.00 80-D Misc. Supplies & Expense 2,500.00 80-E Traffic Supplies & Expense 1,175.00 90-F Furn. & Fixtures 250.00 80-K Indentification Bureau 200.00 80-L Contingent Fund 2,000.00 80-Q New Equipment 5,000.00 80-T Telephone Operators 2,900.00 80-U Motorcycle Sup. & Expense 800.00 80-w Auto Supplies & Expense 7,500.00 80-X Signals phones, Sup. & Expense 3,200.00 81-B Feeding prisoners, City jail 8,000.00 81-D Clothes for prisoners 500.00 81-E Jail Supplies & Expense 1,750.00 81-G Repairs to jail & garage 750.00 $308,905.00 DE 'ARTMN'T OF PARKS AND PUBLIC PROPERTY. Commissioner. 58-A-4 Salary of Commissioner 3,600.00 Park Department. Office 69-A Salaries 5,160.00 69-8 Supplies & Expense 325.00 69-C Repairs to Rented Property 300.00 69-D Furniture & Fixtures 100.00 Liberty Park 70-A wages 28,000.00 70-B Supplies & Expense 3,000.00 70-C Improvements 12,000.00 70-D Repairs 500.00 70-E Fixtures 100.00 70-F Fuel 700.00 70-G Tools, Implements and Hose 1,180.00 70-H Concerts 6,000.00 Zoo 70-A-1 Wages 5,198.50 70-8-1 Supplies & Expense 700.00 70-C-1 Repairs 250.00 70-F-i Feed 1,400.00 70-G-1 Zoo Funds 1,000.00 -6- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. Auto & Mechanie&l Division 70-A-2 Wages 3,660.00 70-B-2 Auto Maintenance 3,000.00 70-C-2 Mower 500.00 70-D-2 Gas & Oil 5,000100 70-E-2 Equipment 7,000.00 Greenhouse 70-A-3 Wages 8,660.00 70-B-3 Supplies & expense 1,000.00 70-D-3 Repairs 600.00 70-E-3 Trees and plants 1,300.00 70-F-3 Fuel 500.00 Mtn. Dell Resort Farm 70-B-5 Supplies & Expense 500.00 City Scales 70-D-6 Wages 1,125.00 70E-6 Supplies & expense 125.00 Nibley Park 70-A-7 Wages 7,275.00 70-B-7 Supplies & expense 1,800.00 70-C-7 Improvements 3,000.00 70-D-7 Tools, implements, hose 650.00 70-E-7 Fixtures 50.00 70-F-7 Fuel 300.00 70-G-7 J. M. Riley bonus 1,000.00 Jordan Park 70-A-8 Wages 4,000.00 70-B-8 Supplies & expense 700.00 70-C-8 Improvements 957.00 70-D-8 Tools, implements, hose 90.00 70-r'-8 ruel 200.00 Sugar House Park 70-A-9 Wages 4,462.50 70-8-9 Supplies & expense 232.00 70-C-9 Improvements 1,090.00 Pioneer Park 71-A Wages 4,180.00 71-B Supplies & Expense 582.00 71-C Improvements 200.00 71-D Tools, implements and hose 200.00 City & County Bldg. Park 72-A Wages 2,367.50 72-B Supplies & Expense 250.00 Parking 73-A Wages 4,005.00 73-B Supplies & Expense 400.00 73-C Improvements 750.00 . 4 . -7- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. Athletic Park 74-A Wages 980.00 74-B Supplies & Expense 200.00 74-C Improvements 1,000 .00 Riverside Park 75-A Wages 842.50 75-B Supplies & Expense 250.00 Boulevard 77-A Wages and Maintenance 1,000.00 Weed Department 77-B Wages 3,400.00 77-C Equipment and tools 200.00 77-D Stationary and Misc. Weed Sup. 400.00 Sorenson Park 78-A-1 adages 420.00 78-B-1 Supplies & expense 232.00 78-C-1 Improvements 1,500.00 13Th East Reservoir Park 78-A-2 Maintenance and Improvements 2,500.00 Rotary Park 78-B-2 Maintenance and supplies 100.00 Sunnyside Golf Course 78-C-2 Wages 7,400.00 400.00 78-C-2-2 Supplies & Expense 600.00 78-C-2-3 Equipment 3,000.00 78-C-2-4 Shelter house 2,500.00 78-C-2-5 Construction of add't. 9 holes 5,000.00 5th Ave. & "C" Str. Teanis Court. 78D-2 Maintenance and keeper 305.00 Community Ball Park 78-E-2 Maintenance and improvements 1,852.50 Shade Tree Dept. 78-A-3 Inspection, Maintenance, Supplies 4,154.00 78-B-3 Equipment 400.00 Memory Grove 78-A-4 Maintenance and supplies 10,700.00 Lindsay Gardens 78-J Wages 1,000.00 78-K Improvements 2,500.00 78-L Supplies & Expense 200.00 Mueller Mtn. Park 78-M Maintenance, Improvements etc. 4,000.00 -8- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. Airport. 73-V Wages 3,300.00 78-V-1 Equipment & Fire Equipment 3,300.00 78-V-2 Maintenance 11,000.00 Warm Springs Park. 78-X Maintenance, Imps. Supplies,etc., 2,700.00 Victory Park 78-Y Maintenance, Imps. Sup. etc., 2,277.50 Resort Camp. 78-Z Maintenance, Supplies, etc., 200.00 $212.948.00 Engineer Joint Building. 57-A Salaries 5,601.16 57-B Fuel 1,500.00 57-C Engineer's Room Supplies 100.00 57-D Repairs and Renewals 1,300.00 $ 8,501.16 Custodian City & County Bldg. 57-A-1 Wages 6,810.00 57-B-i Supplies & Expense 2,600.00 56-B Repairs to Building 500.00 56-E Furniture & Repairs 500.00 $ 10,410.00 Custodian Public Safety Bldg. 57-A-2 Wages 4,151.00 57-B-2 Janitor 1,500.00 57-C-2 Fuel 2,500.00 57-D-2 Supplies & Expense 2,000.00 57-E-2 Repairs and Renewals 1,000.00 $ 11,151.00 Estray Pound. 79-A Wages 24.00 79-E Advertising 35.00 $ 59.00 1 • -9- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. BUREAU 02 MECHANICAL INSPECTION Building Division 109-A Salaries 4,761.00 109-B Supplies & Expense 150.00 109-D Auto Allowance 840.00 109-C Building Code Sec. 200.00 Electricial Div. 110-A Salaries 5,121.00 110-B Supplies & expense 150.00 110-D Auto allowance 840.00 Plumbing Div. 111-A Salaries 3,120.00 111-B Supplies & expense 150.00 111-D Auto allowance 840.00 $16,172.00 Recreation Dept. 76-A Wages 3,800.00 76-B Sytoplies & Expense 3,600.00 76-C Improvements 3,000.00 76-D Repairs & Renewals 900.00 76-E Equipment 1,800.00 76-F Supervision 14,200.00. 76-H Pageants & Festivals 2,500.00 76-I Moving Picture Camps 600.00 76-J Amateur Athietisc (Adult) 500.00 76-K Neighborhood House Center 2,100.00 $33,000.00 4 -10- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. DEPARTMENT OF STREETS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEM✓NTS Commissioner 58-A-5 Salary 3,600.00 Dept. of Streets & Irrigation Office 88-A -'ages 7,640.00 88-C Supplies & expense 500.00 88-G Furniture 100.00 Barns & Shops 88-A-i Wages 18,000.00 88-C-1 Supplies & expenses 4,000.00 88-D-1 Equipment 1,000.00 88-E-1 Tools and implements 1,500.00 88-F-1 Fuel 1,500.00 88-H-i Blacksmith supplies & horseshoeing 600.00 88-L-1 Feed Account 3,500.00 88-R-1 Replacement, harness 500.00 Paved Districts 88-A-2 'Wages 40,000.00 88-C-2 Supplies, expense & repairs 4,000.00 88-D-2 equipment 500.00 88-E-2 Tools and replacements 250.00 Comfort Stations 1,500.00 Unpaved District 88-A-3 Wages 42,000.00 88-B-3 Hire of team & teamsters 6,000.00 88-C-3 Supplies, expense & repairs 4,000.00 89-D-3 Equipment 250.00 Sanitary Division 38-A-4 Wages 22,000.00 88-B-4 Hire of team & teamsters 25,000.00 38-C-4 Supplies expense & repairs 1,100.00 98-X-4 Wet Garbage 12,000.00 88-Y-4 Supplies, expense & repairs 500.00 Sprinkling 38-A-5 Wages 15,000.00 38-X-5 Road oil 10,000.00 Motor Equipment 88-A-8 Rages 41,000.00 88-C-8 Supplies, expense & repairs 80,000.00 88-D-8 New equipment 24,000.00 -11- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. Repair Department. 88-A-9 Wages 25,000.00 88-C-9 Supplies, Expense & Repairs 7,500.00 88-D-9 Equipment 500.00 88-F-9 ruel 1,500.00 88-T-9 Cement & RefineiAsphalt 7,500.00 Irrigation. 89-A Wages 4,000.00 89-C Supplies, Expense & Repairs 150.00 Flumes And Bridges. 89-A-1 Wages 3,000.00 89-C-1 Supplies, Expense & Repairs 3,000.00 $420.090.00 Engineering Dept. General Expense. 1-A Contingent 9,000.00 1-B Office Furniture & Library 100.00 1-C Instruments & Tools 500.00 1-D Stationery & Supplies 600.00 1-F Annual Report 1,200.00 1-I Telephone Exchanges 850.00 1-J Automobile Equipment 3,320.00 2 Monuments, Surveys and Annexes 3,000.00 3 City Planning 2,500.00 4 Smoke Abatement 12,000.00 5 Surveys, Private Parties 1,000.00 5-B Sidewalk and Curb & Gutter permits 1,200.00 5-F Maps, Blue Prints, etc., 200.00 6 Testing Laboratory 2,500.00 8-A Underground Conduits 300.00 8-B Permits for setting holes 1,200.00 12-A Subdivisions, Proposed Plats, yield and Office 150.00 19 Engineering for Other Depts. 2,375.00 40-C House numbering 700.00 41-C Street Signs 1,500.00 41-J Opening and Widening Streets 500.00 42-R Preliminary Costs, Plans , etc., Paving, Sidewalks, Sewers 900.00 43-A Street Profiles-yield & Office 500.00 47-D-4 Cleaning East Main Drainage Channel 100.00 47-D-M Northwest drain canal, Maintenance and operation 1,000.00 47-N Storm Sewers and Drainage 100.00 47-W Water Table, Elevation & Flow, Beck's district 100.00 48-A Sewer Plat Book 500.00 48-D Sewer System-Maintenance & Oper. 12,000.00 48-J Sewer connections, Surveys & Insp. 5,420.00 48- Sewer Pumping Plant-Maintenance and Operation 9,650.00 $74,965.00 -12- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. INTEREST ON SEWER nONDS Series'F'$375,000.00 due July let 1934 at 4i% $ 16,875.00 Series'H' 50,000.00 due Feb.' 1st, 1940 at 5% 2,500.00 Series'I' 5,000.00 due Apr. lst, 1930-$80,000.00 and $75,000.00 at 4% 3,100.00 Serial after 10 years 'J', $125,000.00 due April 1st, 1948 at 4% 5,000.00 Series 'K' $7,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1930 - $196,000.00 & $181,000.00 at 4i% 8,30R.50 $ 35,777.50 IMPROVEMENTS City's Portion Paving 15th East-17th to 21st $ 13,650.00 South - STATUTORY & GENERAL 93-A Commission on bonds 300.00 93-B Pensions 2,400.00 93-C Claims and damages 5,000.00 93-E Misc, refunds 1,500.00 93-F Collecting city taxes 45,000.00 93-H Civil Service Commission 500.00 93-I Purchase of land 24,000 .00 93-J Recording documents 200.00 93-L Salaries of judges 14,400.00 93-N Special taxes on City property 6,000.00 93-0 Insurance on City property 10,000.00 93-R Dentention Home Maintenance 10,000.00 93-S Legal Expense and Courts costs 400.00 93-T Premium on Surety _fonds 4,700.00 93-V Special Auditors 40,000.00 93-X Adv. Special 'Pax notices 100.00 93-Z Misc, expense 1,500.00 94-B Expense in connection with notes 500.00 94-C Printing Municipal Records 2,500.00 94-E Tax abatements 1,000.00 94-F Salary, surveyor of deeds end titles 1,800.00 94-G Misc. Supplies 2,000.00 94-R Rent on Regent St. property 600.00 94-S Worlanen's Compensation 13,000.00 94-T Interest on certificates of indebtedness 60,000.00 94-V Civic Center 2,000.00 94-W Excess electricial energy 1,000.00 94-Z Printing annual reports 450.00 $250,850.00 40 -13- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. INTEREST ON GENERAL 30NDS Series No. 5, $775,000.00 due May 1st, 1934, at 40 $34,875.00 Series No. 11 $5,000.00 due April lzt, 1930, $50,000.00 and $45,000.00 at 5% $ 2,375.00 Serial-Bath House # 12, $5,000.00 due April 1st, 1930, - $50,000 & $45,000 at 5% 2,375.00 Serial-Park #13- $2,000.00 due April 1st, 1930 - $30,000 and $28,000 at 5% 1,450.00 Series No. 14-$35,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1940, at 5% 1,750.00 Serial Paving No. 15-$5,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1930 - $55,000 and $50,000 at 5 % 2,625.00 Serial-Curb & Gutter No. 16 - $4,000.00 due Feb. 1st 1930 - $49,000 and $45,000 et 5% 2,350.00 Serial-Sidewalk No. 17 - $1,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1930, $11,000 and $10,000 at 5% 550.00 Serial-Bathhouse No. 18-$5,000.00 due Feb. 1st 1930- $55,000 and $50,000 at 5% 2,625.00 Serial-Park No. 19 $4,000.00 due Feb. let, 1930 - $46,000 and $42,000 at 5 % 2,200.00 Serial-Cemetery No. 20 $1,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1930- $18,500.00 and $17,500.00 at 5% 900.00 Series-Fire Alarm No. 21 -$,22,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1940- at 5% 1,100.00 Series No. 22.-$500,000.00 due Tan. 1st, 1941 at 5% 25,000.00 Serial No. 23-$25,000.00 due San. 1st, 1930 - 340,000 at 5% 17,000.00 Serial No. 24- 10,000.00 due May 1st, 1930 -$50,000 and $40,000 at 4$% 2,137.50 $99,312.50 BOND SINKING FUND Redemption of Bonds $ 92,000.00 DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY AND WATERWORKS MAYOR-COMMISSIONER 58-A-2 Salaries 6,900.00 58-B-2 Office Supplies 300.00 58-C-2 Furniture & Fixtures 100.00 58-D-2 Contingent Fund 1,000.00 $ 8,300.00 • I1M 4 `` 4 -14- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. WATER DEPARTMENT. Fixed Capital Accounts. 311-A Purchase of Land & Water $ 1,542.00 312-A _limping Plant Construction 2,000.00 312-G Miscellaneous Structures 1,000.00 319 New Chlorine Equipment 850.00 320 New Watermain Extensions 30,000.00 320'-A East Jordan Canal Constr. 2,000.00 320-B East Jordan Canal, New Diversion Gates 10,500.00 320-C Green & Tanner Pipe Line 5,000.00 320-D Mill Creek Pipe Replacements 2,000.00 322 New Services 15,000.00 322-A Reconnections 5,200.00 323 New Meters 10,820.00 323-A Metering Services, Green Ditch 2,500.00 324 Meter Installations 9,100.00 325 New Hydrants 1,000.00 325-A New Valves 1,000.00 326 New Fountains, Water Troughs 100.00 327-A Office Equipment 500.00 327-D New Automobiles 4,143.50 327-G New Machinery, Tools, etc., 500.00 327-H New Measuring Devices 200.00 327-H-1 Measuring Devices, M.C.B.C.L.C. 950.00 Operating Expense. 700-1 Forest r'ires 1,500.00 701-1-A Water Supply & Invesigation 1,000.00 701-1-B Stream Measurements 4,150.00 701-2 City Creek System 7,500.00 701-2-A-2 City Creek Sanitation 1,200.00 701-2-B Parley's System 5,000.00 701-2-B-i Parley's Patrol 3,100.00 701-2-B-2 Parley's Sanitation 2,300.00 701-2-B-3 Mtn. Dell Reservoir h aintenance 4,400.00 701-1-C Water Commissions & Commissioners 1,720.00 701-2-C Big Cottonwood System 3,880.00 701-2-C-1 Big Cottonwood Patrol 1,725.00 701-2-C-2 Big Cottonwood Sanitation 3,200.00 701-2-C-3 Big Cottonwood Reservoir Maint. 1,600.00 701-2-C-4 Maintenance of all Culinary pipe Systems 5,000.00 701-2-C-9 Upper Ellison Service Connection 50.00 701-2-C-11 Water Shed Investigation 500.00 701-1-D Stream measuring Devices, maint. 500.00 701-2-D Mill Creek System 1,675.00 701-2-E Emigration Pipe Line 950.00 701-4 Ditch Assessments 225.00 701-4-A East Jordan Canal Assessments 3,001.50 Water Purchased For Re-Sale. 704 Big Cottonwood Leases 440.00 Purification Plant. 741-2 Maintenance of Chlorine Plant 2,500.00 r , , ,•.1 4 -15- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. Pumping Plant Operation. 721-1 60th South, Pumping Plant, Maintenance and Operation $ 7,500.00 721-1-A Utah Lake Pumping Plant, Maint. 1,200.00 721-1-B " " " " Oper. 1,500.00 721-1-C Jordan River Commission Report 350.00 Transmission & Distribution. 751-2 13th, 15th and Sunnyside Reservoirs 7,050.00 751-2-A Care & Imp. Res. Grounds 750.00 751-2-B Repairs, Measuring Devices 100.00 751-3 Maintenance Office Plats 3,200.00 751-3-A Water Supply & Consumption 2,500.00 751-3-B Re-Survey, Systems Maps, water- mains and Estimates 200.00 751-7 Water Distribution 11,880.00 751-7-A ,rages of Valve Runners 5,600.00 751-8 Lowering Mains & Services 2,000.00 Maintenance. 753-1 Repairs, Machinery, Tools, etc. 4,000.00 753-1-A Refilling Trenches 500.00 753-2 Feed Line Conduits 1,000.00 753-2-A Reconstruction P.V. Flume 500.00 753-4 Repairs to Mains 4,500.00 753-4-A Repairs to Valves 7,000.00 753-5 Repairs to services 11,000.00 753-5-A Replacements 3,000.00 753-5-B Forzen Services 500.00 753-6 Repairs to Meters 4,560.00 753-7 Repairs to Hydrants 7,500.00 753-8 Repair & care,Drinking Fountains 1,600.00 Administrative. 781-11 Salaries Supt. Clerks 15,140.00 781-21 Office Supplies 4,600.00 781-25 Special Tax & Insurance 500.00 781-26 Miscellaneous Drayage 1,200.00 781-26-A Wages of Watchmen, etc., 2,000.00 781-27 Repairs & Supplies, Automobiles 14,000.00 781-29 Applications to appropriate water 500.00 781-30 Collection of Taxes 5,000.00 Commercial & New Business. 761 Salaries, Assessor, Inspector 27,240.00 Miscellaneous Municipal Sales. 606 Refunds 500.00 1 I I c ' 0 1 1 M . ',R -16- Acct. No. Classification Amounts. Miscellaneous Revenues. 613 Individuals & Companies $ 2,000.00 Maintenance of Canals. H-733 Maintenance Jordan & Salt Lake Canal 4,500.00 H-733-1 Jordan & Salt Lake Canal reconstr. 3,500.00 H-733-1-A East Jordan Canal, Maintenance and Operation 3,500.00 H-733-1-B East Jordan Canal, Extension, operation and maintenance 1,200.00 Injuries & Damages 783-2 Compensation 500.00 .Bonds 782 Bonds $42,200.00 782-1 Interest on Bonds 120,697.00 782-2 Commission on Bonds • 300.00 261-A Redemption of 'Watermain Extension Deposit 37,000.00 $538,594.00 INTEREST ON WATER BONDS Series 'F' $525,000.00 due July 1st, 1934, at 4i% 23,625.00 Series 'M' $179,000.00 due Zeb. 1st, 1943-1954 at 4i% 6,055.00 Series 'Isf' $375,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1955-1969 Serially at 41%, 17,812.50 Series 'I' : 206,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1940 at 5% 10,300.00 Series 'J' $100,000.00 due Feb. 1st, 1940 at 5% 5,000.00 Serial 'K' $ 21,000.00 due April 1st, 1930- $756,000.00 and $735,000.00 at 4% 29,820.00 Series 'L' $475,000.00 due April 1st, 1948 at 4% 19,000.00 Serial LMC $150,000.00 due April 1st, 1929 - $124,000.00 and $100,000.00 at 5% 5,825.00 Milk Creek Bonds No. 7 ,$3,700.00 due Oct. 1st, 1930 at 6% 222.00 White Ditch Irrigation System, WDIC $2,500.00 due Nov. 15th, 1930 $21,500.00 and $19,000.00 at 5% 1,037.50 $ 120,697.00 r t 1.:1 the oAnion of the 'o.ord: of ormissla,lers, :it is ncee-LIL i.1'?/" to the )eace, hu,1 th enc srf:ty on the lehhI t of Mit Lake City t-•,ut this resolution beco.ne cfPct Lye J:,nuc;r: 1, This rhc,11 on <IL fillari , - 2a s‘s ed 'a,/ the Coo Loners of alt L0e City, Utah, thia .a r,,y • . irf—r — • - 1JA , r. City 1-1,:cor,,,ss. —