40 of 1970 - A resolution implementing the program of flood control and to help insure cooperation between Salt L pir • E " Resolution No, 40 , cso e+� ,cacmull • `, :`��, - r t i- �?�.� t� C4MM18s10N�R it � . - - _' the 1a' i ti of flood t 1,. - j ,o to help insureregr Cooperation �.. i ; i i .Lake•Citxy Corporation and , !" f �( Salt I County in this regard. C, l', i Presented to the Bodrd of Commissioners { AND PASSED i _ (. JUL 281970 s` , i 'Si •t== . ra' ..,.a, , ! 1 'y . ,� e, , 4 t - - � S f.•��, a - - July 20. 1971 Mr. William Dunn Chairman, Salt Lake County Commission City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Sir: Monday morning, July 19, 1971, at approximately 2:00 A.M., Salt Lake City experienced another cloudburst. More than one inch of rain fell in less than one hour causing severe damage to much property in Salt Lake City. Many comeercial, industrial and residential properties were damaged because the Jordan River would not carry the rater and the Seventh South storm drain has not been installed. The Salt Lake City Commission instructed me to write to you and ask you when the Flood Priorities Committee was going to be reactivated as promised by the Salt Lake County Commission sometime ago. Also, the Salt Lake City Commission would like a report of the progress of acquiring right-of-ways on the Jordan liver when they mere informed by the County Commission that 8500,000.00 bad been appropriated for this purpose and that the right-of-ways would be obtained as quickly as possible. They would like a report as to what has been purchased and what is left to purchase. It is absolutely imperative that something be done as each summer, as they go by, produces these flash floods which cause severe damage and yet over many years very little has been done to help the situation. Yours truly, George B. Cataull, Commissioner Streets and Public Improvements !TC/hd cc: City Recorder.- Files July 9. 19/0 Honorable J. Bracken Lee Mayor and Commissioner of Public Affairs and Finance 211 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Mayor Lee: The Board of City Commissioners. at its meeting today. approved your motion as follows: I move that Commissioner George B. Catmull direct a letter to the Salt Lake County Commissioners asking for an answer to their promise to reactivate the Flood Priorities Committee and to report to the City Commission the status of the 9500.000.00 fund with which they were going to acquire rights of way for straightening and widening Jordan River in order that the Corps of Engineers could proceed with Its work on said River. Yours truly. � City Reoo r CC: Comm. Catmull Engineer Files f„. July 14. 1970 Honorable George B. Catmull Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements 100 City and County Building Salt Lake Ct. Utah Dear Commissioner Catmull: The Board of City Commissioners, at its meeting today, approved your motion as follows: I move that the resolution, passed by the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners on July 9. 1970, as submitted by the Salt Lake County Attorney to the City Commission, regarding flood control, be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of a similar resolution for Salt Lake City in order to implement the program of flood control as it relates to Salt Lake City and to thereby insure cooperation and commun- ication between these governmental subdivisions of the State of Utah. thus avoiding any further misunder- standings and difficulties and insuring the successful completion of the flood control program in thebast interest of the communities which each of these bodies serve. Yours truly, MI4Wkiteh&ikAtti City Rec CC: City Attorney Fi,� • • ROLL CALL July 9 70 VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, 19 Barker. I move that Commissioner George B. Catmull direct a letter Catmull . . . ,/ to the Salt Lake County Commissioners asking for an answer to their Garn . . . . ✓ promise to reactivate the Flood Priorities Committee and to report to the Harrison . . . City Commission the status of the $500,000.00 fund with which they were Mr. Chairman . going to acquire rights of way for straightening and widening Jordan River Result . . . . in order that the Corps of Engineers could proceed with its work on said River. / /; . May (Signature) n Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, _ L. r;I*9 C. *1.4141 City Recorder yr • SALT LAKE ''�^{ COUNTY SAL T LAKE CITY : UTAH 84111 V, fW`�•� *.; `a • i33y.�V.d{'. : 1N tT. HALOR[N - -_- "` cxlar DEPUTY FICE OF ATTyy0 , c ORNEY July 10, 1970 Board of City Commissioners City & County Building Salt Lake City Gentlemen: In accordance with the understanding between the respective Boards of Commissioners of Salt Lake County and Salt Lake City, the Salt Lake County Board of Commissioners passed a Resolution, copy of which is attached to this let- ter. It is respectfully requested that your Honorable Board pass a similar resolution in order to implement the program of flood control as it relates to Salt Lake City and to thereby insure cooperation and communication between these governmental subdivisions of the State of Utah, thus avoiding any further misunderstanding and difficulties, and insuring the successful completion of the flood control program in the best interests of the communities which each of these bodies serve. Sincerely, GORDON B. CHRISTENSON County Attorney 6 L,on A. Halgrent/" Chief Deputy County Attorney LAH/kn • MINUTES - FLOOD CONiEOL MEETING DATE: Juno 1, 1970 TIME; 9:30 A.M. PLACE: Office of Mayor J. Bracken Lee Those attending were: Mayor J. Bracken Lee, Salt Lake City Commissioner George B. Catmull, Salt Lake City Commissioner E. J. Darn, Salt Lake City Commissioner James L. Barker, Or., Salt Lake City Commissioner Conrad B. Harrison, Salt Lake City Commissioner Oscar Hanson, Jr., Salt Lake County Commissioner Philip R. Blomquist, Salt Lake County J. Rex Mackay, Salt Lake County Flood Control Director Leon A. Halgren, Chief Deputy County Attorney Larry L. Birrell, Salt Lake County Finance Director W. yes Call, S. L. County Intergovernmental Relation Administrator Max S. Banks, Salt Lake County Contracts Administrator Clarence Williams, Salt Lake Tribune Joe Liddell, Deseret News Amy N. Jackson, Intergovernmental Relations Office Mayor J. Bracken Lee officiated. Leon Halgren explained that he was responsible for calling the meeting for the purpose of clarifying statements made by Mayor Lee in a letter to Salt Lake County Auditor, Glen Palmer; wherein he indicates property was purchased, or at least down payments made, from flood control funds on properties that are not being used for flood control purposes. Mr. Mackay reviewed the flood control program, giving the background of priorities made and the acquisition of property by Salt La'_e County which was necessary to implement the various phases of said program. The priorities mentioned were set by a citizen priority committee selected by the County Commissioners in 1966. Mr. George Catmull of the City Commission was a member of this committee. Mr. Mackay referred to two reports, wherein it is shown how much acreage was acquired for the Big Cottonwood Retention Park, from whom, and the amount Flood Control paid. These reports are attached and hereby made a part of these minutes. Mr Mackay said, at the time this particular phase was implemented, the Flood Control Department worked with the Recreation Department, Planning Department and Land Acquisition, and the decision was made that Flood Control would make the down payment on the properties needed for the 48th South Retention Park and the balance would be paid from the Capital Improvements Budget. He further explained that, in figuring the total cost of properties for flood control purposes and subtracting the down payments made, the Flood Control Department still owes $46,813.32 and there has been no money paid by Flood Control which has not been used fcr this purpose. There is an existing Federal • grant which will pay the interest on acquisition under contract purchase for five years, balance of principal above the $46,813.32 to be paid from Capital Improvements budget. The plan is for another retention pond to be constructed at 30th East; with this and the one at 48th South, property owners will be given ample protection from flood waters in this area. This plan has been approved by the Corps of Engineers. The original plan proposing channel.ization would have cost thirteen million dollars, the creek would have been widened and riprapped, all vegetation removed and residents relocated. Total cost of the Retention Park under construction is $526,000.00, including land purchase. Mr. Mackay said the priorities list was revised in 1969 and the 7th South Storm Drain is the next major project. Some problems have arisen regarding tl,a entities that contribute to the flood waters but not to flood control funding, and retention should be considered instead of dumping it in the river. Commissioner Catmull said there is no question about the program, just that flood control money is being used for property not used for this purpose. Commissioner Blomquist responded that this is not so; that, because we could make the down payments with flood control money, a regional park was also acquired and some inflation saved for a five-year period. However, in balancing the two budgets and adding the actual property payments which should come from flood control, the Flood Control Department still owes the County money for its share. One item mentioned in Mayor Lee's letter concerned the purchase of a certain piece of property from Mr. Bernard Brockbank. Mr. Mackay noted that this property was not located on the Big Cottonwood project, but was a part of the proposed golf course for Salt Lake City at 2100 South and Redwood Road in connection with right-of-way purchase on Jordan River. Mayor Lee said what distresses him is that, from Engineers' reports, the Jordan River should be number one on the priorities list; that, until the river is taken care of any other flood control program is only 40% efficient. Commissioner Blomquist said the City's representative should have said something about this six years ago when these meetings were being held and the Priorities Committee and the Citizen's Advisory Board placed Jordan River number four on the priorities list. Mayor Lee observed that, if it is a bad plan, he is asking the County Commission to change it. Commissioner Blomquist stated that the first three items on the list are done, the Jordan River and the 7th South Storm Drain are next; that a half million, dollars and two men are available to buy rights-of-way on the Jordan River and the Corps of Engineers will do the construction. Commissioner Catmull said when the proposal of the mill levy for flood control was made to the legislature, it was with the stipulation that the money collected in the City ($700,000 per year) would be spent there and this has not been done. They still have the same • pro lems now they had then. Mr. Mackay said the County has cleaned Jordan River and kept Coggin Drain and the Surplus Canal cleaned; also, they have progressed as fast as has been possible on the Jordan River program. Commissioner Blomquist said the Omnibus Flood Control Bill is before Congress right now, and when the Corps of Engineers is ready to come in the rights-of-way from 21st South on north will be acquired. Commissioner Catmull asked if it would be this year and Commissioner Blomquist answered that he didn't know about this year, but emphasized that they will be ready when the Corps is. Mayor Lee asked if the Corps would have been here sooner if the rights-of-way had been acquired and Commissioner Blomquist responded no, it had to go through Congress and we are four years ahead of the time schedule. Also, if the County had to finance the project, it would take until 1980. Commissioner Hanson verified this, and reviewed a 1968 meeting with the Corps of Engineers. He further observed that he thinks the problem between the Cjty and County is mostly a lack of proper communication and suggested regular meetings in the future. Commissioner Harrison asked why the priorities committee had been disbanded. This was discussed and the suggestion made that said committee be reorganized. Mayor Lee said he wants the County Commission to go on record regarding what they will do about the Jordan River. Mr. Halgren proposed that he prepare a resolution to present to the County Commission, setting forth the flood control program, including the rights-of-way to be acquired along the Jordan River. County Commission and City Commission meeting minutes will be incorporated. Commissioner Catmull said they have no problem regarding spring runoff because of the mild winter, but they do expect some problems from the July and August thunder showers. He suggested that Mr. Mackay get a big dragline and clean the river until a permanent job can be done. Mr. Mackay said that since he has been in the department, he has contacted the City Engineer as to where their problem areas are and taken care of them. Commissioner Catmull asked if he wanted them to get in a boat and go down the river pinpointing the areas that he would do so; that it needs constant maintenance because of silt being deposited, and this would be a preventative measure he thinks should be used. He said nothing has been done since a year ago this spring when draglines were on the river and a good job was done. Mayor Lee reviewed that two items then should be taken care of - the reorganization of the priorities committee and the resolution of the County Commission regarding the Jordan River. Commissioner Hanson and Leon Halgren agreed that this would be done. A question was raised regarding property acquired for a spillway on the 48th South retention park. Commissioner Blomquist said this was done to avoid cutting a gorge from 48th South and Highland Drive to the river. • -3- i The 7th South Storm Drain was discussed further regarding where a retention park could be located and when it can be done. Mr. Mackay and Commissioner Blomquist said the acreage across the road south from the University was being considered, and it can be done soon if retention is a reality. To dump the water in the Jordan River now would exceed the capac_ty of the river. There is an existing Federal grant for a feasibility study. The entities included were discussed regarding payment; the Church has agreed to participate and Mayor Lee thought the City and County should take it to the legislatur.e and insist that the State participate. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Secreyary -4- • FOP. FIG Co 1:1._,:. ..9);!1 Cu 0S CAP 1'1 u; Fir PitOP` i PAID 101U COS': $ 16,500.00 S C7,1unci., et 21 $ 28,071.50 9.25 77,914.00 20,3.10 Hice Pi.c,.derty 1.40 39,500.60 39,5n 10z,,d2c). P-1Zy co_ al 36,549.12 12.95 103,700.6U 29,07 24,970.G0 5.97 43,500.00 Clc.0111. PrO2erly 20,070.53 2.79 75,141.00 Dipo 1.5 17,041.65 $109,5911.62 $373,269.60 712', -!.6s -326,4S6.3(• 204.0ri.e7 $ 46,S13.2,2 $3,16,12u • Flood Co7,trui paie $122.351.75 Rinbur5e3 I09;S90.6 Sub-total S231,972,30 Add col':rvit payr2Lats still due to co:2,2 out cr Capital 141,29 .3 TOTAL $373,259.63 - . '• Fe, • LOCG CONTROL AND R3CiCA TOON DEPARTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASES SINCE JANUARY 1, 1967 TOTAL • •DOWN FLOOD CONTROL FLOOD COI'i ' PROPEST`,' LOCATION ACf:EAGE PRICE PAYMENT PAID •' ` PAID FOR i2E' ihernard 3,.ockbonk 4650 South 15th Fast 17.31 .$ 108,903.60 $ 18r003 $ 18,903 $ 18,903 Sadie 8rockbank 4650 South 15ti: East 1,93• 11,122.80 11,122,00 • Leon Brown 5th South and Jordan River 18,621,82 18,621.82 3ud9ot Mc,rr 2200 West 8400 South 1, 2,759, 2,000 Don Isuehr,er 1045 Genesee 14,525 14,525 Ccnnon Estate 1630 East 4803 South 9.25 77,914 20,414 20,414 Jock 8. Leona Coffin 1601 East 4800 South 297 75,114 20,000 • Continental Bank 4135 South Wosatch 3ivd, 4,000 4,000 silly D. Crocker 4th South & Jordan Rivet 2,920 2,920 Fred Dip() • • 49G0 South & 15th East 1,5 17,000 17,000 17,000 Edwin Gold 1049 South 10th West 350, 350 350 Greek Ortihodox Church 4550 South ;Highland Drive • 15i5 122,500. 22,500 23,100 23,1rip Second paymeni• • 2..,r, 0 22,5U0 C. W. Hickey 1694 East.4363 South . • L40 39,509 39,509 39,50) ir.ter.nouon Capitol ' 4700 South 1600 Easr 14.97 303,000 50,000 50,c00 50:000 Secand poyrnenl 2}3y 63,273.60 63,273.60 b? °,'3.(0 Losrich 4th South & Joran River 2,700 2,700 J. Lints•, 1661 Fast 4830 South • ,44 20,500 7,901.77 8, q8.08 ,794.08 ' ,Vrc.c;dox .i_,ratu . 1550 East 4300 Smith 1 .96 103,700 29,000. 29,000 Mork Nichols '1669 Est 480E South .24 17,500 117,500 17,5001 ' 17,500 .:uion Nichols 1664 East 4800 South 16,500 • 16,500 16,500 Ne:;;;4,orhood mouse 1050 West 5th South 750 750 750 Itt,-;500rCii industries Redwood Road F'. 3200 West .63= 75,000 75,000 75,000 - Srote o` Utah .... 111th West & 2nd North 15t0 33,500 33,500 Zeidu Wim;ner 10th West & Fremont Ave 6,000 6,000. 6,000 • • Pick & Cord ';550 East 4800 South 5,27 43,50.0.00 13,500 3ernard Brockbonk 1200 West between 17th and 21st So 18.55 126,075.59. 121,075.59*" 121.075.59 • TOTAL $1,14f114.31 -�r-�_ $628,566.58 $503,a7:S.27 �$204,071.63 "Pius $5,060 Credit for Quit Claim Deed frcm S. L. County for 4.6 Acre of land, !. Y 4 ( 3 ' PU -(B ��+LIC esolution, passed e County Board of ers, to City Attorney ation of resolution flood control. ie Board of Commissioners ,ND PASSED UL 1 4 1970 rvS crry RECO^ July 30, 1970 Honorable Board of Salt Lake County Commissioners c/o Commissioner Oscar Hanson, Jr., Chairman 409 City and County Building Salt Lake City, Utah Gentlemen: Here is a resolution, passed by the Board of City Commissioners on July 28, 1970, to implement the program of flood-control and to help insure cooperation between Salt Lake City Corporation and Salt Lake County in this regard. Yours truly, City ec&rtler I.;. R. a s. • RQLL CALL July 28 -70 . -r-VOTING Aye Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, ,19 Barker: :{ . I move that the Resolution be adopted. Catmull . . . Garn . . 6{ Harrison . . . ,- Mr. Chairman RESOLUTION Result . . . . WHEREAS, Salt Lake County has heretofore undertaken a flood- control program within the geographical confines of Salt Lake County, which area includes the corporate limits of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake County, pursuant to the recommendations of the Priority Committee, has followed the flood-control program as recommended by said Priority Committee; and WHEREAS, a part of the flood-control program included necessary flood-control construction within the confines of Salt Lake City, which flood-control work has, according to the priorities, not yet been undertaken; and WHEREAS, Salt Lake County, by and through its Board of Commis- sioners, is desirous of cooperating with Salt Lake City and Salt Lake City is desirous of cooperating with Salt Lake County in implementing the flood-control program as it directly affects said City; and, accord- ingly, a meeting has taken place between the Boards of Commissioners of Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County, wherein these problems were discussed and verbal commitments were made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, that the Minutes of the flood-control meeting dated July 1, 1970, in the Office of Mayor J. Bracken Lee, be incor- porated into this Resolution and become a part of the official Minutes of Salt Lake City. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Jordan River flood-control work is now declared the Number One priority of the flood-control program of Salt Lake County, the other projects with higher priority having been completed; and that the acquisition of the necessary right-of- way for the realignment of the Jordan River proceed forthwith from the County funds which have been allocated and set aside for the cost of said land acquisition. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Seventh South storm drain system be implemented as quickly as possible through a feasibility sudy with regards to the creation of retention ponds to cut the cost of the flood-control system and make possible the use of the Jordan River as a part of the system to properly discharge flood watersdxring periods of heavy run-off. -2- • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Flood Control Priority Committee be reactivated and that it meet periodically to discuss the various problems of flood cont m 1 which relate to Salt Lake City, thereby keeping open the important avenues of communication between the two governmental bodies; namely, Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County, in the interests of providing the taxpayers the best possible representa- tion in the flood control program. Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah, this ZSthday of July, 1970. L L 24r" 1`; i`k 1,LL-9=fit