40 of 1974 - A resolution reaffirming the City Commission’s approval of a certain urban renewal plan for a redeve Pr Resolution No. 10 By Tennings Phillips, p_ 1 •• COMMISSIONER Reaffirming the City Commission's approval of a certain urban renewal plan for a redevelopment project know as CBD West Neighborhood Developm Program and approving the intention of the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City to finance a portion of the cost of said project. Presented to the Board of Commissioners AND PASSLD ,k U L 2 1974 !✓ cm DUX' •111166... 1 - July 2, 1974 Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City c/a M. Danny Wall, Executive Director Room 410-Building 2-Arrow Press Square Salt Lake City, Utah$4101 Gentlemen: Here is RESOLUTION NO. 40 of 1974, passed by the Board of City Commissioners at its meeting today, reaffirming the City Com- mission's approval of a certain urban renewal plan for a redevelop- ment project, known as CBD West Neighborhood Development Program, and approving the intention of the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City to finance a portion of the cost of said Project. Yours }�QA,truly, �lth,�.ov� " / City Reco er Enclosure CC: Finance Files " ROLL CALL VOTING Aye ,Nay Salt Lake City,Utah, July 2 19 74 Mr.Chairman � / 7 I move that tlt Resol ton be adopted. Greener \\\\ Harmsen ✓ / vvv %l Gt�I��ZI � L�,. Harrison Phillips RESOLUTION Result RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION REAFFIRMING ITS APPROVAL OF A CERTAIN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN, AND APPROVING THE INTENTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TO FINANCE A PORTION OF THE COST OF THE PROJECT DESCRIBED IN SAID PLAN. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Utah Neighborhood Development Act (Utah Code Annotated 1953, Section 11-19-1 et seq., as amended) , the Re- development Agency of Salt Lake City (the "Agency") has heretofore approved a certain Urban Renewal Plan, dated January 15, 1971, for a redevelopment project known as the CBD West Neighborhood Development Program"; and WHEREAS, by ordinance adopted on February 4, 1971, this Board of City Commissioners approved and adopted said Urban Renewal Plan as the official redevelopment plan for said project area; and WHEREAS, said plan authorizes the Agency to finance all or a portion of the cost of said project through the issuance of bonds pur- suant to Section 11-19-25 of the Utah Neighborhood Development Act, including but not limited to bonds secured by a pledge of taxes allocated to the Agency under Section 11-19-29 of said Act; and WHEREAS, the Agency intends to enter into contractual arrangements for the acquisition of sites within the project area and the development of such sites for public and private commercial uses, including a major hotel, office building, retail stores, public off-street parking facilities and related facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY: 1. That the approval of said plan by said Ordinance No. 15 of 1971, adopted by this Board on February 4, 1971, is hereby reaffirmed. 2. That the intent of the Agency to proceed pursuant to that plan, including construction of a certain parking facility pursuant to that plan is hereby approved. 3. That City staff members are hereby directed to cooperate with and assist the Agency in connection with carrying out said plan. 4. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as making the Salt Lake City Corporation responsible for payment of any costs incurred by the Agency in connection with the carrying out of the plan, specifi- cally including the repayment of any debt incurred by the Agency in connection therewith. Pas ed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Ci , Utah, this 2, day of July, 1974. N to,_ '1..4;1:411:-.::1.,4„. ',.::':7:115114*' :4.:‘v'.;4v, :".;:..„_..."1,.! June 28, 1974 redevelopment agency of salt lake city Mr. Herman J. Hogensen room 410 • budding 2 ■ arrow press square City Recorder salt lake city, utah 84101 • (801) 328-1577 Room 200 City & County Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Hogensen: Enclosed is a copy of a resolution which we hereby request that the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City Corporation consider at their next regular meeting. The resolution has been prepared by the Redevelopment Agency's bond counsel and would ratify a similar action taken by the Redevelopment Agency at their last regular meeting Thursday, June 27th. By copy of this letter and enclosure, we are submitting to the City Attorney for his office's consideration the proposed resolution. If there are any questions with regard to the proposed resolution we urge that you contact Mr. Richard S. Fox of the firm of Strong, Poelman & Fox or William D. Oswald also of that firm, both of whom are involved on the Agency's behalf. Thank you for your ttent'on to this matter. Sincerely, M. anny Wall Executive Director MDW/vm Enclosure cc: Mr. Roger F. Cutler City Attorney DATE PROPOSED FOR ADOPTION July 2 , 1974 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION, REAFFIRMING ITS APPROVAL OF A CERTAIN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN, AND APPROVING THE INTENTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF SALT LAKE CITY TO FINANCE A PORTION OF THE COST OF THE PROJECT DESCRIBED IN SAID PLAN. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Utah Neighborhood Development Act (Utah Code Annotated 1953, Section 11-19-1 et seq., as amended), the Redevelopment Agency of Salt Lake City (the "Agency")- has heretofore approved a certain Urban Renewal Plan, dated January 15, 1971, for a redevelopment project known as the "CBD West Neighborhood Development Program"; and WHEREAS, by ordinance adopted on February 4, 1971, this Board of City Commissioners approved and adopted said Urban Renewal Plan as the official redevelopment plan for said project area; and WHEREAS, said plan authorizes the Agency to finance all or a portion of the cost of said project through the issuance of bonds pursuant to Section 11-19-25 of the Utah Neighborhood Development Act, including but not limited to bonds secured by a pledge of taxes allocated to the Agency under Section 11-19-29 of said Act; and WHEREAS, the Agency intends to enter into contractual arrangements for the acquisition of sites within the project area and the development of such sites for public and private commercial uses, including a major hotel, office building, retail stores, public off-street parking facilities and related facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION: 1. That the approval of said plan by said Ordinance No. 15 of 1971 adopted by this Board on February 4, 1971, is hereby reaffirmed. 2. That the intent of the Agency to proceed pursuant to that plan, including construction of a certain parking facility pursuant to that plan is hereby approved. 3. That City staff members are hereby directed to cooperate with and assist the Agency in connection with carrying out said plan. 4. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as making the Salt Lake City Corporation responsible for payment of any costs incurred by the Agency in connection with the carrying out of the plan, specifically including the repayment of any debt incurred by the Agency in connection therewith. Passed by the Board of City Commissioners of Salt Lake City Corporation this day of July, 1974. Mayor City Recorder