42 of 1911 - A resolution that the Council meet as Committee of the Whole on March 16, 1911, to investigate why i (2) x
a xv
a� am — - — -----
I r �,
" 2M4 215
1RIi 3, 1911, OIL 3, 1911. ---
( '
k 84 From the Cc .
r-rittee n Engineering& Sewerage. i7 From the Committer of the ...lole
{ '
In the matter of he roposed torn serer -.n .�+r Street between f3tr nd 9th
..I In i thet matter of petitionpDen I:Court of Block Butterworth, e at, permission to run to South Streets as e rec:' P t of the Street ' rent bor en rec J�e.�9
[14' eight inch sever to tendon Court tini Block 63, Plat "a • we recommend sd thatrvi the of
that the Council r ..r.�t tee i�j _ labor to fire re plans and s coif�eatl one
t ri br. ,^ranted, :or1: to be dyne st netiti Doer's exr,ense and under the supervision the and an estimate of the coot for said stem .er, .ate the co et or lock
{ City 5n .neer. segregated. l'
tltl Respectfully submitted, 3 s eat u11,7 ubrfitted
�I�jl, Ds rk Reedall, J. B. il5oreton, L. J. flood, ] -ev s, Oliver hod,sen ..fir] ll,
ll red, o -tc., F.�, efn- rare,
h Hail, C era.
'lead �acltad. ISev+cr !iXt, 2691 f e llo
'ljl � ll
„�i Read and adopted,
9fj, 85 From the Cn•cittee on Engineering& Sewerage,
( .
1t, ! In the matter of petition No,249 of Carthey & k, stating that they deposited • S From the Committee of tic hole.
with City Engineer a44.00 to cover cost for sewer extension No.262 for american Linen t, Jnuncil
Ai' Surely Co„ that actual cost of same was ,i2S.0O3 leaving 21,CO, which amount they ask In the ratter of rc soluti a 1' b .,rr..lm:n ernstrom, that tol
SI t^ have refunded; we recommend that the petition be granted and the sum of a21,00 meet ae s fermi ttee of tv.c }-le tc rove e'gate mhy it seems xt the ole for
'4 refunded and "laced upon the authorised List. Respectfully submitted, the Attorney to burg c micti^ns against th- criminal el event etc.; re
recommend that the Chief o ° r,r be 5n-t^ac cis proceed fir, rd :tely to I,
� �. ..ark 3eedn1l, J• B. I-oretor., L. J. flood, enforce the law ag or tgarbling', ..g.in t �}:e illegal el in i liquor,. sr.d I f,
against prostitution :and that the gins of Dille be i tract ec to the S.
l •
aead .nd adopted and file .::curt �Lced liner L7' .utf•orL.ed list, (Item 10791 .n�
aStockade" _. laces of lam nat..re. ,,. e..:
fg� rc 1 c+ 1 ub r'`
�,;� Hark 0mnsReed 10 7i er
ee es en, ,_orct^n,
et From. the Comeltte. . Engineering h Sewerage. F,r.Ferns for :oho Holley, , ..,all,
�- � di
k! ',
l�r In the ratter of retition eo.:59 of J. F. Johnson, asking for release of emerican I, '+
f ,�, Surety Co. bind on Sorer Ext. U . 285; we recor,vend that the petition be granted Read and adopted.
rj� and the Amerienx: Surety Co ruler nod from. future liability. I.
r Respectfully submitted, it d]
t v Mark Ree d:xll, J. n. m.oret on, b. J. Dood, From the Committee of t'ne r.h ole,
f Read end a------- b -_+�d nt rr end ,�slk extensions for the year 0'
i In the matter of ravine.
oeing list i
fN' 1911, ^o 'could recommend that the.nli cfoll.orks instructed xttossdvertise1 for bides
IIIthis Council, end ,.he. e.Board - I
ie�,I � :for. the Committee or. Engineering R S^-v+erage. for the sane as soon ::e d risdi rtion can be obt:d ncd and rlsns ,re,Vred,
's:orti on.
'-n the miter of netftian No,174 of E. F. Hanna, asking that sidewalk be laid on one gam• Do. So left•, nth Se., a 2J�Gs9.E9
' I� west side of State St, between 1st and 2nd North; we recommend that the petition be Paving Fxt. p43, 4tifEast,
,lip. „ 63, 3rd :-st, 3rd 2,032.04
�i i �'� filed. Respectfully submitted 64, .,..+ So ^r.mmle to 4thSouth, I
1th South, State to 1-.t eat. 229.90
',(� '-ark Roadall, d. B. .uoreton, L. u. �.0••u. „ 7J (Lain, I,'t t ::est1., 5.-u ,GG
73 ���nd ;:orth,
(Center, 1st to I Read ar_d ad^rated, 1.
. .
�Iir r• 74, list South., State t� is 'i en'.Ple, 10,^-OO.fO
1 2n :let,
u ''' f 1 •_o '.thSouth,
6 Frnr. the Comittee on `%rgir.eeri rag & Sewerage. 9th 1st C'-r i
d t 2,20 GO ll
r lr t^^ metier ,f -.r ...:rt Y. ,^..�` ,..""^n^eat ve"'^„ eekinv that grades ;tern^ins in75onnectxon East,t} navirPrextensions,
: el e r e^... l Be- _ _. ,., 1h uth. 4 957.67
�F br. eat ?CC 11 71 ^.tr^ate shove 17.th eve, between B and N Streets; we recommend Curb& Gutter Eat. :°.1 lt- ''� '
that the r,ctl Li.,., be „r.,ntod, „ „ r 1 D ..plea 'ark, st r 1'eLe eity'e
orti n,
1�� Reepectfully submitted. SiP.emalk 'sat. I:o, 1'L9, to o Ctr -^th n rd 11I:xrk Reedall, d. B. L:areton, L. J. flood, River, also a portion of Ilorth S It rake,
�,�i; 132, .hebuiltupPortionoaLi.et,.r 3,000,00 "11 Ill
,,, .r,d adopted. �doi^,in- the �ef_erson School,, " 133, Tha built rap ocrtioo of the forth
9 Fror_ '.he Cowrat teaee on `.oof Stem i'ri sea, Beech o❑ oh.ich 'calks have not been built, 12,500,00 NRrnn•-• ndinr tk'e cayc�.ent of iterre 1090 to 1092,Read 4 .dr; ,3 end 'b_ amoma_ 'daces upon tee out:uriesd List, to n; ^r,.,•to
} 4th rt
6, Cynitol, ,
... Pre:.. the ^ .. _ n Cite w Cmmty Building, milt mr Worts r tee - u
I• 1tC• ._aL .1 IliiI
South r. 3t..te n,'. t th Y.s
■ 1'I 'i ii'r` Ir. the metier of the at.ac`•ed bill in favor of ore ..ashy-eaan JLu reel :,,. -,.� `ilee .., ..ue --. .�...� NN tltltl
f e o• fro.. C miter's Department; we have ermined same and recommend that the , c n^t hobo O, lt, I��;III'
N� Li W,vrk o d 11 i J. Davis. '• �'" ,v, fiat,
/ '
�ii& �� . ,. ,.. ahem S1:89I _ I_ ,.o LL �,�,: ���
ae:,n .na ,u up�uu lnu �..u „u.0 , .. " ;, r- -- _. --
�• 196I ,del rrh
6 ^Tor c.. ,,,,�uu �; .:.� ;:i..lu. "d 11 tc i tal, ..� 4 .0
lr. the ..took of res`iation by Councilman Hall adopted by the City Council January 9, V1?71, r.otr�,rtire the Gnrineerteg Department to at once secure the right of way fora., eeteeeii- if tee dtf •..,. ,,., canal from 11-s rmnnnt terminus to Big Cottonwood -.-
t � I I'
y✓I Creek, etc.; we reemr,r.end that the City hngineor be requooLed I. report as to what
�. �{, acts r,n has born taken tso:erde securing the right of way un the East Jordan Canal and
1 carrying out the instructiuna sun L"iuud :u L:,a IL3n vES r e o "'* °inn111,
of s ild Canal Fror its r.re soot ten-d due to Big Cottonwood Creek.
r •J Respectfully submitted,
r ,Fernotrom,John Holloy,L,F.Ha11,01iver Hodgson, Read end •idoeted,
C. .... Lane.
'a nand unu Ltou,
II 111 � ,,