42 of 1912 - A resolution that valuable consideration paid or received for franchises be for the use and benefit REMARKS: Resolution No. 42 By Commissioner LORI'S Th6,-t valuable consideration paid. or received for franchis: be for the use and benefit as a whole and, not in nart for th.11 people of the city. Presented to the Roll of ComIdslonerS, .", tair4.4444.4dst CITY RECORDEFt• • a'"'-, .. t--ge t.istb's Utah, .._- .3, . 7 .. c. �,� Yes No move thatresolution o. 'k by Mr. K+O — be adopted. s .r r '�1. Y 1 ° Co ui one 0 Ara sr Supper ,. e ,,,...' "'� :x a , �•a f ;.,� ':i4� 4 ,f' j • COMMISSIONER OF WATER SUPPLY& WATERWORKS SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH C HAS. F. BARRETT SUP'T. WATERWORKS ES 1TT f T. WHEREAS , every franchise within the :ranting power of the city is _,ub1ic )ronerty and a valuable asses, of the City, and -, ,•, riven the .�_�ut1�1�S, such assets �.elon�, i;a .n�:_ ire � ���� -whole -peol-)le of the entire city and nbt to any particular portion of the people or section of the city , therefore be it RESOLVED, that every ;ood and valuable consideration or exchanged for these franchises :e received on behalf of the whole people of the city , for their use and benefit as a "hole , and not for the local use or special relief of those • who live upon so.,te particular street or in a particular section of the city , and be it further RESOLVED, that this policy be adopted by the Commission and corm un:i.c-1,ted to the legal deg art- ent for its 7uidance in drawingfranchises hereafter for the consideration of this Board. 411116