42 of 1914 - A resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Recorder to advertise for bids for the purchase of water ar b f yyq A' .c 4 z ry t r vizier the IOWbr and Cit , } - to advertise for bide r.;,y ,, • �1 .«. r _ • fir: a . Gx' 2 '�"` x xi Ye v r ?.c.> am,'.•:" S", :z , _ '' .ii"` '' F� .'A.. ,5. - - Y w-," 174 are.- . #4�. r , '.ram " 0 i � �`�� >.` FtM1't 4 1.'dam �`+Td� 3a3'!^HfR '� �f } n�`� �jv—�Ysp"`�y�'de »`, .t t 4£ • ` r'J • h# Yee si t .. _ !- ' • ' t �'" - ,.,;3zv,.. \,mot n - a• 4 4 - - — ROLL CALL VOTING Yes No \\O S'alt•Lake City, Utah, MAY 12 12[4 191 pe4ibient 4-' "Shearman I move that of 0' report Wells. Received 11/4 be 4*Tried and filed Lawrence Morris Mr. Chairman Result Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, 4 9! , 91 ' L)C^Wo5 , t Recorder May04 • • H.J.WHINNY CITY ATTORNEY SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION AARON MYERS W.W. LITTLE W.H. FOLLAND ASSISTANTS LAW D E PARTM E NT Salt Lake City, Utah, May 13, 1914. To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah. Gentlemen: In the matter of Resolution No. 42 , by Commissioner Lawrence , authorizing the Mayor and City Recorder to advertise for bids for the purchase of water and sewer bonds, presented to your honorable body and referred to this department May 4, 1914, I would respectfully say: By the direction of Mr. Lawrence I have drawn a resolution which I herewith present, changing in some respects Resolution No. 42, above mentioned to conform to Mr. Lawrence ' s direction, which if passed, will be a substitute for Resolution No. 42. I hererith return the above mentioned Resolution No. 42. Very respectfully, ROLL CALL VOTING Yes Nc Salt Lake City,Utah May 1. 1914 Lawrence reso ution Morris I move that the be passed. i Shearman Wells Mr.Chairman RESOLUTION. Result BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: THAT WHEREAS, at a special election duly held in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Wednesday the 18th day of February, 1914, there was submitted to such gfalified electors of said City as should have paid a property tax in the year preoedingsaid election, two propositions, towit: 1. Of said City's incurring indebtedness in the sum of five hundred twenty five thousand (0525,000) dollars, and of issuing bonds therefor, for the purpose of increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present water supply and water work system of said City for the purpose of supplying and dis- tributing water to the inhabitants of said City, and to that end to construct a water supply main from Big Cottonwood Conduit along Thirteenth South Street to`Ninth East Street; to construot a dis- tributing main on Ninth East Street from Twelfth South to Thirteenth South Street; to construct distrIbuting reservoirs on the east bench and in City Creek Canyon; to construct storage reservoirs at Lakes Phoebe, Mary, and Twin Lakes in Big Cottonwood Canyon; to construct storage reservoir in Parley's Canyon; to enlarge the present East Jordan Canal from its head to Little Cottonwood Creek, and extend said canal to Big Cottonwood Creek for the purpose of carrying water now being transported through the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal; and to acquire water rights in Big Cottonwood Creek and other sources of water supply by exchange or purchase or both. 2. Of said City's incurring an indebtedness in the sum of three hundred seventy-five thousand ($"375,000) dollars and of issuing bonds therefor for the purpose of defraying the expense of increasing, improving, extending and adding to the present sewer system of said City, for the purpose of prpyLd,,}g means of sewage to the inhabitants thereof and to care for and dispose of said sewage, and to that end to construct a main outlet sewer along Seventh West or Eighth West Street from Tenth South Street to about Ninth North Street; to con- struct a pumping station consisting of building, tanks and such pumps and motors, gas engines and other machinery in addition to the present equipment at Eighth West and Seventh North Streets as may be necessary, for the purpose of pumping sewage from said main outlet sewer into the discharge pipe next herein mentioned; to lay a dis- charge pipe to carry sewage from said pumping station westerly to, at or about Redwood Road; to construct outlet canal from the end of said discharge pipe to Great Salt Lake, and to extend main sewer from Main Street to Seventh West or Eighth West Street; and _`_� WHERHA m rity of the qualified electors of said City r , 0 wOted n favor o each and both propositions submitted as aforesaid, which result was duly ascertained and declared by the Board of Commissioners of said City acting as a Board of Canvassers on Tuesday, February 24, 1914 (Monday having been a legal holiday); NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Recorder of this City be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the purchase of said bonds. Said notice to bidders shall be published daily for a period of successive weeks in the following papers: The Salt Lake Tribune, and , daily papers of general circulation and published in Salt Lake City; also in the , a paper of general oirculation in financial quarters published in New York City, New York. Said notice shall describe the proposed bonds and their con- -2- ditions as set forth in the ordinance submitting said proposition to said electors at the election aforesaid; and WHEREAS it is not deemed expedient to issue all of said bonds and pay interest thereon during the time the funds therefor are lying idle. Said notice shall further require bids to be made upon said bonds as hereinafter stated. All bonds to be dated the day of , and to be purchased and paid for in the follaving manner: WATER BONDS. thereof on the day of , 1914. thereof on the day of , 1914. thereof on the day of , 1914. thereof on the day of , 1914. SEWER BONDS. thereof on the day of , 1914. thereof on the day of , 1914. thereof on the day of , 1914. Said notice shall further require that all bids upon the said bonds shall be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of payable to the ardor of the Treasurer of Salt lake City,ae a guarantee of good faith on the part of the bidder and to reemburse this City for its loss and expense on this behalf incase the bidder shall not perform his bid after acceptance thereof. -3- That no bids for less than the face value of said bonds will be considered; and that Salt Lake City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept any bid deemed advantageous to this City;and that all bids shall be well sealed and shall be placed in the hands of the City Recorder of Salt Lake City on or before P.M. on the day of , 1914.