43 of 1981 - A resolution authorizing and providing for the issuance by Salt Lake City, Utah, of its $60,000,000 (2) " .)54,••:•,.., .--b."
r"........................... (6511/11•11111101 ' iLA maw —
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Ea— • 7,.ES DAY WAY n, 1981
MM I I •
7 le IS LAS 1 s I 19, 1951
Oros personal income and corporate franchise taxation In the State of St.under presently existing lav,regulations,
Ione M. avis
decisions and interpretations. The purchaser.11 not be required to take STALL pay for the Notes if at the time of
FoI,Id 2,Ullitehead Counc....they
• delivery there has been any Federal or State Legislation,decisions ar regulations width would effect the tax exemption
(I on ell or any part of the interest on the Notes. SAney P.goonvobsa co0-elthawther '
8rant Naha: Council...
Edvare W.Parker Coathil Vice Mai.. • • -
I' Alice Shearer
1 I . gm.: Palsr DePaulis .uncil Thai,.
R The closing certificates will include a certificate executed by of ficials of the 515555 confirming to The There 1,0 al.
. . ,
successful bidder that,to the hest Al.knowledge.ti belief of the signers thereof,the descriptions and ststecencs
1 , .
,• contained In the OFFICIAL SIAM.circulated smith respect to the Dates were at The thee of the acceptance of the bid '
and are at the time of the closing,true and correct in all caterial respects and did not at the time of the acceptance gofer Cutler
of the bid and do not at the time of the closing,contain azy untrue statement of a material fact or oolt to state a Ted L.With.
City At torn.
1 I R
I I material fact required to be stated odare necessary to cake the statecents,in light of the cirmostances under which
they vere made,not misleading. Should the OFFICIAL STATRENT be supplemented or uended,the foregoing caefircatian
to be code at the Os of the closing shall be applicable to the OFFICIAL STAMM,and all supplements and a...rots
thereto. After the oinutes of.preceding...ins had been duly read and approved,.City P.ord,presented
to the...pal Co.cil an affidavit...clog the Riving of not lebs than tvente-four(241 hours public notice of '
the agenda,date,tic.,and place of The.y 19,1581,meeting of the Want that Council in comslianee with the require- .'' ' • :
. ,
I 1
"4fS c r'''IL
-:')'AILS uI ILLS n:''d3 a R r'''' '''')'°s'''r:r''t''ri:I':'r''OL::''cil''g l'''Ar' ni:r''' fth6''ICr'l'dil7n'(Ld 'i' 'n'''1'Se':ea':'R ‘'''' ':r''''' '1 ''OFFICIAI STATINECT LULLS heoenera eoaPh efstlono e:t,Do ton t:local cresP"•iI , a(oq" soiid
I recorded in the minutes of the peeting and is as roll.. . . .. •
Fur copies of the OFFICIAL STATEXENT,the OFFICIAL NOTICE OF SALE and CHILI.BID FON,-contact Burrows,
S.th and Company,Suite 1001,Pearne Building,Salt lake City,Utah B4101(BOI)355-8700,the financial cansultut STATE OF(TAH I •• ' •. '' '''
to the CitY C0.951.
i .
i connx OF SALT LAKE) '
Dated this 19th day of.y,1981.
'It 1:i •
' .
I I,the undersigned,the duly 955111151 and ant.City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,titalo,
fi isi Ted L.Nilson
Mi011 do hereby certify according to the records of said City on ra official possession,end upon my am knoiledge and belie',
that in acordanee with the requirerents of Section 52-.8(2).ash Code Annotated,1952,at amended,I cave not less R '
i than neenty-four(24)hours puRlic notice of the agthca,date,time,and place of the Day 19,1981,public neeting held
. by the Nolan.Council of Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Cauntv,Utah,h.. . ,
2 gather.Marshall
ACTING CITY RECORDER (a) Causing a Notice Al Public Meeting to be cast.at the principal of floe of the...nal Council at
R"' Room 111,City and Coothe Building,Salt ALAS City,on(la 19,1981,at wi,t turnty-,.,I.)hoots hefote the cony.-
1.' 0.ICIAL NOTICE 0'SALE frig of the meeting,in the fern attached hereto as ESIIIGIT A;said NO[iCe of Public Meeting having continuously reamthec
--- ---• ' — ---,. so posted and available far public inspection during regular thrice hours until the convening of the neeting;ane
R .
1 • the purchase of SII,L00,000 Tax Anticipation Notes,Series 1981,of Salt Lake City,Salt LILT (b) Causing a copy of the Not.of Public Lc'eting In the for:attached hereto as PRIEM a to be srs-
Sealed bids forV'
vided on Day IL,1991,at least tventy-four(A)hours before the convening of the meeting,IL The Salt lake Tribune, ,
• . .
• .
Cont,Litah,dated 5the 1,1981,due June II,1982,will be received up ta MO o.clock P.M.,DALT.,on Tuesday,lune a newspaper of general circulation within the geog.Thie Jurisdiction et said City,and to each local media terrace. II
2,q991,at tie of flee of the City Couocil,SALT 211 of the City ITS Canute Duildieg,Salt bakm Ortht rt. dnet neusooaper,radio station or television station obi.has requesthonotificaa.of r.,,I Ings of the Dunicipol Cou- ' •
Copies of the urnala NOTICE OF SALE,thy OFFICIAL STAT•ThENT,and other related information with respect to I ,
soil bonds,helat offered 22121.22 2.222 approval as to legatt,of Fox,Edwards and Carolina,oh Salt Lake City,Utall, IN WITSGSS101.Thr.I have hereunto subscribed re of ficLal signature and Impressed hereon the°MTh. .
• , •
be obtained from Burrows,Smith and Company,Suite 1001,Kbarns Building.Salt Las CIty,Utah PQM,(Thl)355-6702, seal of Solt La,City,Salo Lake County.,AA,this 15th AT,of Woe.1981.
the glaancial cansultant to the Agency. . , .
, t
( Dated I that 19th day of May,1981.
is/ Ted L.Gilson Salt Loye CI,Salt ' •
MTh. Lae County,Utah •
. .. .
1 • •
otha,Marshall (ALTO •
v ED119,2 A E
, i Them Cite Couacill
, (See Co,of NotThe of"Al.Nee.,at....
Councilmemer Sheerer roved dad Council:a.Parker seconded that Resolution..42 of 15BI Ls adopted auth- •
Thereupon th
,after the car..of other Itheincos not tertInent to the following,the folic..resolution: °tiring The issuer.o,990,0ao,un Casa:tat ReThaue Pon.for internountain Health Care I.. sibject to the amendment,
vas intro...in vritren tore by CoenclIncer Theater vas re.in full ane purse..to notion du,mat hy Comet:-
propos.'a the Lepel Department and agreed to hy Intermountain ileolth Care,which rolion carried,ell cambers present ,,on...T
A aw bow.—SAW*
member S .henrer and ye.. hy ConThirsTher Pori.,and wes no..by th•folia.l.vote: •-' " ' '•9'I gOSIglagali
I AIL 'Thoth 3.Thicsa. ,Incil,.., OliViiklialing1{11120
• Crum Vat CouncilroThem ThiN141811=1111118.3011WiM
A Sydnee R.P.n.., Como:Ire-her
! ' Ali.Sheerer Coincilm,Ther
/ Py oh..Ns.SI of 12,1-iy-City Con., Ione a has C.a....her MIPMPF*T23• Ed,.IA railer Council Vice Clotho.
,.Tholtaq...I of Solt Lay City,Salt lake County,Utah,met in typal.sane session on the I9th NAY: No. I' rITh/th-/-•...51V-T I
191,at thy hour of 5:00 o'clock P.N. at thy rsg.,nesting piece of...cit.Council In Peon 201 in 12-ae TP-05ALts,x----
co C.,ord County hilling,Solt Lely City,thelo, theent: Po.,Thieulis council IL airman
. ..arnorisurste.thara•r7do_5.,,ricuing wes d:le cille1 to nab,i•v tith Ch nithon of.',lethal Co.,with Tho follo.ing
- r, 0 a Tha°TheclI La.not..u,:-...t.ting a Thar.-c•ia'9LeiThO Ca.:,
_I-2222_222,22.2:224272:2,i22—222 2
I be thy',V Clair,.of The Thnicipa Coincil ani b.attegad and Thorclud.o w tool,Cicy record.in Thu othicith
,--•---J.------ .., • s .. .
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