43 of 1981 - A resolution authorizing and providing for the issuance by Salt Lake City, Utah, of its $60,000,000 (3) .. . _ C
I Ii
/ 1 ,_______ _ __ __ .
I iiir d ---------
• TUESDAY RAY 19, 1081 1
TU E59,tY `:AY IS 1961
1 I (6) The name of one or more co-Paying Agents for tha Bonds under the Indenture;
prow lslcw of[his[esolut ion. I�
• (c) The date or dates or eaturtty of the sends;
SEC'10N±±, That ell ordinances,rc003utima and regula[:ong or parts t1enof hereto fare eery.or
(C) The provisions for prior redemption of[M emdO,whether by operotlon of the sNklue fund provided by srepeoleA.I min con(lte[wl[M1 any of for pror!x!ans of;h!v�nclution are,[O[Ae extent of soil ccntlle:,here-
' in the Indenture or othendeen
ll be not less than
7t of
(al The mprincild at amountcofthe theBonds Bondssplus be sold,which crbd/tiniest to then date of deliver,(exclusivetof originals Launcfl and i[sEOpprovel by Ifs Mava[reeolutlm sl ell baco-a n[[enklve hmadiate ly min its adcp cl on b)'[le Rini tlpal
issue discount,1f any);and pus embed t II
• (f) The dote to and including which Interest on the Bonds shall be included In the"COST OF THE PRC0O0T" PASBEO nos APPROV'EO[his!9[h day of va'r,19R 1.
•• (as defined t [he Indenture).
1 ec Try resolutionof sale shall confirm sale of the Bends to the purchasers thereof,shell authorize execution
of Purchase Contract with such purchasers by ENO Mayor and Acting City Recorder on behalf of the City,and shall die
M1 + and delivery on behalf or the City to the Trustee of the documents contemplated t0 be executed and /s) Palmer 010 a
delivered byu the nCity in Section 3.02 of the Indenture g v.City,
.alt hake County,Utah
SECTION 13. That to evidence the security interns[created by the vsrlous[demean[s herein Contemplated,
the Nayor or Acting City Recorder are hereby authorized and directed to e
c and deliver on behalf of the City as (SEAL) •
debtor a f1ancing stn[mmt wherein[ha Trustee is the secured party covering the Indenture,the Agreement,the dote,
and all o[hee0 and further rights and Interests pledged end assigned to the Trustee coder the Indenture.
Attested and Countersigned:
' SEC1IOS 14. That the City recognizes that the purchasers and holders from time to time of the Bends will
• have accepted them on and paid therefor a price which reflects the under0tandtng that irtere0t thereon is exempt from
Federal intone taxation under loos In force at the time sale Bonds shall have been dellvared, In this Connection the ,/.I1 I
layer,Acing City Recorder City Treasurer,or other appropriate of Heals of the City are hereby authorized and air Aimin 'iTIGFehall •
acted to execute
a such certificates as shall be nece0sery to establish that the Bonds ere not ARBITRAGE BOORS"within 189 CM II
the meaningof Section 101(c)of the Internal Revenue Cade of 1954,es emended("CODE"),and any lawful n0ulu[lm,0 pru- Salt Lahkw City,Sal[Lake County,UTOT
mulgated or proposed thereunder,Including Sections 1,101-11 and 1.101-14 of the Income Tax Regultfon0(06 CFR Par[1) li
as the same presently exist,or may from time to time hereof ter be amended,supplemented or revised. The City e00ve0a t,
to and for[M1e benefit of the holders of the Bonds from time to time[hat no use will be merle of the proceeds of the Approved:
Issue and sale of the Bonds or any other funds or accounts of the City which might be deemed to be available proceeds
of the Bonds pursuant to the provisions of Section 101(c)of the CBde end[M1e oppllcablc regulations(purposed or pre
nt far the Bonds
oralga[ad)under 00which,classified
if such use had been reesonebly expected on the date of delivery of any pavert Is/ Ted L Wilson •
the Bonds would be classified ea 1013ITRAOE BONDS within the meaning of the Section 101(c)of the Code Pennant to li
AMR,Salt Lake C1ry,cal[ aka[aunty,LM1ali
m of the issue of the Bonds with the requlieme,t)
such covenant,the City obligates itself to Comply threugIut the ter
of the Code and any regulations promulgated thereunder. The City further covenants that it will neither take any Action P _
nor snit to[a any action the taking or o section
of 11 00 would render interest on the Gonda 0b00;Abject to Federal lncoo„ Ap0revice as to fore.
taxation. Any certificate given under this section.Ae11 be considered a representation of the City under this resod-
u[inn,and an executed copy of any such certificate shall he filed in the office of the City Recorder. Salt Lake sty Attorney II
SECTION 15. That the Mayor and Acting City Recorder and all other proper offices and employees of the City I!
hereby...need and directed to execute any and ell documents and to do any and all[dings deercd nere0s0ry in !sl Lave F C[der
• order to effect 1 to and sale of said Bonds one the execution and delivery of the Agreeo"n[,and[he Indenture,
and to carry out I intent e and purposes of this reeolutlon.
(Other business not pertinent to the shove appears In to rimtes cf the renting/. '
SECTION 16. That pursuant to Scotian 11-11-11,Utah Code Mutated,1951,the City lnelude0 herein the
pledge and une1rt1R.ing of the state of Utah that thu State of Utah will ll um
not alter,lrtpa[ her
t or limn the rights vested pursuant[a notion Ju ty made and carried,the mvnt!np o!the Vein,/pal Culinary vas adJ Ournd.
hereunder or In the Bonds, Agreement, he denture,or in any of he docents v e_plO[d eby until the➢cods,
together with all interest thereon,have been fully paid and discharged and nil obligations of the City[hereunder and —
under[ye Agreement and try Indenture are fully performed. After the Bonds are lssue. [hie reaolu[lon shall be and
' meanie it:epcalable until the Bonds and the interest[hereon shall have been fully paid,cancelled and discharged. lsl Polar Wary; 'I
SECTION 17. That within the meaning of the Utah Municipal Officers and Employees Disclosure Act(Title
10,Chapter 1,Par[11,G.Code Mnatated,1951),no"ELECTED OFFICER"or 1,1PPOIRTED OFFICER"of the City,or any
member of the Idntclpal Coned,Wu n"SUBSTAWIIAL INTEREST'to or is an officer,director,open[,employee,investor, ATTEST'et ewer .
{Intemeatnin Ilea'.Care Inc.,or has ant direct cr indirect pecuniary mtereat in,or wIll receive co
1haa agreed to receivecompensation vit to,any contract lease,purchase,sale, -pl d or to
b ,e connection with n posed transactiontempinma by the doaamenta referred[ 1 1 1 hereof. dal 'I,n{{��Yi1Cw�ePl
SECTION LS. Diet ell proceedings,resolutions and actions of the City and Its officers and agent,taken
Ie oerae,tien with try Issuance and sale et the Bonds are hereby ratified m el nfirm and approved,
aryl).B-Agreement and Inhibit C Indenture- elution:or a[tnJned/. _ —
SECTION 19 T cot larevtatelh,f ter its passage,this resrolution shall be signed by the Chairman of the a
u,1c1,,1 Council,approved by the lLvor and attested by tin Acting City Recorder,and shall be recorded In a book I
} H
eat 15 the City Retarder for the purpose. STATE OF UTNI 1 •*-�M1am'
IGI:t0 eerdapee with'he provi0fons of Section 11 11 16,Utah Cede Annotated,1051 as coi'i:ll'Cr SA1.1 1.1EE) V 72dO2277w f
d, f i ,u cause thin resolution to be published one time in The 1 L Tribune,1
newspaper qualified. Icgal aorycco published 17 Selt Lake City Utah end of general cireulation io the pry. ,--
d shall carye a cop, f this resolutionb m
kept on fun 1n his of for publle exac ,tioa ear'g r.gulnr ous- I Kathryn M e I e l p l f d e nai,c,t,1,,,,oet c:Solt la, 1 ,
iness hours until At leer[thirty OD)days Ir.a and after try date of publication thereof do hereby t Accordant to the records of sryl Cin tr.n,of ficry1 I p 1 .Y'L
i [tint J carrat cony of excerpts fro-The ii.trcAes ot a regularp bll renin,of try Dunicips1 Council DI i rK .�]
perry PIO)d ht .1 L I I y p 1 .hall have Salt Lk City,Salt L' Utah,I 1 9L I.- 1 1d nano,. can st 2211
Inalln of try,resolutionlegality [the Boldsherch,nuteorixed or ry,provisions ri.Ute d 1.02'.°1 are aerie all,ef roc„ n ry po es lm resolution on met dun a.iIt.1 c..f the.ate
1:,s papot of the Tad.,. After etch tiro,nu one,hall have any cause of actioc to toot.the hereof. ^f
lard,,•nrearity oc lepmryty of this i.e.., hryryn author.,for env cause whatsoever.
e n
I E'S 10 11, h Ihda nit lay f an v:a heron Alt nonage
1 . I d-let All bens of tills renlutIonsevere).one dry I evil of Salo L.Cit.,Salt IncCount/ dial tha In!illy HAI. 'A j
„eadryin dory,f 11"tc We try,.or+pef I1, —
inhalidlt 7 er uncrfarneryll't'nt Any such section,p ragnp. clause or provision thall not tent the tt:Into,