44 of 1913 - A resolution that the City Engineer be directed to make surveys of all City property, that he prepar '` ,.,., • _... ,A ., y `)r 1 APRIL 21, 1913. �? 1I APRIL 21, 1913. In the matter of petition No.381 of C. B. Kratz, et al, asking for permission to in- UNFINISHED NOSINESS stall advertising posts on street intersections outside of the business district, which was re- , Safety and byeaid department referred to the Department of 'ill Street to the Department ofn Publicei y P Streets & Public Improvements; I move that the petition be denied and filed as it is without the Bill No. 20 for an ordinance amending and re-enacting Section 739 of the Revised I, q power of the Commiaeion to permit the streets, or any part of them, to be used for advertising purposes. Ordinances of Salt Lake City of 1903, relating to telegraph, telephone and other poles in RICHARD P. MORRIS, Commissioner of Streets &Public Improvements streets, as amended by an ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, l Carried, ell members voting aye. Sr. Ashton spoke in favor of said petition. Utah, September 16, 1912, presented to the Board of Commissioners April 14, 1913, and laid I', over for one week, was taken up and, on motion of Mr. Morrie, wee passed, all members voting In the matter of petition No.410 of C. A. Dole, asking that water meter at the Standard fl Laundry be taken out and that he be given a refund of $20 deposited for said meter, as he has aye except Mr. Kerns, who was temporarily absent.( ��'', Bold the business; I move that the petition be•granted and the amount placed upon the Authorized i. • List. (Item 1618) �}II W. H. }CORNS, 104 From the Commissioner of Streets & Public Improvements. Commissioner of Water Supply &Waterworks 1 Gentlemen: Carried, all members voting aye. I hereby recommend for appointment ae chief clerk in the office ;,,�-• of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements the name of Chas. W. Lawrence, and request In the matter of petition No.404 of Joe. A. West, asking for refund on water rates at his confirmation. 303 and 305 S. 5th East on account of vacancy; I move that refunds be granted as follows and the Respectfully, p amounts placed upon the Authorized List: (Item 1619) RICHARD P. MORRIS, p}} 303 South 5th East $ 2.15 Commissioner of Streets & Public Improvements. I', II 305 K_;5 I O On motion of Mr. No rrie, Lhe report was concurred 1n, filed and the appointment con- II W. H. KARNS, I 'I Commissioner of Water Supply &Waterworks firmed, all members voting aye. Carried, all members voting aye. ,.a ... ...efulaids th. oats en the rseienetion of W. J. Tuddenham, which ll�lµ In the matter of petition No.411 of J. T. Keith, asking for refund of $29.65 on water 1 motion carriedVon roll call vote, all members voting aye except Mr. Morris, who voted no. � rates for terraces et 6th South and 6th East on account of vacancy; I move that refunds be granted __ .____ , -. _,_ - _, 60 :cei on t 6 llat!__.__c' Litt: 605 South•Gth East, $ 4.85 LIST OF AUTHORIZED ELENNEITUMS 609 " " " 5.80 611 " 6.40 613 " " 6.4o Mr. Horns moved that the Liet of Authorized Expenditures be passed and transmitted to ,M 615 " " " 2.90 G1/ 3_ .550 the City Auditor with instructions to issue warrants in payment of same, which motion carried, all ( $29.07 (Item 1620) � W. H. KORNS, members voting aye except Sr. Keyser, excused, said 11ct amounting to $22,600.83. C000nineioner of Water Supply &Waterworks �1�I' 1 hl I l Carried, all members present voting aye. On motion of Mr. Keyser, the Board of Commissioners adjourned, all members voting aye. �pWUI i p ORDINANCES ANL RESOLUTIONS . SILL N0. 21 An ordinance creating the office of chief clerk in the Department of Streets j /it� /J�� /� i u:.0 Public. Improven.entn and fixing the salary, powers and duties of such clerk, introduced by =/ ' llv// f��/ ,/� df� f- -i� q . .... .......... "ee .,,.en up a,w mesa anu, on motion 01 ma. aorrte, was paseeo, au memoere voting I -�t'�-yr� G —d ) City Recorder. _.- '331.I Mayor. �,i „ nve. I ! 411I�� MI yuuneu u,y Lite uum.0 u. c.ummihh.uuu.n ... ,It I'.cn"I. `rl,v !`••Apr11 1',`1913,u effectiveu Aprils 18, 1913, nb0lfehing the office of Super- I U v..4.1 ui :,treetr ,me a'uoun improvementu and creating in lieu thereof the office of Supervisor �p of Etrertn trod Irrlgotion, introduced by Mr. Norris, woe taken up and read and, on motion of Ij larri n, was laid over for one week. i' / .1 ,j 3E I^ RESOLVED by the Board of Commlanlonere of Belt Lake City that the City EngineerMI ce uirectec to make aurveyo 0T all city property, that he prepare three maps of the elty's prop- Dill. IB arty in Ealt Lake County, making note of all encroachments. II , Lr. Keyser moved that the resolution be referred to the Engineer for report, which luu,l I I �n'1c ,,rrlc all eembrr, vo'inp nye. I M i !�� I 1 - a