44 of 1932 - A resolution of condolence on the death of City Commissioner Joseph H. Lake. REMARKS: Resolution No. 44 By Commissioner Marcus Resolution of condolence on the death of City Commission er Joseph H. Lake. I,r 9 .-. 1, „--___ ,,:''- ,..-;,•-i,;.1-,„,,,14,-t,w)?.,:---,,,,, ,-z,„,,---.. r. ., ,.-- - -,..-...;;_,- ---,-,`---1,--- ---i'', , .= * -1- : . , - ,,,:-Ai„„a",.-` ,,,41i1.4:y4t-if,_, •=4-_, 77.:..e :3 V: *i.'•;Ztili' t;-,,ii. -:'..!:::,c.,,,..*-77.,--:,.., :I:--,'-‘::-.-:::- . :1•1°W- ''' '''-'' 1%'---''-.,..itr.;,,-*- -;-,......--',..i.,,,,,,i2.-'-'-,4=',.-----:--,--',,`-_-.. ir. ._-.gz,:,,-,.:;r- W4..:,;1:1-f._-..--,:iV,,ITkv4N :-,--;.*-,-=z.--;--S ---i:i-,--34,,-, ,;-:„.: 9.- .1, 01 Finch / I mine that the resolution be adopted; - ---) M Knight I '— -?1_,,i;s1-7 //•-/---er- Lake Mr.Chairman - - - L, ___ ___ RESOLUTION Result LIIiI isi7, Joivh C. Ln-Li , s tcnibcr of the hoard of Cooais- Si01,C25 of Salt Lake i)Hty, ocoefted this life- on Nolp mber 7, loLa; end die associ:tes in oublic life have lost a true friend and able coLleaLif, and fecij/,e , deep senst of personal loss .- -ri (.3 and family, desire to =press sna of inc re sympathy for his ),ici) 1 as y, 4 , their senLiiierts of honor and rei . rd. L r NO , lisLIFulh , r IT bli')OLVID that the board of Loi.,nis- 1 .., iorers of Lalt hake city lercoy ELL stL its high ei)Treciatiun end VA i ?so it0) personal respect for the lifi and Dubuc s,rvici of JoLL2h I . LJKL. he via.: a -ann of unimeachscle integrity, E. nich-,cilnded 64 citizen, and a conscientious end cf, iciant public official, actuated ?t: only by E suirit of service to tne co,itunity chose trust and condi- 6ence he enjoyed and thscrved. having a real understendinE and symoa- -) vii. thetic inte/sst in the )i-conlEms of all sorts and conditions of ,en, ',...s7. he inspired the loyalty and sffiction of au l ,,c),rsons with thorn he COO ..3-*. associetid. We CU'AE110 tO his afoot: irh and sons OUT fiCTI-,2C.it SVMflOthy. u.c one re i,iLtb them the asdncs. of eLperstion. anD hr IT ibrifain hTLoLVIL that this resolution be spread ..- uoon the ) inutec of the board of CokHisii and that an engrossed :'-- copy be fofii.arce-d 70 r. Lekels afe-mily. ---- ,=-17 Pas:ed by the aosro of Co oizcionera of ,alt Lake city, Utah, this 9th cloy of NovLifibtr, _ . D. 1 a a:yor. L4.31.• Eciri ' . . ' '- ',-..- ''''.-- 4=T-Ii.--4T-- '4-4-'''-----4i-'%'''-=';f1'..., ..:,-4fx-,-1-:,-,-_,'e'';','4'!".A,kt`r-'-,,?-,-..';-....,.)-•-•r-, *-.-;::-.