45 of 1932 - A resolution granting permission to the Utah Light and Traction Company to construct, maintain, and REMARKS: Resolution No. 45 • By Commissioner Keyser Granting permission to the ' Utah Light & Tr. Co. to con- struct, maintain & operate an electric bus transportation system on various streets in ' Salt LakeCity. Presietted to the Hard of C one AND PASSED NOV 181832 Finch 1I move that the resolution be adopted. Keyser ` Knight Lake Mr.Chairman - - RESOLUTION Result RESOLVED, that under ana pursuant to the terms and prdvi- sione of that certain ordinance passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City , Utah, on the 1'6tbday of May , 1928, amending certain existing franchises of Utah Light and Traction Company, per- mission is hereby granted to said Utah Light and Traction Company to construct, maintain and operate for the period of said franchise as amended an electric bus transportation system on, over and' along the following streets in Salt Lake City: Beginning at the intersection of North Temple Street and End dest Street , thence west on North Temple Street to 9th .Jest Street , thence North on 9th ,lest Street to 4th North Street , thence west on 4th North Street to 12th .Jest Street; Also beginning at the intersection of North Temple and 5th nest Streets, thence north on 5th Test Street to 4th North Street; Also the r irht to co netruct , maintain and ope rate "turn- out", "wye" , or "turn-around" equipment and facilities at 4th North and 5th ,Jest 'Streets , 4th North and 1Gth nest Streets, on 9th ;Jest Street between North Temple and 1st North Streets, and at such other mints on said rautes as may be necessary or reiuired in the operation of said system; said electric bus transportation service to be in lieu of street car service now being rendered to the territory served by existing street car lines operating on said streets. The permit hereby granted is supplemental to permits here- tofore granted by resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City under the above mentioned amendment to franchises. It is necessary in the opinion of the Boa rd of Commissioners for the peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of Salt Lake City, Utah, that this resolution take effect upon its passage. This resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Salt lake City, this 18th day of November , y. D. 1932. gg_tt �/1�(� & 4oarn CITY RECORIER