46 of 1914 - A resolution that City Engineer be instructed to forbid sub grade excavations for the purpose of rem y • REMARKS: '> '` Resolution No. 46 . : ; . By Commissioner Bheatmaxi - '• That City....Eng.ineer....be.._.in- • r etructed ••to....forbid....sub...grade ,:f cavations .for the;:purpose .. . f rr sand or gravel..rm E x any other purpose.. READ s.� MAY 111914 . . . , A ., L (\ 114 . • q 1 ,1 .. ' . CITY RECORDER. ..,w •" ' y J :a'�' 4, C jk4£4 h p .. . ita Lak F 'dr. 9y ! �� �' . `' , .k 1 n., 4 ' �ti ~ � — ;Silt t Utah,d 2 d ' r ,w {c �' . � '� ''' ±:, t�n ~ \�§,q,` * M" a , ^` a!� ;',-,1-.-v.i.:,:::;.; ‘„, �y Fi4' Noe f t$resolution No :. :._. _' :,W'< 'v1 x , '':' ::'\'' ' ' 76 -- , :„,, .,,,,„ '_"TT"' ate` 0 .,,,,,,. "` 3 r,,,,:;,,, „ , , ^. Y le (,.,.\�/J]� Y :„ ""N" t�t777Y a, t ,kiZn,Y��' Y ResultVir`"' ry .S & }"g i t. { ';s WHEREAS it is contrary to the t.erms of the Shearman ----- --- contract for any contractor to excavate below the established grade for the pur- ose of re- Wells __-.___ moving any material, or any other purpose,and Lawrence --- — WHEREAS by so doing ctntr actors are riot only ; -,--- -- causing the property owners inconvenience -�e Morris the city expense , and Mr. Chairman WHEREAS it is against the best interests of the - city to allow such sub grade excavations Result THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED that from and after this date the City Engineer be instructed to forbid any sub grade excavations for the purpose of removing any sand or gravel, or for any other purpose, Jr ;6 64-4/ "AZ Commissioner of Water Supply Waterworks C140k- xk' by th oa d f Co i Toners of Salt Lake City, . -..-.- -. 1 (1\, ":4?Y / Ci o er. may"