47 of 1912 - A resolution that the Board notify the Commercial Club that any assistance rendered by them in secur REMARKS: Resolution
By Commissioner IMYSER
That the Board notify
the Comiiercial Club that
any assistance rendered by
them in securing necessary
legislation to empower 3alt
Lake City to appropriate
sunds for snecial purnoses
would be apnreciated.
Cl\11 21 i9 12
3 3 Starialke City, Utak,..Air
VOTING Yes ,o I move that resolution No 1-11\ by Mr �� c--
be adopted.
Keyser . . . . . .
Morris ....../f/
Mr.Chairman . . . L......._.
' ' ,ry0 ;lnorci l Club r' r Tait L a1:c `'i t.' 1oas , on
several occasions ,, recuus:tcl- tLc ;oar , l;. o i'i1` :'1 0n i r of tea] t
Lai-0 to , nr 0'n' Late certain n0n_e-s to aid s W, CoHiercial
rout) 1n ti_e en tertal _ A:o t or certain co; rove
si {"'pried t' _ ir i llins-nnss to _:0id convontions in Salt
Lal_e ,,it T ,
Korea: our Le r°al advised _,:at Salt
n • �
Lame City '%Or'?%rat? 0n is not f.'i JII'. l,ted i , lwr T to a ),-)Y'0^r1a e
moneys cor any sucl
Tncrcas , t L . ..eiiLors of tL oard of '";o�',nlissi onors of
j^i t taLe vl t 7 have individually exjnress C_ C_selves as !ce?n
in favor ar a,i',r0ariat Inc" such _rlon ns if it ;as fOu d tl:at t e
nu , d l r:Jl". Cie s0
En, t:tere . ore , be it resolve,:� ,). t' F ?rare. nf Com-
�^ - t ai- �tii ty t 'r�J 4',.e Co - rcia.i C i ' L of •',.lt
0 _.<�l U L: ,o' •_+ , .�..� -. _.
City Le of Ll Tally notified by iVard of ColA issioners
trlat :ley ar le not e:mpower'c by law .iao such .'l ,
�- �-�o ?��ro �ria ion
but that the 30ard of Co;r,iiissioners of Ta] t T.a':e iit7 would
,n_ ' 'rE.c.into any ati ni: t`?nce renacr ea Lv th h' Co-, erci al Cl ?1lJ in
.L,,.1.1 to secure su;:h action by tie gate T. isl.atur�e as
p t La e • ' ;7 `e 'cn i n to a-, 1ronriatc funds
'n�;� ��t +'??l� C '�;1' ,:�t v' t, ��,. .,1 �. ,.,0 Ol t 0
101' ; .:Ltf -suroose.
Passed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City-,
Utah,?+perch 2 , 1912.
!_ayor y ecor er