County,Utah,ust, h,adoppted City Council
onn Salt Lake
its intenitiot na Lake
-create a curb and gutter extension district to be known as Salt
Lake City,Utah Curb and Gutter Extension No.535.It is the
Intention of the City Council to make improvements within
said Curb and Gutter Extension District and to levy special
taxes as provided in Chapter 16,Title 10,Utah Code Annotat-
ed,(19531,as amended,on the real estate lying within said
District for the benefit of which such taxes are to be expended
in the making of such improvements.
The improvementswill be constructed within the following
described area and boundaries and upon the following named
Hillcrest Subdivision,Lots 8 and 9 of Block 23,10 Acre Plat
"A";Federal Acres Subdivision,Lot 5 of Block 2B,10 Acre
Plat"A",B.F.S.;Arlington Heights Subdivision,Lots 1,1,3,
and 6 of Block 5,Plat"F",Salt Lake City Survey;Lots I and
8 of Block I,Plat"B",Salt Lake City Survey;Lots 2,3,4 and
S of Block 4,Plat"F",Salt Lake City Survey;Ehrich's Subdi-
vision,Lots,2,3,4 and 5 of Block 30,Plat"F",Salt Lake City
Survey;Lots 1,2,7 and 8 of Block 29,Plat"F",Salt Lake City
Survey;Lots 2,3,6 and 1 of Block 13,Plat"B",Salt Lake City
Survey;Lot 13,Block 29,10 Acre Plat"A";Lot 3,Block 26,10
Acre Plat"A";Lot 14,Block 29,10 Acre Plat"A";Highland
Park Plat"B",Lots 4,5 and 15 of Block 46,10 Acre Plat"A";
Lots 9 and 10 of Block 27,10 Acre Plat"A";James Subdivi-
sion,Amended Plat of Sullivan Subdivision,Valley View Place
Subdivision;Bodell Subdivision of Block 45,10 Acre Plat"A",
B.F.S.;Highland Park Plat"B"Subdivision,Rockwood Sub-
division,Rockwood Park Amended Plat Subdivision,Highland
Park Plat"D"of Block 46,10 Acre Plat"A",B.F.S;City Hall
Subdivision,Lots 1,4,5,6 and 8 of Block I,Plat"A"Salt Lake
City Survey.
North-First South Street
South-3080 South Street
Easf-13th East Street
West-2nd East Street
Along the following named streets the abutting oroperty own-
ers be assessed for improvements built at the herein be-
low estimated rates per front foot of abutting property;for
designated widths of roadway measured out from the paving
edge of the gutter to the center of the roadway,for concrete
curb and gutter and sidewalk where it does not now exist and
for the abutter's portion of all miscellaneous Casts of the proj-
ect including the finishing of parking areas with too soil and
sodding as follows:
Buena Avenue-Both sides-Between Iith and 12th East Streets-
ate No.3
IRlth East Street-West side-From 2nd South Street;thence
North 362 feet-Rate No.1
11th East Street-East Side-Between 1st South and Buena Ave-
11thRate EastNo.Street-East side-Between Buono Avenue and 2nd
South Street-Rate No.1
Parkway Avenue-North side-From Highland Drive; thence
west 208.08 feet-Rate No.3
Parkway Avenue-South side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 232.33 feet-Rate No.3
Whitlock Avenue-North side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 428.11 feet-Rate No.3
Whitlock Avenue-South side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 450.26 feet-Rate Na.3
Driggs Avenue-South side-From Highland Drive;thence East
369.3 feet-Rate No.3
Crystal Avenue-South side-From Highland Drive;thence West
473.69 feet-Rate No.3
Elizabeth Street-East side-From 2700 South Street;thence
North 494.95 feet-Rate No.3
Elizabeth Street-West side-From 2700 South Street; theme
North 440 feet-Rate No.3
2700 South Street-North side-From a point 84.25 feet West from
Highland Drive;thence West to Forest Dale Circle-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-North side-From a point 37.39 feet West from
Forest Dale Circle;thence West 98 feet-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-North side-From McClelland Street;thence
West to a point 15 feet East of Jasper Street-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-North side-From a paint 15 feet West from
Jasper Street;thence West to a point 68.)0 feet East of 9th
East Street-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-South side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 309 feet-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-South side-From 1100 East Street;thence
West to a point 42 feet East of McClelland Street-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-South side-From McClelland Street;thence
West to 1000 East Street-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-South side-Between 900 and 1000 East Streets-
Rate No.1
1100 East Street-West side-From 1st South Street;thence South
298 feet-Rate No.2
Elgin Avenue-North side-From 1000 East Street;thence West
65 feet-Rate No.4
2700 South Street-North Side-From Forest Dale Circle;thence
West 57,39 teen-Rate No.2
2700 South Street-North side-From a point 15 feet East of Jas-
per Street;thence West to a point 15 feet West from Jasper
Street-Rate no 7
2700 South Street-South side-From 1100 East Street;thence
East 845.34 feet-Rate No.2
Crystal Avenue-North side-From Highland Drive;thence West
494.53 feet-Rate No.4
2IW South Street-North side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 84.25 feet-Rate No.2
Roberta Street-West side-From 800 South Street;thence South
to a point 137.50 feet North of 900 South Street-rate No.3 •
Roberta Street-East side.Between 800 and 900 South Streets.
Rate No.3
Roberta Street-West side.From 500 South Street;thence North
127.50 feet-Rate No.4
Elgin Avenue-South side-From 900 East Street;thence East
165 teet•R ate No.5
Atkin Avenue-Both sides-Between 900 East and IOW East
Streets Rate No.6
McClelland Street.Both sides•From 700 South Street;thence
South 585 het-Rate No.6
Windsor Street.West side-Between 700 South and 800 South
Streets-Rate No.6
Windsor Street-East side-From 700 South Street;thence South
569.25 feet-Rate No.6
Elgin Avenue-Both sides-Between 80O East and 900 East
Streets-Rate No.6
Elgin Avenue-North side-From 900 East Street;thence East
667 feet-Rate No.6
Elgin Avenue-South side-From 1000 East Street;thence West
562.22 feet-Rate No.6
Windsor Street-East side-From 800 South Street;thence North
90.75 feet-Rate No.I
McClelland Street-Both sides-From 800 South Street;thence
North 75 feet-Rate No.I
Atkin Avenue-North side-Between 1000 East and 1100 East
Streets-Rate No.8
Atkin Avenue-South side-Between 1051)East and 1100 East
Streets-Rate No.8
Said improvements are all within the limits of Salt Lake
The improvements to be constructed within said Curb and
Gutter Extension In general include the construction of Curb
and Gutter.16'Paving 3"thick(Rate No.11;16'Paving 3"
thick(Rate No.2.);Curb and Gutter,16'Paving 2"thick
(Rate No.3);16'Paving 2"thick(Rate No.41;4'Sidewalk,
Curb and Gutter;13'Paving 2"thick(Rate No.5);Curb and
Gutter,13'Paving 2"thick(Rate No.6);13'Paving 2"thick
(Rate No.I);Curb and Gutter,8'Paving 2"thick(Rate No.
8),and all other miscellaneous work necessary to complete
the work in a proper and workmanlike manner.For more
specific information about the Improvements and rate classifi-
cations see the Improvements and Estimated Costs Schedule
set out hereafter.
All nonconforming improvements such as lawns.sprin-
kling systems,rock gardens,driveways,curbs and gutters,
culverts,walks,fences,etc.which have been built or Installed
by abutting property owners within the area to be Improved,
must be removed by the property owners at their expense
prior to the commencement of the protect.If these Improve-
ments are not removed by the property owners,they will be
removed t he by the tractor and disposed of by him as directed
bParking a a.,those areas between the back of new
curb and the street edges of existing sidewalk,not occupied by
hOusewalks or existing soli
will be brought to finished grade
inchIg the trough be let fort plac
ement cs ement off topsoil at his xpener nssee and
laor,or if so elected the properly owner can choose to have
topsoil and sod furnished and placed by the contractor at the
owner's expense.This cost will be assessed only against those
properties where the Property owner requests in writing the
Or installing f and ps sprinkling of systeod ms will t b0.done
improvement project. under
The total cost of Improvements in said proposed Curb and
Gutter Extension District as estimated by the City Engineer is
81,085,699.97,of which the Municipality will pay S453,196.66,
leaving a remainder of 5632 203.31(including estimated costs
of drive entries,and top soiling and sodding of parking areas)
which shall be paid by a special tax to be levied against the
property abutting upon the streets to be improved pon
property which may be affected or specifically benefited by
such improvements.
The estimated cost of the City's portion consists of the cost
of one-half of all unclassified excavation,the cost of the pav-
ing of all intersections,the cost of all drainage systems,the
cost of relocating water systems,and sewer systems less re-
setting manholes and cleanout box covers and frames,the cost
of replacing any existing curb and gutter and/or sidewalk
necessitated by the new improvements.
The property owners'portion of the total estimated cost of
the improvements may be financed during the construction
period by
ion of ethe City to expend portion of lihesimpro re-
melt costs early in the construction period so as to minimize
the use of other interim financing.The interest on interim
warrants,if issued,will be assessed to the Property owners.It
is anticipated that the Bads will be issued prior to the con-
Wean of construction and prior to the time when the exact
costs of the improvements can be determined.A 10%contin-
gency allowance provided for by statute will be included In
the assessment and has been included in the estimated costs.
When the exact Cost of improvements has been determined,
the surplus,If any,of assessments over costs will be Place In
the special improvement guarantee fund.Ater the Bonds and
accrued interest have been paid,the surplus,less any portion
thereof required for payment of the Bonds and interest,will be
rebated on a proportionate basis to the ownersof the assessed
Properties using the names and addresses appearing on the
last completed real property assessment rolls of Salt Lake
• Loamy as of the time ot the rebate.The estimated cost to be
assessed against the properties within said District shall be as
Feast Feet
Rate of Abutting ESMMed Estimated
Ne. ImOraaeetests Property Cost/Feat Cast
j I Curb & Gutter, 16'
Paving 5" Thick 6
Miscellaneous 4,079.59 $31.63 S129,037.43
2. 16'Paving 3"Thick
and Miscellaneous 1,164.90 523.05 $26,852.28
3. Curb&Gutter, 16'
Paving 2" Thick a
Miscellaneous 4,841.12 $31.63 $t53,124.62
4. 16'Paving 2"Thick
8.Miscellaneous 537.03 $23.05 $12,328.54
5. d' Walk, Curb 8
Gutter,13'Paving 2'
Thick&Misc. 90.00 $36.04 $3,243.60
6. Curb 6 Gutter.13'
Paving 2" Thick &
Miscellaneous 5,857.24 529.24 $171,265.69
2. 13'Paving 2"Thick
and Miscellaneous 165.75 020.66 $3,424.39
8. Curb & Gutter, 8'
Paving 2"Thick 8
Miscellaneous 1,199.20 025.29 S30,127.76
Total Estimated Abutters'Portion
Exclusive of Extra Cost for Private
Drive Entries S529,654.81
Total Estimted Cost of City's
Portion Sd53,496.66
Total Estimated Cost for Drive
Entries,Topsoil and Sodding 5102,5ae.49
The cost of top soiling and sodding the Parking areas with-
in the District is estimated al 3.50 per square foot.The cost of
drive entries will vary according to width and amount of park-
ing area to be covered.These costs are estimated to be ap-
Proximately$2.50 per square foot for flair type driveways and
$3.00 per square foot for drives requiring a pipe or culvert in
the gutter line.The cost of drive entries wilt be assessed
against the properties benefited In addition to the assessment
for sidewalk,curb and gutter,paving and miscellaneous.
It is the intention of the City Council of Salt Lake City,
Utah laws of Utah on
all parcels levy n ts s els and lots ofrealprroperty within rovided by the
the District.The
purpose of the assessment and eye is to pay those costs of the
subject improvements which the Municipality will not assume
and pay.The method of assessment shall be by lineal front
toot as set forth herein.
The assessments may be paid by property owners in ten
110)annual installments with Interest on the unpaid balance at
a rate or rates fixed by the City Council,or the whole or any
Part of the assessment may be paid without interest within
fifteen(15)days after the ordinance levying the assessment
becomes effective.The assessments shall be levied according
to the benefits to be derived by each property within the Dis-
trict. Other payment provisoes and enforcement remedies
shall be In accordance with Chapter 16 of Title 10 of Utah Code
Annotated,(1953),as amended.
A map of the proposed District,copies of plans,profiles
and specifications of the proposed improvements and other
related information are on file in the office of the City Record-
er will make such information available to all interested
TosteFPROTdaAny person who owner of record property to be
assessed in the Curb and Gutter Extension District described
in this Notice of Intention shall have the right to file in writing
a protest against the creation of Curb and Gutter Extension
No.515 or to make any other objections relating thereto.Pro-
by thee person shall noorlbe persuesr lmaki g the protesttify .property
rotests hall record
filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,on or
before 5:00 P.M.on the 8th day of September,1980.Thereafter
at 5:00 P.M.on Me 9th day of September,1980,the City Coun-
cil will meet in public meeting at the offices of the City Coun-
cil to consider all protests so filed and hear all objections re-
lating to the proposed Curb and Gutter Extension No.535.
/s/Ronald J.Whitehead
/s/Mildred V.Higham
City Recorder
First publication-August 12,1980
Second publication-August 19,1980
Third publication-August 26,1980
Last publication-September 2,1980 D-25
Salt Lake City, Utah
August 5, 1980
A regular meeting of the City Council of Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake County, Utah was held on Tuesday, the 5th day of
August, 1980, at the hour of 5:00 p.m. , at the regular
meeting place of said Council at which meeting there were
present and answering roll call the following members who
constituted a quorum:
Ronald J. Whitehead Councilmember
Grant Mabey Councilmember
Sydney Reed Fonnesbeck Councilmember
Palmer DePaulis Councilmember
Alice Shearer Councilmember
Ione Davis Councilmember
Edward W. Parker Councilmember
Also present:
Ted L. Wilson Mayor
Mildred V. Higham City Recorder
Thereupon the following proceedings, among others, were
duly had and taken:
Councilmember Grant Mabey introduced the
following resolution in writing, which was read in its
entirety, and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake County, Utah:
Section 1. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County, Utah hereby determines, that it will be in the best
interest of said Municipality to pave certain streets,
construct curb, gutter, sidewalks, drainage structures and
driveways, and remove trees and nonconforming improvements in
the way of new improvements within the herein proposed special
improvement district, and to complete the whole in a proper
and workmanlike manner according to plans, profiles and
specifications on file in the Office of the Department of
Public Utilities of Salt Lake City, Utah. A description of
the proposed curb and gutter district is more particularly
described in the Notice of Intention to construct the proposed
improvements hereinafter set forth.
Section 2. The proposed district shall be known as
"Salt Lake City, Utah Curb and Gutter Extension No. 535".
Section 3. The cost and expenses of a portion of the
proposed improvements shall be paid by a special tax to be
levied against the property fronting or abutting upon or
adjacent to the improvements to be improved or which may be
affected or specially benefited by any of such improvements,
such tax to be paid in not more than ten (10) equal annual
installments with interest on the unpaid balance until due and
paid. An allowance shall be made for corner lots as provided
by City ordinance so that such lots are not assessed at full
rate on both streets.
Section 4. Written protests against the proposed
improvements or against the creation of said District must be
presented and filed in the Office of the City Recorder on or
before the 8th day of September, 1980, at the hour of 5:00 p.m.
Thereafter at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, the 9th day of September,
1980 at the Council Chambers in Salt Lake City, Utah, any such
protests shall be heard and considered by the City Council.
The City Recorder is hereby directed to give notice of
intention to make the proposed improvements and of the time
within which protests against the proposed improvements or the
creation of said District may be filed and the date when such
protests will be heard and considered by publishing notice of
intention to create Salt Lake City, Utah Curb and Gutter
Extension No. 535 in the Deseret News, a newspaper of general
circulation in said Municipality, said notice to be published
four times, once during each week for four consecutive weeks,
the last publication to be not less than five (5) nor more than
twenty (20) days prior to the time fixed in the notice as the
last day for the filing of protests. In addition, the City
Recorder shall mail a copy of such notice by United States
Mail, postage prepaid, to each owner of land to be assessed
within the proposed Special Improvement District at the last
known address of such owner, using for such purpose the names
and addresses of said owners appearing on the last completed
real property assessment rolls of Salt Lake County, and in
addition, a copy of such notice shall be mailed, postage
prepaid, addressed to "Owner" at the street number of each
piece of improved property to be affected by the assessment,
said notices to be so mailed not later than ten (10) days after
the first publication of the Notice of Intention. Said Notice
shall be in substantially the following form:
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 5th day of
August, 1980, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County, Utah, adopted a resolution declaring its intention to
create a curb and gutter extension district to be known as
Salt Lake City, Utah Curb and Gutter Extension No. 535. It is
the intention of the City Council to make improvements within
said Curb and Gutter Extension District and to levy special
taxes as provided in Chapter 16, Title 10, Utah Code
Annotated, (1953), as amended, on the real estate lying within
said District for the benefit of which such taxes are to be
expended in the making of such improvements.
The improvements will be constructed within the following
described area and boundaries and upon the following named
Hillcrest Subdivision, Lots 8 and 9 of Block 23, 10 Acre Plat
"A"; Federal Acres Subdivision, Lot 5 of Block 2B, 10 Acre
Plat "A", B.F.S. ; Arlington Heights Subdivision, Lots 1, 2, 3,
and 6 of Block 5, Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey; Lots 1 and 8
of Block 1, Plat "B", Salt Lake City Survey; Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5
of Block 4, Plat "F", Salt Lake City Survey; Ehrich's
Subdivision, Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Block 30, Plat "F", Salt
Lake City Survey; Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 of Block 29, Plat "F",
Salt Lake City Survey; Lots 2, 3, 6 and 7 of Block 13, Plat
"B", Salt Lake City Survey; Lot 13, Block 29, 10 Acre Plat "A";
Lot 3, Block 28, 10 Acre Plat "A"; Lot 14, Block 29, 10 Acre
Plat "A"; Highland Park Plat "B", Lots 4, 5 and 15 of Block 46,
10 Acre Plat "A"; Lots 9 and 10 of Block 27, 10 Acre Plat "A";
James Subdivision, Amended Plat of Sullivan Subdivision,
Valley View Place Subdivision; Bodell Subdivision of Block 45,
10 Acre Plat "A", B.F.S. ; Highland Park Plat "B" Subdivision,
Rockwood Subdivision, Rockwood Park Amended Plat Subdivision,
Highland Park Plat "D" of Block 46, 10 Acre Plat "A", B.F.S. ;
City Hall Subdivision, Lots 1, 4, 5, 6 and 8 of Block 1, Plat
"A" Salt Lake City Survey.
North - First South Street
South - 3080 South Street
East - 13th East Street
West - 2nd East Street
Along the following named streets the abutting property owners
will be assessed for improvements built at the herein below
estimated rates per front foot of abutting property: for
designated widths of roadway measured out from the paving edge
of the gutter to the center of the roadway, for concrete curb
and gutter and sidewalk where it does not now exist and for the
abutter's portion of all miscellaneous costs of the project
including the finishing of parking areas with top soil and
sodding as follows:
Bueno Avenue - Both sides - Between llth and 12th East
Streets - Rate No. 3
11th East Street - West side - From 2nd South Street; thence
North 362 feet - Rate No. 1
llth East Street - East Side - Between 1st South and Bueno
Avenue - Rate No. 1
11th East Street - East side - Between Bueno Avenue and 2nd
South Street - Rate No. 1
Parkway Avenue - North side - From Highland Drive; thence West
208.08 feet - Rate No. 3
Parkway Avenue - South side - From Highland Drive; thence West
232.33 feet - Rate No. 3
Whitlock Avenue - North side - From Highland Drive; thence
West 428.11 feet - Rate No. 3
Whitlock Avenue - South side - From Highland Drive; thence
West 450.26 feet - Rate No. 3
Driggs Avenue - South side - From Highland Drive; thence East
369.3 feet - Rate No. 3
Crystal Avenue - South side - From Highland Drive; thence West
473.69 feet - Rate No. 3
Elizabeth Street - East side - From 2700 South Street; thence
North 494.95 feet - Rate No. 3
Elizabeth Street - West side - From 2700 South Street; thence
North 440 feet - Rate No. 3
2700 South Street - North side - From a point 84.25 feet West
from Highland Drive; thence West to Forest Dale Circle - Rate
No. 1
2700 South Street - North side - From a point 37.39 feet West
from Forest Dale Circle; thence West 98 feet - Rate No. 1
2700 South Street - North side - From McClelland Street;
thence West to a point 15 feet East of Jasper Street -
Rate No. 1
2700 South Street - North side - From a point 15 feet West
from Jasper Street; thence West to a point 68.30 feet East of
9th East Street - Rate No. 1
2700 South Street - South side - From Highland Drive; thence
West 309 feet - Rate No. 1
2700 South Street - South side - From 1100 East Street; thence
West to a point 42 feet East of McClelland Street - Rate No. 1
2700 South Street - South side - From McClelland Street;
thence West to 1000 East Street - Rate No. 1
2700 South Street - South side - Between 900 and 1000 East
Streets - Rate No. 1
1100 East Street - West side - From 1st South Street; thence
South 298 feet - Rate No. 2
Elgin Avenue - North side - From 1000 East Street; thence West
65 feet - Rate No. 4
2700 South Street - North side - From Forest Dale Circle;
thence West 57.39 feet - Rate No. 2
2700 South Street - North side - From a point 15 feet East of
Jasper Street; thence West to a point 15 feet West from Jasper
Street - Rate No. 2
2700 South Street - South side - From 1100 East Street;
thence East 845.34 feet - Rate No. 2
Crystal Avenue - North side - From Highland Drive; thence
West 494.53 feet - Rate No. 4
2700 South Street - North side - From Highland Drive; thence
West 84.25 feet - Rate No. 2
Roberta Street - West side - From 800 South Street; thence
South to a point 137.50 feet North of 900 South Street - Rate
No. 3
Roberta Street - East side - Between 800 and 900 South
Streets - Rate No. 3
Roberta Street - West side - From 900 South Street; thence
North 127.50 feet - Rate No. 4
Elgin Avenue - South side - From 900 East Street; thence East
165 feet - Rate No. 5
Atkin Avenue - Both sides - Between 900 East and 1000 East
Streets - Rate No. 6
McClelland Street - Both sides - From 700 South Street;
thence South 585 feet - Rate No. 6
Windsor Street - West side - Between 700 South and 800 South
Streets - Rate No. 6
Windsor Street - East side - From 700 South Street; thence
South 569.25 feet - Rate No. 6
Elgin Avenue - Both sides - Between 800 East and 900 East
Streets - Rate No. 6
Elgin Avenue - North side - From 900 East Street; thence East
667 feet - Rate No. 6
Elgin Avenue - South side - From 1000 East Street; thence West
562.22 feet - Rate No. 6
Windsor Street - East side - From 800 South Street; thence
North 90.75 feet - Rate No. 7
McClelland Street - Both sides - From 800 South Street;
thence North 75 feet - Rate No. 7
Atkin Avenue - North side - Between 1000 East and 1100 East
Streets - Rate No. 8
Atkin Avenue - South side - Between 1000 East and 1100 East
Streets - Rate No. 8
Said improvements are all within the limits of Salt Lake
The improvements to be constructed within said Curb and
Gutter Extension in general include the construction of Curb
and Gutter, 16' Paving 3" thick (Rate No. 1); 16' Paving 3"
thick (Rate No. 2); Curb and Gutter, 16' Paving 2" thick (Rate
No. 3); 16' Paving 2" thick (Rate No. 4); 4' Sidewalk, Curb and
Gutter; 13' Paving 2" thick (Rate No. 5); Curb and Gutter, 13'
Paving 2" thick (Rate No. 6); 13' Paving 2" thick (Rate No. 7);
Curb and Gutter, 8' Paving 2" thick (Rate No. 8), and all other
miscellaneous work necessary to complete the work in a proper
and workmanlike manner. For more specific information about
the improvements and rate classifications see the Improvements
and Estimated Costs Schedule set out hereafter.
All nonconforming improvements such as lawns, sprinkling
systems, rock gardens, driveways, curbs and gutters, culverts,
walks, fences, etc. which have been built or installed by
abutting property owners within the area to be improved, must
be removed by the property owners at their expense prior to
the commencement of the project. If these improvements are
not removed by the property owners, they will be removed by
the contractor and disposed of by him as directed by the
Parking areas i.e. , those areas between the back of new
curb and the street edges of existing sidewalk, not occupied
by housewaiks or driveways will be brought to finished grade
using the existing soil unless the property owner desires a 4-
inch trough be left for placement of topsoil at his expense
and labor, or if so elected the property owner can choose to
have topsoil and sod furnished and placed by the contractor at
the owner's expense. This cost will be assessed only against
those properties where the property owner requests in writing
the furnishing and placement of sod and topsoil. No fine
grading or installing of sprinkling systems will be done under
this improvement project.
The total cost of improvements in said proposed Curb and
Gutter Extension District as estimated by the City Engineer is
$1,085,699.97, of which the Municipality will pay $453,496.66,
leaving a remainder of $632,203.31 (including estimated costs
of drive entries, and top soiling and sodding of parking
areas) which shall be paid by a special tax to be levied
against the property abutting upon the streets to be improved
or upon property which may be affected or specifically
benefited by such improvements.
The estimated cost of the City's portion consists of the
cost of one-half of all unclassified excavation, the cost of
the paving of all intersections, the cost of all drainage
systems, the cost of relocating water systems, and sewer
systems less resetting manholes and cleanout box covers and
frames, the cost of replacing any existing curb and gutter
and/or sidewalk necessitated by the new improvements.
The property owners' portion of the total estimated cost
of the improvements may be financed during the construction
period by the use of interim warrants. However, it is the
present intention of the City to expend its portion of the
improvement costs early in the construction period so as to
minimize the use of other interim financing. The interest on
interim warrants, if issued, will be assessed to the property
owners. It is anticipated that the Bonds will be issued prior
to the completion of construction and prior to the time when
the exact costs of the improvements can be determined. A 10%
contingency allowance provided for by statute will be included
in the assessment and has been included in the estimated
costs. When the exact cost of improvements has been
determined, the surplus, if any, of assessments over costs
will be placed in the special improvement guarantee fund.
After the Bonds and accrued interest have been paid, the
surplus, less any portion thereof required for payment of the
Bonds and interest, will be rebated on a proportionate basis
to the owners of the assessed properties using the names and
addresses appearing on the last completed real property
assessment rolls of Salt Lake County as of the time of the
rebate. The estimated cost to be assessed against the
properties within said District shall be as follows:
Front Feet
Rate of Abutting Estimated
No. Improvements Property Cost/Foot Estimated Cost
1. Curb & Gutter, 16'
Paving 3" Thick &
Miscellaneous 4,079.59 $31.63 $129,037.43
2. 16' Paving 3" Thick
and Miscellaneous 1,164.90 $23.05 $ 26,852.78
3. Curb & Gutter, 16'
Paving 2" Thick &
Miscellaneous 4,841.12 $31.63 $153,124.62
4. 16' Paving 2" Thick
& Miscellaneous 537.03 $23.05 $ 12,378.54
5. 4' Walk, Curb &
Gutter, 13' Paving
2" Thick & Misc. 90.00 $36.04 $ 3,243.60
6. Curb & Gutter, 13'
Paving 2" Thick &
Miscellaneous 5,857.24 $29.24 $171,265.69
7. 13' Paving 2" Thick
and Miscellaneous 165.75 $20.66 $ 3,424.39
8. Curb & Gutter, 8'
Paving 2" Thick &
Miscellaneous 1,199.20 $25.29 $ 30,327.76
Total Estimated Abutters' Portion
Exclusive of Extra Cost for Private
Drive Entries $529,654.81
Total Estimated Cost of City's
Portion $453,496.66
Total Estimated Cost for Drive
Entries, Topsoil and Sodding $102,548.49
The cost of top soiling and sodding the parking areas
within the District is estimated at $.50 per square foot. The
cost of drive entries will vary accoring to width
and amount of parking area to be covered. These costs are
estimated to be approximately $2.50 per square foot for
flair type driveways and $3.00 per square foot for drives
requiring a pipe or culvert in the gutter line. The cost
of drive entries will be assessed against the properties
benefited in addition to the assessment for sidewalk, curb
and gutter, paving and miscellaneous.
It is the intention of the City Council of Salt Lake
City, Utah to levy assessments as provided by the laws of Utah
on all parcels and lots of real property within the District.
The purpose of the assessment and levy is to pay those costs of
the subject improvements which the Municipality will not
assume and pay. The method of assessment shall be by lineal
front foot as set forth herein.
The assessments may be paid by property owners in ten
(10) annual installments with interest on the unpaid balance
at a rate or rates fixed by the City Council, or the whole or
any part of the assessment may be paid without interest within
fifteen (15) days after the ordinance levying the assessment
becomes effective. The assessments shall be levied according
to the benefits to be derived by each property within the
District. Other payment provisions and enforcement remedies
shall be in accordance with Chapter 16 of Title 10 of Utah Code
Annotated, (1953), as amended.
A map of the proposed District, copies of plans, profiles
and specifications of the proposed improvements and other
related information are on file in the office of the City
Recorder who will make such information available to all
interested persons.
Any person who is the owner of record of property to be
assessed in the Curb and Gutter Extension District described
in this Notice of Intention shall have the right to file in
writing a protest against the creation of Curb and Gutter
Extension No. 535 or to make any other objections relating
thereto. Protests shall describe or otherwise identify the
property record by the person or persons making the protest.
Protests shall be filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake
City, Utah, on or before 5:00 p.m. on the 8th day of September,
1980. Thereafter at 5:00 p.m. on the 9th day of September,
1980, the City Council will meet in public meeting at the
offices of the City Council to consider all protests so filed
and hear all objections relating to the proposed Curb and
Gutter Extension No. 535.
/s/ Ronald J. Whitehead
/s/ Mildred V. Higham
City Recorder
Published in the Deseret News.
August 12, 1980
August 19, 1980
August 26, 1980
Sept. 2, 1980
Councilmember Ronald J. Whitehead seconded the
motion to adopt the foregoing resolution. The motion and
resolution were unanimously adopted on the following recorded
Those voting AYE: Ronald J. Whitehead
Grant Mabey
Sydney Reed Fonnesbeck
Palmer DePaulis
Alice Shearer
Ione Davis
Edward W. Parker
Those voting NAY: None
After the conduct of other business not pertinent to the
above the meeting was, on motion duly made and seconded,
Chan n
6 k l vQ l lit_
City Recorde
I, Mildred V. Higham, the duly chosen, qualified and
acting City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,
Utah, do hereby certify as follows:
1. That the foregoing typewritten pages constitute
a full, true and correct copy of the record of proceedings of
the City Council taken at a regular meeting thereof held in
said Municipality on August 5, 1980, at the hour of 5:00 p.m. ,
insofar as said proceedings relate to the consideration and
adoption of a resolution declaring the intention of the City
Council to create Curb and Gutter Extension No. 535 and make
certain improvements therein described as the same appears of
record in my office; that I personally attended said meeting,
and that the proceedings were in fact held as in said minutes
2. That due, legal and timely notice of said
meeting was served upon all members as required by law and the
rules and ordinances of said Municipality.
3. That the above resolution was deposited in my
office on August 5, 1980, has been recorded by me, and is a
part of the permanent records of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County, Utah.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my offi-
cial signature and affixed the seal of said Municipality this
5th day of August, 1980.
City Recorder
( S E A L )
I, Mildred V. Higham, the duly chosen, qualified and
acting City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County,
Utah, do hereby certify that the attached Notice of Intention
was approved and adopted in the proceedings of the City
Council had on Tuesday, the 5th day of August, 1980.
I further certify that on the /fday of August, 1980
(a date not later than ten (10) days after the first pub-
lication of the Notice of Intention) I mailed a true copy of
the Notice of Intention to create Salt Lake City, Utah Curb
and Gutter Extension No. 535 by United States Mail, postage
prepaid to each owner of land to be assessed within the
proposed Curb and Gutter Extension District at the last known
address of such owner, using for such purpose the names and
addresses appearing on the last completed real property
assessment rolls of Salt Lake County, and in addition I mailed
on the same date a copy of said Notice of Intention addressed
to "Owner" addressed to the street number of each piece of
improved property to be affected by the assessment.
I further certify that a certified copy of said Notice of
Intention together with profiles of the improvements and a map
of the proposed District, was on file in my office for
inspection by any interested parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the corporate seal of said Salt Lake City, Salt Lake
County, Utah this X04day of August, 1980.
City Recorder
( S E A L )
of August,1980,the City Council of Salt Lake City,Salt Lake
County,Utah,adopted a resolution declaring its intention to
create a curb and gutter extension district to be known as Salt
Lake City,Utah Curb and Gutter Extension No.535.It is the
Intention of the City Council to make im ents within
said Curb and Gutter Extension District and to levy special
taxes as provided in Chapter 16,Title 10,Utah Code Annotat-
ed,(1953),asended,on the real estate lying within said
District for the benefit of which such taxes are to be expended
in the making of such improvements.
improvements will be constructed within the following
described area and boundaries and upon the fallowing named
Hillcrest Subdivision,Lots B and 9 of Block 23,10 Acre Plat
"A";Federal Acres Subdivision,Lot 5 of Block 2B,10 Acre
Plat"A",B.F.S.;Arlington Heights Subdivision,Lots 1,2,3,
and 6 of Block 5,Plat"F",Salt Lake City Survey;Lots 1 and
8 of Block 1,Plat"B",Salt Lake City Survey;Lots 2,3,4 and
5 of Block 4,Plat"F",Salt Lake City Survey;Ehrlch's Subdi-
vision,Lots,2,3,4 and 5 of Block 30,Plat"F",Salt Lake City
Survey;Lots 1,2,7 and S of Block 29,Plat"F",Salt Lake City
Survey;Lots 2,3,6 and 9 of Block 13.Plat"B",Salt Lake City
Survey;Lot 13,Block 29,10 Acre Plat"A";Lot 3,Block 28,10
Acre Plat"A";Lot 14,Block 29,10 Acre Plat"A";Highland
Park Plat"B",Lots 4,5 and 15 of Block 46,10 Acre Plat"A";
Lots 9 and 10 of Block 27,10 Acre Plat"A";James Subdivi-
Slon,Amended Plat of Sullivan Subdivision,Valley View Place
ubdivision;Bodell Subdivision of Block 45,10 Acre Plat"A",
B.F.S.;Highland Park Plat"B"Subdivision,Rockwood Sub-
division,Rockwood Park Amended Plat Subdivision,Highland
Park Plat"D"of Block 46,10 Acre Plat"A",B.F.S;City Hall
Subdivision,Lots 1,4,5.6 and 8 of Block 1,Plat"A"Salt Lake
City Survey.
North-First South Street
South-3080 South Street
East-13th East Street
West-2nd East Street
Along the following named streets the abutting property own-
ers will be assessed for improvements built at the herein be-
low estimated rates per front foot of abutting property:for
designated widths of roadway measured out from the paving
curb andu of the tterter to the center of and sidewalk where Itnotynewr concrete
exist and
for the abutter's ortlon of all miscellaneous costs of the proi•
ect including the finishing of parking areas with top soil and
sodding as follows:
Bueno Avenue-Both sides-Between 11th and 12th East Streets-
Rate No.3
11th East Street-West side-From 2nd South Street;thence
North 362 feet-Rate No.1
llth East Street-East Side-Between 1st South and Buena Ave-
Rate No.1
11th East Street-East side-Between Bueno Avenue and 2nd
South Street-Rate No.1
Parkway Avenue-North side-From Highland Drive:thence
west 208.08 feet-Rate No.3
Parkway Avenue-South side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 232.33 feet-Rate No.3
Whitlock Avenue-North side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 428.11 feet-Rate No.3
Whitlock Avenue-South side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 450.26 feet-Rate No.3
Driggs Avenue-South side-From Highland Drive;thence East
369.3 feet-Rate No.3
Crystal Avenue-South side-From Highland Drive;thence West
473.69 feet-Rate No.3
Elizabeth Street-East side-From 2700 South Street; thence
North 494.95 feet-Rate No.3
Elizabeth Street-West side-From 2700 South Street;thence
North 440 feet-Rate No.3
2700 South Street-North side-From a oint 114.25 feet West from
Highland Drive;thence West to Forest Dale Circle-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-North side-From a oint 37.39 feet West from
Forest Dale Circle;thence West 98 feet-Rate Na.1
2700 South Street-North side-From McClelland Street;thence
West too point 15 feet East of Jasper Street-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-North side-Fran a point 15 feet West from
Jasper Street;thence West to a oint 68.30 feet East of 9th
East Street-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-South side-From Highland Drive; thence
West 309 feet-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-South side-From 1100 East Street;thence
West to a Pont 42 feet East of McClelland Street-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-South side-From McClelland Street;thence
West to 1000 East Street-Rate No.1
2700 South Street-South side-Between 900 and 1000 East Streets-
Rate No.1
1100 East Street-West side-From 1st South Street;thence South
298 feet-Rate No.2
Elgin Avenue-North side-Fran 1000 East Street;thence West
65 feet-Rate No.4
2700 South Street-North side-Fran Forest Dale Circle;thence
West 57.39 feet-Rate No.2
2700 South Street-North side-From a mint 15 feet East of Jas-
per Street;thence West to a mint 15 feet West from Jasper
Street-Rate no,9
Mailed & Dist. August 18, 1980 jef
2700 South Street-South side-From 1100 East Street;thence
East 845.36 feet-Rate No.2
Crystal Avenue-North side-From Highland Drive;thence West
49d.53 feet-Rate No.d
2700 South Street-North side-From Highland Drive; thence •
West 8d.25 feet-Rate No.2
Roberta Street-West.side-From 800 South Street;thence South
to a point 137.50 feet North of 906 South Street-rate No.3
Roberta Street-East side-Between 800 and 900 South Streets-
Rate No.3
Roberta Street-West side-From 900 South Street;thence North
127.50 feet-Rate No.d
Elgin Avenue-South side-From 900 East Street;thence East
165 feet-Rate No.5
Atkin Avenue-Both sides-Between 900 East and 1030 East
Streets-Rate No.6
McClelland Street-Bolt sides-From 700 South Street;theme
South 5135 feet-Rate No.6
Windsor Street-West side-Between 200 South and 800 South
StreeWssoRate indr Street-East side-From 700 South Street;thence South
569.25 feet-Rate No.6
Elgin Avenue-Both sides-Between 800 East and 900 East
Streets-Rate No.6
Elgin Avenue-North side-From 900 East Street;thence East
667 feet-Rate No.6
Elgin Avenue-South side-From 1000 East Street;thence West
562.22 feet-Rate No.6
Windsor Street-East side-From B00 South Street;thence North
90.75 feet-Rate No.9
McClelland Street-Both sides-From 900 South Street;thence •
North 75 feet-Rate No.9
Atkin Avenue-North side-Between 1000 East and 1100 East
Streets-Rate No.B
Atkin Avenue-South side-Between 1030 East and 1100 East
Streets-Rate No.B
Said Improvements are all within the limits of Salt Lake
The improvements to be constructed within said Curb and
Goner Extension in general include the construction of Curb
and Gutter,16'Paving 3"thick(Rate No.I);16'Paving 3"
thick(Rate No.2.);Curb and Gutter,16'Paving 2"thick
Curb and Gte No. utter;13'Paving 2";16'Paving 2" cthick(k Rate No.5);Curb and
Gutter,13'Paving 2"thick(Rate No.6);13'Paving 2"thick
(Rate No.7);Curb and Gutter,8'Paving 2"thick(Rate No.
8),and all other miscellaneous work necessary to complete
the work in proper and workmanlike manner.For m
specific inform a information the improvements and rate classifi-
cations see the Improvemnts and Estimated Costs Schedule
set out hereafter.
All nonconforming improvemnts such as lawns,sprin-
kling systems, k gardens,driveways,curbs and gutters,
culvets,walks,fences,etc.which have been built or installed
by abutting property owners within the area to be improved,
must be removed by the property owners at their expense
prior to the commencement of the proiect.If these improve-
ments are not removed by Me property owners,they will be
removed by the contractor and disposed of by him as directed
y the Engineer.
Parking areas i.e..those areas
between the back occupied
housewalksurb and the or driveways
grriveeet ewways i ill existing
be Droughtsidewak,not to finished grade
incusih9 the troughxbetleft fort placem placement oss the f topsoil at ownerrty sl desires a 4-
expense and
or if so elected
he property owner a ce to have
topsool and sod furnished and Daced by the contractor at the
expense.This cost will be assessed only against Mose
furnishing and plrties whereaceme property
nt of sod and topsoil.owner requests
o iNo fineigradi theg
or installing of sprinkling systems will be done under this
insp rovement project.
The total cost of improvemnts In said proposed Curb and
Gutter Extension District as estimated by the City Engineer is
51,085,699.97,of which the Municipality will pay S453,496.66,
leaving a remainder of S632,203.31(Including estimated costs
of drive entries, soili and top soiling and sodding of parking areas)
which shall be paid by a special tax to be levied against the
property abutting upon the streets to be improved or upon
operty which may be affected or specifically benefited by
such iovementhepeestimated cost of the City's portion consists of the cost
of one-half of all unclassified excavation,Me cost of the pav-
ing of all intersections,the cost of all drainage systems,the
cost of relocating water systems,and sewer systems less re-
eding manholes and cleanout box covers and frames,the cost
of replacing any existing orb and gutter and/or sidewalk
essitated by Hie new improvements.
The property owners'portion of the total estimated cost of
the improvements may be financed during the construction
nfo ntent the of f1 a City interim
expend However,rr it
thWent costs early In the construction period so as to minimize
e use of other interim financing.The interest on Interim
ants,if issued,will be assessed to the property owners.It
is anticipated that the Bonds will be issued prior to the com-
costs of the if mprovements cnd an r to Me bedetermined.A 10%en cnan-
gncy allowance provided for by statute will be included in
the When the exacntt cosnd t of improvs been emtded in the ends has been determined,
the surplus,it any,of assessments over costs will be placed in
the special
tintimprovementr interest enn paid the surplus,ee fund. er the less any portion
accruedonds and
ereof required for payment of the Bonds and interest,will be
rebated on a proportionate basis to the ownersof the assessed
last completetl the property assessment
rolllsl of Salt Lake
County as of the time of the rebate.The estimated cost to be -
against the properties within said District shall be as
Frost FM
Rah of Abutting Estimated Estimated
No. Imppvemenls Properly Cost/Fast Cost
1 Curb & Gutter, 16'
Paving 3" Thick &
Miscellaneous 4,079.59 S31.63 S129,037.43
2. 16'Paving 3"Thick
and Miscellaneous 1,164.90 $23.05 S26,852.78
3. Curb &Gutter, 16'
Paving 2" Thick 8,
Miscellaneous 4,841.12 $31.63 S153,124.62
4. 16'Paving 2"Thick
&Miscellaneous 537.03 $23.05 $12,378.54
5. 4' Walk, Curb 8,
Gutter,13'Paving 2"
Thick&Misc. 90.00 S36.04 S3,243.60
6. Curb&Gutter, 13'
Paving 2" Thick 8,
Miscellaneous 5.857.24 S29.24 S171,265.69
7. 13'Paving 2"Thick
and Miscellaneous 165.75 S20.66 S3,124.39
8. Curb 8 Gutter, 8'
Paving 2" Thick 8.
Miscellaneous 1,199.20 $25.29 S30,327.76
Total Estimated Abutters'Portion
Exclusive of Extra Cost for Private
Drive Entries S529,654.81
Total Estimted Cost of City's
Portion $453,496.64
Total Estimated Cost for Drive
Entries,Topsoil and Sodding S102,548.49
The cost of areas with-
in the District isoestimattsoilined at S..50 per squand sodding thea er f000t.The cost of
drive entries will vary according to width and amount of park-
ing area to be covered.These costs are estimated to be ap-
proximately$2.50 per square fool for flair type driveways and
theedguuttergline.The for costd 0f drequiring ve ies pipew cu be lvert
against the properties benefited in addition to the assessment
for sidewalk,curb and gutter,paving and miscellaneous.
Utahttoslevy intention
the provided the laws o Salt f Utahke ion
all parcels and lots of real property within the District.The
purpose of the assessment and subject v bject improvements which the Municipality wy is to pay ill costse not assume
and pay.The method of assessment shall be by lineal front
foot as set forth herein.
The assessments may be paid by property owners In ten
a r1 tenor ratel s installments
by the City Interest
te whole or any
part of the assessment may be paid without Interest within
fifteen(151 days aafter the ordinance levying the assessment
tobecomes g
the benefits assessmentsective.The to be de ved by each sproperty hall be lwithin the D vied s-
trict.Other payment provisoes and enforcement remedies
shall be in accordance with Chapter 16 of Title 10 of Utah Cede
Annotated,(1953),as amended.
Amap the proposed District,rtcloppies of plans,profiles
ion arehon proposed
ileP n tthheioffice of the Cits ty Reccordr
who will make such information available to all interested
l Any person who Is the owner of recordof property to be
assessed in the Curb and Gutter Extension District described
in this Notice of Intention shall have the right to file in writing
a protest against the creation of Curb and Gutter Extension
No.535 or to make any other oblectioos relating thereto.Pro-
tests shall describe or otherwise identify the property record
by the person or persons making the protest.Protests shall be
filed with the City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah,on
before 5:00 p.m.on the ilth day of September,1980.Thereafter
at 5:00 p.m.on the Seh day of September,19130,the City Coun-
cil will meet In public meeting at the offices of the City Coun-
cil to consider all protests so filed and hear all oblections re-
lating to the proposed Curb and Gutter Extension No.535.
Is/Ronald J.Whitehead
ATTEST: Chairman
/5/Mildred V.Higham
City Recorder
First publication-August 12,1990
Second publication-August 19,1980
Third publication-August 26,1990
Last publication-September 2,1980 D-25
Affidavit of Publication
County of Salt Lake
Along thea llldowwflr�ngnamed st tor reets the hulltl•t i/1•
herein be- x
ddM�*RWy101.off roadway measured ets en/ern N.,.0 c0ln.I
�edatr PIwtRIpNt ao'pM ho to calk canter of
does madams.
a IN
for resins tr11e.ort o on miscellaneous
is ell nr11e01 s San topsoil Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal
scorddll ylaasff follows: advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
Bung Awn Both edes-B.hwen IIR,and 12th Ent Streets- (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English
Rote No.3 Peon P P g
11th Ent Street-west slee-Frdm 2d South Street; than* language with general circulation in Utah, and
North 362 feet-Raft No.l
11th Ea Street-East gldolletween 1st South and Buena Ave- published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the
I E t sR teNo.i.la.e+twe.n swop Avenue and Sodsouth State of Utah.
errkwav fo $e.k6Nrgm JSMe From NlMtlartl*In;111shG.
P Parkway AvevennRue-Sa000nside-From Highland Drive;thence
Whitlock t "A"„-R N'°h'IdaFrom Highland Orin: Mona
That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
Wont .11kfeet- o..uNo.3
Whitlocl.M Musts Nmo.side-From Highland Drive/ then
ndt Swm side-Prom Highland Drivel tang.East Pub notice of intootiona Curb i Gutter a9ttension
Cr'al AV e-WN a Mtla-Preto HNhlaed dive;0Mlma WM
ur hrt- et ne.-From mo Sarm Streee, thence*" �g�jg
North Net-Raft No.3
Ellieylh -Writ 610s-From 2100 South Street)Rance
lull 1r1-eft ND.J
SHIMSIl Sireet_s=ira a o M.f7ifi WeM_M1om
IeN Drive;m 1t1•af Nq�irpr DaN�.�'3rpGN-Ra�^�1 m
(F2700 moth'C a Rdh skies t..at1e'I-Raft Na
Fsrt PWShoe/-North sde-Pram MCClellat No.7 *owe
J.5 fit a tre.t nce WseW-st�.e 00 R30�Ent of/m Jasper nt-R.to NNoo.I
l700 Saul,Strrf-Boom side-From Highland Drlw;thence
f /gat-RRaaft No.1
afrdt South H -Frown 110p East 5trrt•thence
Wasl to a aelnf 41eet Set r,5ClelIand Ster•aetl 11aft 1(0.1
l700 South Street-South From MCCINiIaed Short thence
WesftallOOEasiSMet-d 1-* was published in said newspaper on Aug, 1P 19, 26s.
Re'1 tweet-South see-Between 900 antl 1000 En}Strrh- Sept. �a pp
1111100}0 pEnt St nt-ft.i est sin►P'rom let South Street,thence South �/� T e 11eYo
East Strad;
' An.Siren am side-From Forest Dale C thence
400 S thence (� /^�
West 57.39 fat Rate No.S ,L Q e „.. (
i PIS Slrrces:Ver rrriom ppi f 15 frfEaa Si JaF .�/ "'V 11�1.1.Y l_h.11._.����"�\\\
Per ,nNne.weer ft.°°Intfi°te't wset fran Jeadr Legal Advertising Clerk
Sfrrf-R N net.!'
nun Strea-Saum ppride-Prom 1100 Ent Street;thence
I CCrMelsAvgt ue-North sae-From Highland Driver thence Weed
t e94.23 feet-Rate No.G
2700 South Street-North side-Frans Hlohland Driver thence
( West as.}S feee-RateN.!
Roberta Street-West side-From S wee:to ao et;tonne south fore me this day of
to a 137.50 feet North of 900 South h 0tp Street-nets N6.3
gMeet-East ddaBaween S00 and en South StrMs-
Raete tn'aa.$�rrrt-cent sideman 900 South Short,thew North A.D.19 80
iqr.,,I.7 osSoit G side-From 900 East Sheet;thong East
c RdH s
Stren Ay.nua-oth sides-Between 00*Ent and loop East
A In A aft No.6
MdNllond arna-No. m elder-Fro 100 South Street;thence
South SOS feet-RateS Itrot*Raft Nor 6M side-Between 700 South and 100 Scum _
Windsor Street-East side-From 700 South Street;thence Sash �—
E pin feet-Rate
e--both6 sides-Between Soo East and 9m Eaet Notary Public
StreeteRate Na.6
Elgin Avenue-Na*sideFrom 900 East Sheet;thence hest
667 Net-Raft No.6
5EA%Av ro-Sout*6dtlsFrom MOO East Street:Monte West
Wlndsoorreel/Street-EEaast side-Fran ens Soft Street:nonce North
90.75 t-Ra No.7
NMc hiend FRate roo NBvm eirh Soft From.00 So Street;Item
ortAtkin Avenue-North side-Between 1000 Ent aft 1100 Feet
knon RavetO1-Broth ode BeMroen 1000 East NM 1100 East
Clryaald Improvements are.N within the Bmas M Salt Lake
The Improvements to be caNytruucttedd wltln end Curb and
Grid GuttEstonian
rr.16'Paving 3"In ethickl((Rate de No,1)1I-10'Pepvin of Cpu3
thick(Rate No 2).Curb and Gutter,16'resift!"Rn1Gk
(Rate No.31;1e Pevinq 2"thitlt(Rat&No.a),a'adawalk,
Cork one Guha 13'VV 1m Y'MMk(Rate N.S:Curb and
Goof 1J'Pevrno!"Slick(B.N No.6)r sell'M (3"mirk
(Pate), No.7);'CrPm and Du Pawn 3"Mice(ReN ee
e),and (1 other proper
miscellaneous work necessary N nominee
she ork a Props a improve/bens,
ove/b maim.to more
cations information about�i pfow Cd h Schedule
set out ha ererrtter. and Estimates]
All nonconforming Imerovenellts such as Iawtn,soft
kiln systems,rock gardens,driveways,cwbalf n Inerttallej(ulver.y,walks,fncr,etc.wh11Ght het.been Dui
by awning property owners within Me red N 0e Improved,
must be removed by the pr0p@riv masers at their expense
mooN te commencarm of me prolne?.I/times Improv0
ts Corr.not rem wed by the roeerM owners,they vent be
by m.
narkliq •mI.ea,Mose arns between ct and a bvthnea01.0ykyd of newpliect
usnee�existin9l sol street i drives of eways a 0*00.'des Ire.a 4-
Inch trash be left for placement of I of h eapenee and
labor 11 so elected the property 0prr min to have
ponee.uThis crcd oost will be assessed onniv d Itie contractor aMre
Properties where thee property owner r guests In Writing the
furolshinqg and Placement a sod and topsoil.No One yy adfr�p
Iminstaliino of sprinkling systems will done under Mls
provement nand.
The totallTcod of ImprovTemelts inselo4o IMPROVEMENTSsed Curb end
Gutter Extension District a esrRnerM by Icy EngineerIs
51,055A99.97,or which Me Munlclpellty veil MY 496.66,
leaving a remainder a S632203.31(including estimatedcosts
o/drive entries,and top soiling end sodding of parking areas) '
which shell be paid by a softie,tea to be levvrveeinsr the
roperly w11n'aeds4n000mrty wlk y be pon the
or specifics IMAM OY such Improvements.
The estimated costa the CINY portion consists the met
of It a R ell unclassified excavation, N cost of the pav-
ing of all Intersections,the cost of all drained OM..the
Coat or relocating water systems,end sewer pistons Ien re-
setting amc nholes ad<leanout box covers aed m 111a r
rneM(raWtated bng y the existing
arid p$01.1 sidewalk
The Property owners'portion of the to1M affIrri fad Cost ot
the improvemet may be financed during Be�pItIIYCIio n
period by Me use or Interim warrants. It Is the me-
m intentionnt e1�of tMmkhC�to expejntldES its a b impro►
warrants,il jssuedlnMl Ee as b ilia ropers PMNrs.It
antiicipated ~fraction PrslwYlyBl�l S dypriiorr took^w aim
cosh ot ita ImproYemlms can ga dehrmllW,A 1 Mmlrs
hes been included In
neled costs.
MM cy allowance provided for by stelute will be kkluded in
suraus.fWheraTI env.
cf cost of Improver/was Ike been determined,
AM a assessments mkt Big will be ofecad In
the special Improvement guarantee fund.After the Bones and
rued Interest have been wed Ine sunnier.less any portion
NOTICE OF INTENTION thereof rewired for payment of b � ,w M
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the Site z rebated one opontbnste D/s4} NOMBaNbMd
of August 1910,Me Ott Council Of Silt Lake City Salt Lake Pronsrt N WbC ir! ern;"' N al Balt Lakt
Cwnty.Jtah,adopted a resolution declaring its i tention b at "�' b
tea curb and tuner extension district b be known es Sap Count'commie. iM me a Me The
maied .i. be
Lek,City,Utah Curb and Gutter Extension No.535.It is lee roslsle fed atom,the props w In m htrkt mall W M
Intention of the CM Council to make Improvements with_
food Curb and Gutter Extension District red to_levy special
taxes as
vided In Chap1M 16.Title Id and.
DI rict I,6e menndt x the u I less iel tg eiex n sa
DI'rrla ter fig wet of which such Imes are to be exoenMed 'Rate el Aleffee ESNmeNd EsIMMIN
n the making of such RTInt Mte.
DESCRIPTION n DISTRICT 11L CCurb & r Pram?' CaN/feef Cat
The improvements area l e cand upon a Colthin Me g nano.
in Curb 6 Gutter, 16'
described area and boundaries and upon Me following nameded Paving Jr1eI Thick 8
streets: Io Ma Miscellaneous
3.000SThick 1ous ,16a90 f]J.OS $
AREA: ,3. Curb L Gutter, 16'
t Subdivision.Lots a and 9 et Block 23,10 Acre Plat 1 Paving Y'Thick a
"A";Federal Acres S�ppbfdlvlsl°n,Lot 5 of Block 2B 10 Acrer I Mlac lansws 1,511.12 S]0.6] SI32,171.67
t?of{BBl lat k 1pc'P S,t"Bck
,"Se Salt City CSurvey:
Bove),Lott ill;
�tty0 15. 6T�.hulMt isc kanecdslgoring 2. lY 537.03 $2].OS 512,32e.51
v rw'yi 1lt and 11 of lag BIock 29 PlaSt t"F",Salt Lake Lakke LakeCI ,6, .,paving Mks. 13' 90.0)
�.a 13 15
5 try-;bee—13,Block 29710 Acre Bi Plat"A",3;Plat BLot 3.Blind,7LCI 10 Miscellaneous Thick
5,LS7.24 329.14 $121,265.69
Are Plat'A";Lot 1/,Blmk 29,10 Acre�iat A i NI nA 0. 13'P 7 Thl<k
PPerk Pier"B",Loh A 5 end 1p5Cot BI°tk M.10 AcrmeePla A and Mn 1pfp s°uf 165J5 S'a.M R5,121.39,
sslyllouoppedd,AN.rdeddPlot of Solllvon 9aelbdlllolsion,,Valley
Ace[Vienv,P ace , .Penang
enan 1st 2" GI t(s 6 1,199.30 $M.21 ND,A7.76
B.F.to Rohl�P Park IAmended PlatvSobdtxll p I k HIsh 1 I Tot I ELImaNtl AWiN 'Portlbl
division "O �1t tied osert'Ab wifor Private
Ciyte�Piaf" OI Bloch N, 0 Aro PI�f"A"ByF.S:CnY Hell dive EnNIN 5 29bM.S1
SiAspi isbn.Lots 1,1,S.6 erne S d Block 1,Plat"A"SIIt Lake
City Survey. Total Estimted Cost ofCItV's
NorM-Flyd Velar treet 1 _ Tonal Esrlmatad CoC0 ter pprrlye$Mine- Sap SStreet Entries,Topsoil a 5oedlrg 5192,515.N
Wa l Ezra _
__ y.TOTAL COST OF PROJECT $1,053,699.97
Tha costa top soiling aed sodding the,36rk WIN-
I MMae District Is a✓Imeraa ar 2.50 par eey6ry�
dppl3rr1p4.enlrks wrripplt vi1etry?frooAli to wits at�eypSFF MNrk
Me pererlwar line.The
for drives requiring i MM...:.... a„tea W.
for sidewalk Properties
ow guMarr,HsrvInne enndrive Hdrlmataailll Metlewk.
n reri fa larvy Iwres untie n°e th oro~vkNd v111M pNwa W U1M qMn,
II p.rpaisoraroMnvd lure a real prppe IpMan�Mk�Yepll�pl�.rtricf TM
and pay.Tiff method a asswment s Munkhall by ilrwt
foot as set bred heroin. ppa
(10)*meaal Indelime fits wins loam rest an«NM imnpakkl pbelence et
aparate or rata liked by 7Mne CitY COtinCii er the whole br sonic
f/i u(1C t11MFara ill paid
waMou teinterest
to the nsrlN b be derived eKll trr:1 y.IMln Ng DW
frig. batter paYlnsnl prwletap aria en CarnM11 remedtes
0nNl Dc in accordancertwl6lnMMaCph�apter 1601 TNII 10 01 VM CoW
06.mMedao(1f fed pr0Ms sit DIstrkt,rtcponiiess of Mons,profiles
related Inib mat M Iran".Slp Ipryree yf tt 641ecprd•
er Who will make such information available t°all Into=
a shed person
Ilk Curb land Gutter s the ownerExxtNensionn Dltspfrtlkf kdlescribed
Nitesstotaainstthe cOAreati ti heve ne Curb none Guttered Extenslim
o.535 orb matte am afar oblectrom relenne thereto.Pr►..
eY Mpripel'de¢rlyba er otlnspe k�entifv 2lselprapeMsMtad
rued wins Ina.on Recorder ei S September,
llee.The pe beer
at 5,0 s:a p.m.he the SM day a 3OP1Mn0[r,1 TnsreaNlr
al swill meet
in the 9M day Or Srl n�a�1550 t Cttr Co1A c I will meal In public meet, at fed pHjrw of Ng C Cqm.
°ro ri�p a i prplaa sp°pRlee end near afi abI tIc>�ns
nq rol'en Curb arM Gutter Exteesten No.A5.
/3/Ronald J.Whitehead
ATTEST: Choorman
'/v Re Micoraer am ie V.Hlgh '
r -
First publicatiion-August 12,1080
Thirdd nuond bl°i Ication-August
Last ELM)i<etIen_,prember 2,_,990_
(Affidavit of proof of publication of the Notice of
Intention to create Salt Lake City, Utah Curb and Gutter
Extension No. 535.)
I, Mildred V. Higham, the duly qualified and acting City
Recorder of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, do hereby
certify that on the /'Q't day of , 1980, pursuant
to Utah Code Annotated, Section 52-4-6 (1953), as amended, I
personally posted (at least 24 hours prior to the meeting
time) at the regular meeting place written notice of the
regular meeting of the City Council held on August 5, 1980, at
said regular meeting place. I further certify that there was
delivered to the local new media, at least 24 hours prior to
said meeting, a copy of said Notice of Regular Meeting.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
affixed the official seal of said Municipality this day
of August, 1980.
City Recorder
( S E A L )
Resolution No.
By City Council
Declaring the intention of the City
Council of Salt Lake City to create
Curb and Gutter Extension No. 535,
and providing a Notice of Intention
authorizing such improvements.