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48 of 1914 - A resolution that Mayor and Recorder advertise for bids for the purchase of $200,000 water bonds and
REMARKS: Resolution No. 48 ;Ye .ty• • t',.; By Commissioner ,Law.x•enci • '1. That Mayor and Recorder adver- tise for bids for the purchase • of....$200.,.0.00...wat.e.r...bon.ds....and.... $1003000 sewer bonds, READ-AND ADOPTED ..,4 1, • MAY 131914 CITY RECORDER. . . • • ROLL CALL VOTING IR No Salt Lake City,Utah May 13, 191 4 Lawrence Morrie I move that theeartireiiacwd. Shearmaa Wells Mr.Chairman Result 5 RESOLUTION . BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City, Utah: THAT WHEREAS, At a special election duly held in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Wednesday, the 18th day of February, 1914, there was submitted to such qualified electors of said City as should have paid a property tax in the yeer preceding said election, two propositions, to-wit: 1. Of said City's incurring indebtedness in the sum of five hundred twenty-five thousand ( 525,000.00) dollars, and of issuing bonds therefor, for the purpose of increasing, improving, enlarging, extending, perfecting and adding to the present water supply and waterworks system of said city for the purpose of supplying and distributing water to the inhabitants of said city, and to that end to construct a water supply main from Big Cottonwood Conduit along Thirteenth South Street to Ninth East Street; to construct a distributing main on Ninth East Street from Twelfth South to Thirteenth South Street; to construct distributing reservoirs on the east bench and in City Creek Canyon; to construct storage reservoirs at Lakes Phoebe, Mary and Twin Lakes in Big Cottonwood Canyon; to construct storage reser!oir in Parley's Canyon; to enlarge the present East Jordan Canal ,from its head to Little Cottonwood Creek, and extend said canal to Big Cottonwood Creek for the purpose of carrying water now being transported through the Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal; and to acquire water rights in Big Cottonwood Creek and other sources of water supply by exchange or purchase or both. -1- Qf satd`Cit e-=i,nourring fin'indebtedness in the sum.of .. • bonded sprentyofiee thousand ($Z?S, 1)0, 0).�de)llare, and of iaeaingtbom e therefor for the,purpose of difr tlrs ib 'S pe use:of increasing impraelerg extending and adding to the''preloentlewer s+I8te* said City, for:the • purpose of providing means-ot'se ge to`the:.inhabitants thereat.. and to- . F `.,eare-.for-and dispose of,.=slid a ge°i,and to th.at'.`ph(to oonetruot a plain • Outlet sewer along Seventh lfeet"or l�ighth West Street from::„Tenth. South Street to.about,Ninth yorth istrest,; to'oonstruot°:ia ping eteitiom eon- elating of building; -tanks and, eArla puapil;and motors, gas engines a other maohinery in addition.•to ,the present. equipment ",:3ighth West'and Seventh North Streets as miy be neoeesary, for the purpose of pumping sewage from:said mein entlet sewer into the disoherge pipe next herein. Mentioned;.,to lay a disobarge'pipe to`carry;sewage fro* said.pumping - station westerly to at or about redwood'Fread; to oonatrnot outlet`osnal from t i; end of Said disebard.e_ pipe to Grant lt'14ke, and to. extend . gwer,tro�n.Main Street to,WBeventh Mint or-lightb e.st Street; ant litattni ma}erity.of the: qualified'eleetore of said City votes - at said election;,:voted in fewer•of •soh and. both propositions submitted as aforesaid, -whisk result aab`duly saoerEi lined wind deetlared"by t Board of Qommiseioners of saieeity eating..aea Board:of.penvaenea:re, on Tuesday, February_.24, 1914 (Monday having been a legal holiday); and t8,,,It is.not deemed erpetient to-issne .and ,sell all- of ..said bonds aat one time, but thsli while said bonds when issued shall esoh-'bear date'of.,July, I, 191d, it this-time there Shall only be 'issued.and sold, 10-9-=`bout thousand (4400,000,s0p) ,dollars of water bonds and oan hnadred ($100,000.00) 4n1.lnrh,of-newer bonds: t TORE, *+r it resolved that the.Mayor and City IIeoorder of 'Mari ,'ty°be, and-:fey are Xereby authorized and direitlyd tp,•advertise far bits for the purchase,oE 'tws hundred thousand. ($200,000.00) dollars of water bonds, and one:hundred thousand ($100,000.00) dollars of-sewer bonds, Said. notice to bidders. sh 1 be published daily for a`period .0f euooaa 3 vs 'in the following,papers ::---� 13.A... ,ti1a. , :daily papers of general • oirou ats on, and published in Salt Lake 44.. Utah; also in #,w6- ev450,5:134 .4t6r..,,,044, ... aka - >. -a. s -",a a papers of general oironlation in- finahedal quarters, published-:in,hen" ,,.Y ' it7. ,Xew-York. Said, notioe--eba 3. 4.*sribe.,the, proposed'bonds and their oonditicne as set forth in the'ordinance eubmitt ng. said proposition . to said. electors -at the election aforesaid; and state -.that the whole purchase prima of'raid bonds must be paid ,at the First National Banc of New York City, New York on or before *kw ;uay 1, 1914." Said notioe shall further require 'that all bids upon the said bonds. • shall bet an4onpanied by a certified. oheek ,#n the sun of x%km, doUers, payable to the-order of then ltrienurer - of Salt Lake City; as a•gutrastee° of- goad..faithh ow.t,1,44 part, of Shp ed; . dhd.to reimburse:this City•for;'its loss `and`expense_on-this behalf, in ease the bidder shall not'perform his bid after aooeptanei thereof. That no bide.for less than the.faee lralue;of saidbonds will be ponsidered; and that Salt Lake City reserve's the right to"rejent any and all bits, and to aocept any bid deeibed-Sdaentageaus`to this City; -and that all bids shall be well -Sealed. and shall be plaeed in the hands of the City eoorder= of Salt-Lake City cn Or before P. M. on the 0 day of .... 4. , 191 . "il by the oard of Commise •• © aft rake"CitN', tab,- F-- - ;71914. f . . .,., . (g.401'."' 0/7(____/) , , . . ... _ ,. , _ . , . . . . yo_ --i — - • ce - dity E$oorde . .3.